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Joined 1 years ago

I never saw your other comment asking for elaboration so I'm sorry for that, but super glad it's working out for ya! You sound exactly like I did when I first swapped lol

Good luck with the taskbar, we all find that one damn white whale!

Unions should always back the due process rights of their members....

That's not what's being talked about and you know it.

I get that you're trying to be uplifting and motivating and whatnot but executive distinction making it quite literally impossible to motivate myself to get up and take those first few steps is the problem here.

It''s not just the big cities with homeless problems, it's basically everywhere that's not RURAL, and even then you still see them

When other places send them here, it's gonna be a problem

Cool, Nintendo, now stop hindering them with piss-weak hardware and pissing off fans with your anti-fan behaviour

I mean, neither of those bother me anymore now that I exclusively pirate from you, but for other people

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That's nice and you're very lucky. My PCP told me to schedule an appt with their drugs and mental health department (3 month minimum wait) and that he'd not renew the prescription I'd come to him with.

Then my next Dr was telehealth and kept warning me I needed to see her in person, but never had an appointment open.

Then my next Dr was 45 minutes late to every appointment.

Then my next Dr tried to get me to do IT troubleshooting on my end when he hadn't joined the fucking Zoom call.

God I'm so glad I live in California. We're not perfect by any means but:

I used to live about 2 BLOCKS from a refinery and never had that experience. The one time there was even a vague issue that "might" have impacted health the FD came by and were like "GTFO were evacuating the area" and I went home that night to a safe and mot-covered-in-bullshit home.

And the supreme Court thinks making that normal everywhere is bad.

Many of us also lived through the era where any 13 year old could steal Mommy's credit card and rent a botnet for that ezpz

My MC server a decade ago was tiny and it still happened every few months when we banned some butthurt kid

The things they do daily (food, travel, clothes, haircuts, etc) are expenses of the charity because they work for them and are the "image" of it

Dump their money tax-free into a charity and then use it to fund themselves anyway

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He doesn't need to control the UN to do what was claimed.

You have no idea when they got COVID. If it was well after Bill's bullshit then yeah, it's at least partly his fault.

Diminishing Returns is the concept on a broader scale here

Ie: the more you add the less you get from adding, to the point of it becoming a complete negative

Sorta, it's more like having your rich parents pay for everything but the "rich parents" is your employer, which is just the corporation you set up to run everything. They usually use a company credit card as their daily use card and leave it to AP to manage

The exact details are of course prickly as fuck but that's a really basic overview of the idea

I just don't have to time to figure out which is the right one for me, installing it, configuring it, etc

Ah, then you want Mint.

I mean maybe someone smarter than me can tell me a linux distro that will work with world of warcraft, steam, final fantasy xiv, etc.

Mint, ive had no issue with any of those except WoW, whose issue is that I do not play it to test it. it even handled modded FNV better than Windows ever did once I figure out SteamTinkerLaunch

Dalamud (QuickXIVLauncher) even is on the distro software hub for easy download to your system, works great.

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So many people go boomer argument mode over this because they don't like change, but their anger is clearly misplaced. The 3.5mm is not the king of audio connectors and never was, it's death could very easily have been a good thing.

Why the fuck didn't headphone makers start offering USB-C devices once phones pulled this move? My PC mobo from 2017 has a C port that could be used for this, I'm certain computers could have easily adapted (and they're the way smaller market anyway). Is it just because apple had to be special with their lightning bullshit? If so, they'd better start it up now!

Instead of being able to buy new cans with the wire that my phone uses I have to snag an adapter. Not a BIG deal but this change is over 5 fucking years old, we should have these devices as the norm now to avoid all of the fucking issues we're currently looking at

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Legit, I've never heard of anti-competetive practices from Valve. Anti-consumer? Sometimes, yeah, though they do a lot more right than most

The argument seems to be that "30% cut is too high" but it's not like there aren't other options if you think that's too high. Epic loves to pay for games to be exclusive there, humble and gog exist, one could even go the retro route and set up their own website (though that's prolly the dumb idea), comes to mind...

If Valve HAS done some shady shit to ensure their major market share I'd be down to hear it, but to me as a PC gamer since '10ish (and had PC gamer friends since 06) it seems they got there through being a not complete garbage heap of a company that actually improved over the years on user feedback, which is supposed to be the good example of capitalism innit?

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It cost 350 to have your age estimated on a previous visit?! And they only got a range from 18-39?!


Something this obvious should have a ratio of 9:0

Seems like they should subpoena him and hold him in contempt if he refuses to answer rather than just ask nicely and shrug when he doesn't do what he's supposed to

That and not having the lead detective testify really shouldn't hurt your case that much if you have any actual evidence

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Finally saw one of these in person as it drove past me in the oncoming lane.

Was being driven by the most Karen looking Karen youve ever seen, and she did NOT look happy driving it.

I literally burst out laughing from how fucking stupid it looks

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Black Mesa is a remake of a single player game that Valve wasn't planning on remaking any time soon, more profitable to make it official and take a cut

TF2 actively still makes them sht tons of money, no profit in splitting the fan base

Lol, of course not, you have to make an account to enable developer options to enable side loading

The stealing of our data is how they make the headset so cheap

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Damn, France taking an L on this one

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Tech Connections is a great example imo

"This 90s Microwave is Better Than Yours" is clickbait sure, but it's also literally the point of the video. It got corrected to something like "review of the Panasonic yadda yadda from 1996" and like, that's a less accurate title, guys, it's not actually a review of old kitchen stuff lol

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Assuming that the world continues to exist in a way that lets me have a steam account at the time of my natural lifespans average end (another... 46 years):

My steam library grows at a slower rate than my mass storage has, and I'm quite confident that one will be able to fit my entire steam library as it currently is on a normal and affordable drive in at most 15 years.

With those two facts in play I can remain confident in my ability to crack everything I own (assuming I even want everything) and safely store it for at-will passing down to as many people as I want.

But thanks for the reminder to not blindly trust you, Valve. Always useful to have those.

My favorite is pre-authorization.

I need a pre-auth before my insurance will cover the Adderall for my ADHD. Every year I must renew this pre-auth or I will not get covered for my prescription.

What is a pre-auth, exactly? It's a Dr. Promising that yes, this medicine they prescribed is medically necessary. No, prescription alone does not count. Yes, it can come from the same Dr. who prescribed it.

And yes, I have to do it yearly to "ensure it's still medically necessary" because my ADHD could magically go away one day, apparently

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Sony making their own Wii-U tablet but with less functionality?

Seems like a great idea, totally worked out for Nintendo

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Meanwhile me, a 6'4" man with big ass hands, is finally happy that most phones actually feel big enough for my fucking hands for once

Have an older iPhone we use at work and I almost can't type on it with how small the fuckin screen is lol

But yeah, options are nice, make small screens more often ya nerds

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When splooge dries it's lost it's water content (that do be what drying is) leaving behind the protein and such

Adding heat energy to something without a liquid component will only create liquid once it's hot enough to melt, it won't magically re-add the missing hydration

If she'd added a little bit of water to the sock, wrung it out, THEN microwaved it, shed be closer to what she's after

Basic science, really

I’m almost 70 and would rather die than live in tyranny.

Go ahead, then, put the barrel to your head and pull the trigger.

Oh, it's actually about oppressing others and not living under tyranny? Thought so.

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As someone with GPay installed and notify for it enabled right now:

What ads and promotions? I only ever get "you paid for this shit" notifications

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And the reason housing is so expensive is directly due to government intervention in housing.

Fuck off you conservative dipshit, try your incredibly wrong talking points somewhere people aren't gonna see right through it

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They're built into the truck and my understanding of their purpose is to give the driver a visual of that area as it's right under their passenger mirror

When I had to move a rig around a yard I'd use it to help judge distance to a nearby wall, for example

The real thing that breaks the Euro mind about this is that you go all that way and cross 3 rails, all quite close together all things considered


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They absolutely do not deserve respect for that

Oh shit, at long last a job opening I'm fucking qualified for!

  1. I'm chill. Whiskeys more my jam but I'll drink whatever.

  2. Fuckin love industrial.

  3. I'm so down to do crimes in Japan that ive already done quite a few

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Doesn't create an issue, creates an opportunity

"Pay me more or I'll go get a job at a fast food place" is a simple and easy argument for raises at any reasonable place

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Signs a few good things, vetoes a few good things

Why can't we just get a solidly good governor for a while and not one that oscillates between "ok enough" and "frustrating"