👍Maximum Derek👍

@👍Maximum Derek👍@discuss.tchncs.de
10 Post – 1165 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Future winner of the Nobel prize in Minecraft

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Banana cream pie.

The bakery we usually buy bread at has had banana cream tarts as one of their desserts of the month, and the sweets case has been a lot more tempting than usual the last several trips. I'm both relieved and bummed they'll be gone tomorrow.

Project 2025 is a report from a far right think tank, the Heritage Foundation that MAGA aligned groups are all pushing into the news cycle.

There are plenty of centrist, progressive, and/or left wing (the 3 camps that make up democrats) think thanks but those are 3 fairly different paths/goals compared to HF's message of "lets make a white christian nationalist state." So it's easier to for them to build positive polling off the different arguments. The media also doesn't give nearly the same airtime but extremists because they're all driven by ratings/clicks.

I have an external DVD-RW on a shelf just in case. Every once in a while I need to bring it out and I wonder if a giant boulder is going to start rolling at me when I grab it.

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Now we know how to beat AI. We just have to pass the No LLM Left Behind act.

I've been calling them McMansions on wheels, but considering how much tracking they do, I may start using your analogy.

Our nearest Pizza Hut delivers via Doordash whether you order direct or through DD, but if you order direct its 30% cheaper. I'm not sure who's eating the markup.

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Wow, Dodge is worse than Telsa and almost down to Polestar.

Same. Popping open an incision is somehow a relief compared to what I was picturing.

28 is a perfect number of years to shut down after.

I'll see myself out.

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The most recent delays were due to scheduling not hardware issues, as the article admits despite its headline.

CBS laugh tracks are like nails on a blackboard to me now.

I recognized the name AU10TIX, because I half-joked on Lemmy about a potential mass doxxing of Xitter's most vile users back in September when they announced the partnership. I assumed they'd be a target for ransomware/hackers, not that they'd just leave their admin creds out in the open.

Lolcats. I even dabbled in lolcode for no good reason.

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The cat from the OG meme

I took an Oxygen Not Included (pre Spaced Out) colony to 5000 cycles with almost no time warp. It was still going strong too, I just wanted to switch to the new (at the time) DLC.

It's known as the 27 club.

Good to know. Thanks for the breakdown.

Community Points are the first step towards a better future for online communities. In order to be truly independent from platforms like Reddit, communities need to be owned by their members in ways that platforms cannot take away. With the advent of blockchain technology, we now have a way to establish this freedom in a decentralized and secure way.

The way to be independent of Reddit is by having a token on a blockchain maintained by Reddit?

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Electronics / microcontrollers.

Took just a few months to go from, "I can make a wifi connected weather station for like $20 in components!?" to "oscilloscopes cost how much?"

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Next time reddit will cut out the middleman and just sell rugs.

The "fuck spez" rug will be the best seller. When it inevitably gets pulled out from under each buyer they'll act all shocked, say "better not do that again, spez" and then go right back to standing on it because their friends are all standing on theirs too.

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"And let's see how Earth responds to that," Musk replied.

I'm getting strong Kanye vibes from Elon these days.

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But she's fine with continuing the anonymous donations to all the PACs that fund her.

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The Catholic church classified beavers as fish for a while so they could be eaten on Fridays. They may not be experts on taxonomy.

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It's chromium, it does that ambient color changing shit I hate, it "anticipates my needs" instead of just waiting my my instruction. This is a browser designed to make me angry.

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Funny how often bullies turn out to be cowards.

It'd ultimately be better for everyone if no PCs could boot windows 11.

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Or a setting that makes it the default.

I don't like any software I use to destroy data (even tracking data) without my say so.

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I have few good things to say about the man, but I appreciate that Trump is using his campaign to highlight this administrations accomplishments.

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Just pointing out that Twitter is now worth less than the debt he took on to buy it, and yet he seems plenty motivated there.

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This To That tells you what type of adhesive to use to glue different materials together. It's handy for Halloween when suddenly you need to figure out how to attach vinyl to styrofoam or something (hot glue)

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I think Mozilla could use a new CEO and I want to be optimistic. That said:

  • Red flag 1: They made someone from the BoD the new CEO. This rarely works out well
  • Red flag 2: The new CEOs CV is full of things that turned into menaces to the public and/or internet (airbnb, paypal, ebay)
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And it looks like Meta owns it in the context of social networks.

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ublock origin is still one step ahead of them (at least on firefox) but you may need to go into the extension settings and purge then update all your filter lists. The copy of Invidious I installed on my NAS is even more steps ahead.

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37 is well represented. Proof that we've taught AI some of our own weird biases.

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I don't mind being forgotten, but I mind being lumped with the boomers.

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Here's the specific bit relavent to OP's question:

VAWTs often suffer from dynamic stall of the blades as the angle of attack varies rapidly.

The blades of a VAWT are fatigue-prone due to the wide variation in applied forces during each rotation. The vertically oriented blades can twist and bend during each turn, shortening their usable lifetimes.

Other than the drag-types, VAWTs have proven less reliable than HAWTs,[20] although modern designs have overcome many early issues.

VAWT = vertical axis wind turbine

HAWT = horizontal ...

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One of the possible answers astrophysicists give for why we haven't seen more evidence of intelligent life in the universe, is that there are technological milestones that lead to doomsday scenarios. They're "great filters" that many advanced civilizations don't survive. The classic example is nuclear fission and the power it gives to destroy. I'm convinced that plastic is one of these filters.

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There are now 2,000+ billionaires? We'd better get to eating.

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Coming Soon on own on DVD and Video

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