Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference

đź‘ŤMaximum Derekđź‘Ť to politics – 932 points –
Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing  during a news conference

Has the appearance of a transient ischemic attack. But apparently "he's fine"


Wow. That does not look good.

Can we have some term limits, please?

Can you imagine how many problems simple term limits would fix?

Term limits empower lobbyists and career staffers and encourage legislators to give less of a shit about their constituents. I know "career politician" is often considered a dirty word, but having competent, knowledgeable elected officials is a good thing.

They are already openly corrupt. Term limits would result in younger candidates in touch with this century. Lobbyists would also have to bribe new people. It might also break up the ridiculous 100% party voting.

Not to mention help with our Supreme Court problems. Randomly giving appointments that last decades to whoever is president in at the time is insane.

I really don't think we have that many competent elected officials anyway.

Yes, eliminating gerrymandering and citizens united would be more effective, but I wouldn't kick term limits out of bed.

We have term limits in Florida. They have done nothing to solve any problems, and arguably have made the quality of our officials worse, while giving much more power to lobbyists.

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None of that has happened in the states that have term limits. If you think Republicans, no matter how long they have been in office, are going to start putting anyone other than Federalist Society drones on the courts, I'm not sure I can have a good faith argument with you.

Term limits are as likely as ranked-choice voting, which would also solve a lot of problems but won't be passed in a significant way in my lifetime

They actually just passed ranked choice voting in my city.

It does seem crazy to have a system where 49% of people preferred the other guy, but he lost so those people now get zero representation.

Term limits would result in younger candidates in touch with this century.

Yes cuz that's worked so well in places that already have them...

Lobbyists would also have to bribe new people.

No they'd hand pick them, run them on utter lies that they can't be challenged, then throw them out when the public wises up. You seriously underestimate how far the power dynamic can swing.

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On the other hand, the current system of "representatives spend one full year campaigning and one full year fundraising for their party, so any legislation they sponsor in their two-year term is already written by lobbyists" isn't working out so hot either.

Throw in a law restricting campaigning more than three months before an election and a law limiting campaigns to only spending equally-dispersed public funds, and you might start to see some improvement. Oh, and reverse Citizen's United and ban Super PACs while you're at it. And can we all get a free unicorn too?

yeah, because the current batch of politicians are sooooo concerned with their constituents.

On the other hand, lets ignore the fact that the vast majority of senators (and the president, and most presidential canidates,) are so "experienced" that the majority of their experience predates... the internet. Never mind social media or anything resembling the modern world we find our selves in.

A mandatory retirement age is a different suggestion than term limits.

Yep. Why is 65 not a forced retirement for politicians, when it is used in many less important industries?

There is definitely reasonable legislation that can have the best of both worlds here. That's a poor argument against them

How so?

We have about 25 years worth of experiments with it in various states, so it's been well studied. Legislating is a skill that needs to be developed, just like anything else, and a bunch of term-limited newbies have no incentive to do anything except get ready for the next thing, which only enhances the possiblity of corruption.

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I don't think term limits will solve anything near what people pitching term limits as a panacea think they will solve.

People that pitch that as a catch-all solution have no idea how democracy works, they're just understandably angry at the old white men who have ruined all our lives.

All term limits would do is make it middle aged white men ruining our lives.

Like, these people don't seem to understand where politicians come from or how they get to be where they are.

Mitch McConnell is the Senator from Kentucky. Trump won that state both years by 60%. It hasn't elected a Democratic Senator since 1992. In fact, that Democratic Senator retired, ya know, as old men should. Then a Republican took that seat.

So who do you think takes Mitch McConnell's seat if we boot him out for old age? Does it matter who? We know what letter will be next to their name.

It's the people. The problem is the people. And the structure of the Senate that gives them disproportionate power.

Also, look at the young Republicans like Madison Cawthorn and tell me they're any better than their seniors.

really, a lot of our problems boil down to "humans are just generally pretty shit"

A better example is Joe Manchin. The thought of primarying him is laughable. Just hand the Republicans a full Seat in the senate why don't you.

It will definitely solve some problems while causing arguably no new ones, I think that’s enough to push for something to happen.

the tribe wont allow this

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Oh goodness, I hope it's nothing minor.

I generally don't wish ill will on people. That being said, this asshole isn't a human in my book. He's just an evil hate filled pile of shit, and it will be a great day for democracy and America when he does die.

I am not going to openly condemn anyone. That said, Mitch opens himself up to some interesting ethical questions.

Is it ok to sacrifice one man to save 300 hundred million?

How about to reduce the medium / long term risk to billions?

Is that man Mitch McConnell? Then hell yeah, this isn't a trolley problem, it's more of trolley party

I'm convinced that McConnell is human, but an agent controlled by the Reptilians to destroy us from within. As evidence, I submit the nauseated look on his face most of the time. The real Mitch is still in there, and is horrified at the terrible things he's forced to do. Obviously, this latest incident occurred because the radio signal to the control chip in his brain got disrupted.

Ted Cruz is the one who is not human. He's their next attempt, a Reptilian in a (bad) human suit. As evidence, well, just look at him. Their later iterations have gotten a little better, like Taylor Greene, Bannon, and Boebert, but still firmly in the Uncanny Valley. Some of them are so convincingly human, though, that I'm not sure if they're Reptilians in disguise, or some sort of latter-day Sonderkommando.

I have to believe this, because it's the only way that the GQP makes any damn sense.

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I want to be very clear: I will never support or condone violence. But when this parasite dies (from natural causes), the entire country will be massively better off for it.

All violence is not equal. Unjustified and unprovoked violence is not the same as justified violence in self defense, for example. To say that one does not support violence is to paint with a very large brush and over important nuance and context

I don't believe self-defense is violence. For example, I believe Ukraine has every right to capture, injure, kill, and drive out all Russian invaders as they protect their country.

I get what you're saying, but believe me: I understand how broad my brush is, yet I still don't like violence. In my opinion some things are just black and white... 🤷‍♂️

A little surprised that you're getting downvoted for this, but I suppose your opinion on what constitutes violence is a value judgment rather than a dispassionate definition. Ukraine driving out Russian invaders from their homeland using whatever means necessary, including violence to the fullest extent allowed by the Geneva Convention, is absolutely justified in my book.

Remember, one of the biggest instances is, run by Tankies. Fuck fascism.

being justified or not has nothing to do with whether something is violent. if someone is getting hurt, maimed, or killed, that's violence, no matter how much they deserve it.

Sounds like the end justifies the means, which is itself a tricky statement. Though I think I know what you're saying.

Not even close to what I'm saying. But I'm glad you're listening...

I think it is what you're saying but not what you are intending to say. It sounds like there are conditions under which violence is ok, though violence itself is something to be avoided. Eg. Ukraine can defend itself using violence because violence in defence is ok, which in my mind sounds a lot like the end (self preservation) justifies the means (war).

Before you commit to that statement remember that peaceful protests work about 1% of the time.

I know it's frustrating, but some things are more important than the end result. People who have to kill someone are often traumatized. For life. We weren't built to destroy each other, and by doing so, we also lose some of our humanity...

If you go out and kill a murderer... the net total of murderers in the world remains the same.

I think we are lucky to not have to make those choices.

My uncle was murdered and my grandma ended up spending a lot of time talking with the murderer. That's one way. There is also no shortage of stories about people killing those who have traumatized family members (rape and murder). In my case the murderer was troubled, but in other cases (Mitch) they are psychopathic people who I think should be removed from society one way or another. That's my sentiment towards Mitch and his health problems. I am completely ambivalent about his well being. To be completely anti-violence is a position, but it is a hard one to hold in reality.

I want to be very clear: I will never support or condone violence. But when this parasite dies (from natural causes), the entire country will be massively better off for it.

Why? Violence inflicted by pen is still violence. He's killed thousands.

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proof that old fuckers shouldn't be allowed in politics due to a literally dysfunctioning brain

EDIT: to say 'ageism is bigotry' is a gross oversimplification. I'm not prejudiced against people above a certain age, I'm against the idea of allowing individuals with dementia or other degenerative conditions having political control over other people while literally having impeded brain functioning and judgement.

His birth is closer to Lincoln's assassination and the abolition of serfdom in Russia than to 2023.

I’ve had some relatives reach a very old age and this kind of thing is just part of the territory.

However my aged relatives were not in positions of great power. Neither should this man be.

Feinstein and now McConnell. It shouldn't be necessary but it's now bipartisan proof that maybe we should force people of a certain age into retirement.

I'll happily admit to being ageist. I don't care. Once you hit the mid 70s (arguably earlier) you should be ordered to go the fuck home by Congress.

if it's ageist to say that people can be too old to be in government, then it's definitely ageist to say they can be too young, too.

Imagine having a toddler command the nuclear football. (oh wait. we already had that.)

Unfortunately, ageism in the US is only illegal against older adults. I really struggled with this when I was overseeing young volunteers, one of whom was being treated like crap just because he was young by the older people he was volunteering for. Totally legal for them to outright speak of his age as making him useless (and he was a good worker! and kind!). I was so angry that I couldn't do much of anything to help him.

I don't think it should necessarily be a hard age cap (which is illegal in the US, anyway), but I do think all politicians and judges should have to be able to pass cognitive function tests annually with absolutely no concerns raised by them. I'd require it probably as low as age 50 or 55, because dementia can come early.

And they should not be allowed to choose their own doctors for these exams. They should all see the same handful of doctors, randomly assigned each year, so as to reduce bias.

The really annoying part is that I've seen people on the right already telling people to respect his health issues. Except when Biden stumbles over one word he should be removed from power and hospitalized for life. They don't even pretend with the hypocrisy anymore

I worked in congress in 2002 after I graduated. The congressman I worked for was old to me then. I saw him on tv the other day and the guy looked one foot in the grave. I hadn't thought about him in years and then I saw him and I'm like dude wtf why are you still working?! It's shocking.

This is a reminder that Dianne Feinstein is still in office, too. She's not even lucid anymore.

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Conservatives when Biden does something like walk the wrong direction: omg he's senile and clearly has dementia!

Conservatives when McConnell (maybe) has a fucking legit seizure: everything's fine, nothing to see here.

Both of them need to get the hell out of politics as should anyone over the retirement age.

Seriously. Enough with the septuagenarians and octogenarians in the government. If you're going to drop dead from old age at any moment, you shouldn't be in any government position, especially not a national/federal one, IMO.

How about hemberders? Or Tim Apple? Trump talks and walks like he's have constant brain aneurism, yet not a single peep form his idiot base.

Or covfefe. Or falling down a 5-degree decline. Or desperately gripping a bottle of water with two hands to carry it to his Queller Demon mouth.

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I don't believe that it's discriminatory when I say that people with severe neurological disorders and dementia shouldn't be making laws.

The US of A is governed by dying greedy geriatrics

He is 85. What the fuck drives you besides greed and power to stay in Congress past your 70th? He will probably die in a couple of years, but still clings to this power trip with bare hands. Just illustrates how fucking greedy and corrupted that mf is.

The issue is seniority rules. You only get the real power (committee seats, etc) after you've been in the senate for decades. Giving that up is probably hard if you've spent decades climbing that ladder.

Oh, no, those poor old fucks. I hope they die in their piss instead of ruining our world any more.

Like go fishing, or whittle some shit on a porch. Youre gonna die soon and you want to spend your final days on the hill with the lizards and cockroaches?

Good people do to too. Ruth Bader Ginsberg clung to office and died two months too early.

Even if we are going to continue to let the elderly rule us, an event like this should result in an instant resignation. But no, he has to claw onto the reins of power until they're taken from his cold, dead hands.


I keep saying that the fact that Trump has made it to 77 is a testament to modern medical science.

Nah, his longevity is from decent genes and the fact that he's never had to worry or stress about anything real his entire life. Poverty is the number one killer of Americans. The lack of access to healthcare, having to overwork your body and mind to make ends meet and the constant stress of wondering if your next paycheck will be enough to feed and house you and your loved ones is killer on the heart. Shitty people don't live long lives because they're shitty. It's because they're rich. IT just so happens, all rich people are also shitty people. But I've met some poor shitty people that die early because their heart just gives out from overwork.

It's like Eugenia Cooney. How is she still alive? How do you treat your body with absolute disdain and survive?

Mick Jagger just turned 80.

I eat pretty well, exercise daily and I doubt I'm making it that long....

As it turns out, a boatload of money is the best thing for your health.

Isn't that the type of incident you should be immediately going to the hospital for? And to maintain some shitty image of power they just yank him to the back line and have him stand there?

Man it took waaay to long before someone even reacted and even then they didn't focus on his well being but on the press conference.

What a sad sight, zero empathy

Not like the man is known for his empathy himself. So it's a bit of a FAFO situation I feel.

He's one of the few people in this world on my "no empathy for him" list. I would've just sat back and had some popcorn

I'd agree with Mark Twain on this one, I don't exactly wish anyone to die but I'll read some obituaries with satisfaction, paraphrased.

what a sad sight /s
(I have) zero empathy.

If it makes you feel any better, he would have done the exact same or worse to anyone else in his place.

They were torn between wanting to help him but also wanting to minimize the appearance of the episode for him. Both of which are valid concerns for him.

Thoughts and prayers that he has some incurable medical condition.

He's been a piece of human garbage all his career, so let's not sugar coat things now.

Anyway, remember how hard he worked to take away benefits from 9/11 first responders?

I have no sympathy for this man, anybody else want to just reminisce about the horrible shit he's done instead?

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Republican, Democrat, Independent, Goat-Sacrificer, Whatever; we all need to vote in people that are actively working to improve the future. You know, the one boomers don't even believe in...

For now, that's democrat. I know I know two party system sucks etc etc but we need to stop the bleeding before we try to walk again.

Trump and the GQP have set us all back 2 decades and they aren't done dragging us down.

100% agree. We have to halt and try to undo the damage they are actively doing to our country (Supreme Court, anyone?), then we can focus on our antiquated "first-past-the-post" system...

Is it bad that I hope this is a sign of medical issues that will force him into retirement? I'm sick of a misogynist turtle calling the shots.

Like, I generally wouldn't wish this type of thing on someone, but I think about how many people are going to die as a result of him stealing a SC seat and ramming ACB through, or even just his stonewalling anything an Obama tried to do just so Obama couldn't get the W regardless of how many people's lives were hurt, ruined, or ended, and I gotta say, I really wonder what I'm having for dinner tonight. I think I'll have a dessert though, maybe ice cream, but open to suggestions.

Have you not decided yet? Have pasta. Or if you want dessert, vanilla ice cream is pure bliss.

We did go with pasta, but it turns out I was out of ice cream and didn't bother to get it. There's always today!

Unfortunately, probably not. Reminder that there's a rep that's practically at the point of being Weekend at Burnie's-ed

Someone will take his place and do the same stuff. He's just the focus for blame. He offers cover to others.

If we're being honest, the replacement senator will be even worse. And the Republican Senate leader will be worse.

Which is a horrible thought

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These fucking zombies will stay in the government until they decay until dust. What a fucked system. TERM LIMITS YOU FUCKS

Just need mandatory retirement at 70 maximum. Term limits have too many downsides. We just need to make them ineligible when they're too old to think clearly.

We have term limits!

They're called elections.

But people are too lazy to go vote. Last election cycle only around HALF the registered voters could be bothered to go vote. If the other half voted, they could overturn pretty much any election in this country. But they can't be bothered. They rather complain about a lack of term limits online.

We have term limits!

They're called elections.

Term limits and elections are not synonymous. A term limit restricts the number of times that a politician can run, it puts them out of office regardless of whether or not they could win another election. They teach this in like the third grade.

Unless Biden decides not to run, I'm almost certainly going to vote for him. Not voting or voting third party puts us closer to authoritarian leaders.

Although at this point, I'm kind of wondering if the GOP has it right on climate change. If climate change is a giant volcano, humanity is free-falling directly into it. The GOP wants to point headfirst and tuck our arms by our side to speed towards it. The DNC wants to deploy a parachute that will ensure we slow down, but still fall into the volcano much more slowly and painfully.

Sorry Earth. Humanity fucked it up. We were too stupid to figure out fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses early in industrialization. When it was realized at first, greedy business executives hid it from society. When society at large became aware of it, we were too selfish to give up fossil fuels. By the time green energy was made feasible, it was too late to avoid 2C, which may trigger positive feedback processes that humans have no hope of controlling.

I'm not falling into the trap of "it's too late so let's not do anything and drill, baby, drill", but some days I wonder if the radical energy policy will extend the suffering.

Anyways, hope everyone has a great Thursday!

Even the harshest climate scientists don't share the same doom and gloom narrative that you do. I think you should watch fewer hollywood movies. Maybe go outside for a bit and disconnect yourself from the internet for a few hours.

At one point in time, the goal was to remain below 1.5C heating (I forget over which time frame), with the worst effects kicking in at 2.0C. I believe one of the recent IPCC reports suggest to stay near 2.0C, we have to sequester carbon using a process that's not invented yet.

I believe that current thought is that we will reach 2.0 C of heating even if we stop fossil fuel usage, entirely, tomorrow.

My post was pretty pessimistic, but the reality is pretty bad. The reason that all that carbon was sequestered prior to burning it is that plant life existed before fungi for a significant amount of time. Plants would sequester carbon, die and fall, then remain and not rot.

Today, sequestering carbon can only be done by adding biomass. Trees sequester carbon until they die, then release all of the carbon back into the atmosphere (either quickly in a forest fire or slowly as they rot). Existing forests really aren't doing much sequestering once they reach steady-state biomass (growing trees balanced by rotting trees).

I have no idea what the cycle is in the ocean, though. I know it's 70% of Earth's photosynthesis. Maybe the situation is not quite as dire.

The future is uncertain, perhaps humanity will figure out methods to mitigate things. There are thoughts that injecting synthetic volcano ash into the atmosphere might be feasible with today's technology. This would emulate the cooling effect seen with volcanic eruptions that reach high enough. The effect can last a couple of years.

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I'm not sure that would actually fix anything. These old fucks would simply arrange for puppets to take their place. Young yes men who do anything they say. At any time it would be unclear who is actually in power.

This is already the case with big companies controlling politicians. When it comes to money and power, the scum always find a way.

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No wonder America's laws are so outdated, they're made by guys who still think the 20's were the "good ol' days"

It's so weird to me that we're currently defining what people will refer to as "the 20s" for the next century

Unfortunately he seems to have recovered, was back out there walking and talking again before too long. Still, an encouraging sign.

He went backstage to finish feasting on the infants.

You don't live to be 1350 by not drinking the blood of the innocent.

You should have to take physical driving tests every 2 years past age 65 to keep driving.

Yet we let these senile millionaires legislate our lives.

Putting aside being the worst President since Jackson on policy alone, we let drooling Alzheimer's Reagan maintain his hand on the nuclear button for years, with the help of his traitorous wife, putting all of us at risk for no other reason than to protect the "Reagan Legacy." Aww, he didn't want to be embarrassed, so we had no one at the wheel in the late 80s who could reliably remember how to tie their own shoes in the event of a global crisis, much less the names and vital details of every major world leader as they should.

I'm sorry if it makes me ableist to say, but having dementia/Alzheimer's means that the most important decision you should be allowed to make until your death is what you want for lunch. When You're broken and a danger to yourself to others, fuck your legacy.

Ugh. If if there were a crisis it would be handled by Nancy and her astrologer. We are a total fucking mess of a country.

As a disabled person, it is simply a fact that various disabilities preclude your ability to do certain things. That's literally what "disabled" means!

I can't hike up mountains anymore and I don't go around telling people I can and trying to do so. If he or Feinstein can't think properly anymore, they can't do their jobs, either.

Reagan allegedly requested nuclear strikes on NK when drunk (which was every evening I figure), and had his staff agree to ignore it multiple times.

Did the demon animating his corpse finally depart?

Maybe the other way around. The ghost of Sinead O'Connor, freed from it's earthly prison, starts entering the bodies of decrepit right-wingers and starts gumming up the works. A guy can dream.


The libs bending over backwards to lick his arse in the name of "civility" despite spending every single day of his life working to kill the poor and inflict maximum suffering on the working class in the name of extracting the largest amount of wealth into bougie pockets all deserve the same suffering. The man has killed thousands of people with a pen. Frankly this only happening to him now that he's 81 is far less than he deserves.

Just because he doesn't have empathy doesn't mean I don't.

Paying him empathy is a slap in the face to all of his victims.

You wouldn't do this shit for anyone else that murders children. I 100% guarantee you that this man has killed hundreds of children in his lifetime.

The issue you libs have is that you believe that the institutional murder that these fucks perform is magically different to murder that isn't institutional. It allows you to look the other way when they perform horrors that are unspeakably more evil, and then to performatively pretend you're on some moral high ground for being nice to someone far far far worse than any person that has directly murdered with their hands. You're not on moral high ground for it, all it does is highlight the incredible lack of principles that liberals have, that institutions and performing in the ritual acts of the civic religion are more meaningful to you than the actual pain, suffering and death they've reaped upon people.

It's one of many reasons so many people continue to stop calling themselves liberals and start calling themselves socialists, anarchists, communists, or some other variant of real leftist.

đź’Ż with you here. Fuck McConnell. Some people do deserve to die for all the horrible things they've done to their fellow man. He's one of them. Limbaugh was another.

Just wish it didn't take 81 years to happen. He's lived a long and full life, and that's a terrible reward for all the hate and evil and death he's brought into this world.

I don't have a choice of who I am empathetic to. It's just a core part of my personality.

I agree he is a terrible person. I agree he shouldn't be legislating. I agree he has caused untold suffering. I can't stand the man. He angers me, he infuriates me, and when I hear him I want to beat him senseless. I can even agree that he should probably be dead.

I'll still have empathy to him.

and when I hear him I want to beat him senseless

Clearly not. Or you wouldn't have this emotional reaction.

You can let go of this, simply recognise that some people are real monsters and that sometimes those monsters do in fact thoroughly deserve it. The emotional reaction you're having is, in fact, latent propaganda still living in your bones, put there by having heard it from liberals postering as the "good people" over and over again by doing this shit.

Nobody has empathy for Mussolini swinging upside down until he died. The institutional propaganda implying you should have empathy for political opponents is just not pushed for him, and so the feeling doesn't exist. That's what this is, a feeling created by institutional propaganda that you absolutely don't need to have for any monsters. You do not need to feel bad.

Well liberal means you're pro-liberty. Which is a virtue that is up there with freedom and justice, so I don't see liberals going anywhere soon.

Liberalism is the political ideology of free markets and capitalism.

Liberal' shares a root with 'liberty' and can mean anything from "generous" to "loose" to "broad-minded." Politically, it means "“a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change."


When using liberal to refer to liberal parties that believe in liberal democracy then liberal means capital L - Liberalism. I understand that this is the first time you've actually spoken to people to the left of you but this is extremely basic political ideology 101. Socialists hate liberals, they are our political enemy, we use lib as if it is were slur, and we do not call ourselves liberals. Socialists do not support capitalism, liberals do.

If you have other questions I suggest that rather than arguing with me about it you visit basically any socialist community to see that essentially everyone in any of them will agree with what I've just said.

Yes "liberal" can mean "free" and "believes in egalitarianism and a live and let live set of living standards when it comes to peoples personal choices" when applied to cultural beliefs. This is not the political meaning. The two have been intentionally conflated by liberals(political) in order to confuse you politically and ensure that your political education and literacy is absolutely garbage.

A communist and being wrong, name a more iconic duo. Have fun forever fighting for a system that will be just as shit and corrupt as capitalism. Humans are shit, they will always corrupt and a system run by smarmy assholes is doomed.

Yeah tankies think liberal is a slur kinda like Republicans do. Weird how it's just used as some kind of boogieman dogwhistle to rile up their supporters? Not really based in reality as most people who like having rights and freedom are going to be LIBERAL. Which means don't FUCK with our LIBERTIES, BITCH.

This is absolute nonsense.

Humans aren't shit. We have plenty of evidence of how humans behave in different systems and environments. Human behaviour is determined by the system in which you place them. You just hate people, another reason we see liberalism collapsing and more and more people identifying as socialists instead.

Being an asshole within capitalism is as natural as coughing in a burning building. If it's all you've ever known of course you're going to think it's "human nature", but it's not.

Oh and going around using misogynist slurs to get your point across doesn't really help the image problem liberals have. If you're going to pretend to be good people you actually need to be consistent.

That is not what liberal means. It's an ideology from the enlightenment based on the emancipation of the individual as being key to the emancipation of society. It has completely failed.

You just described liberty?

relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

It definately hasn't failed. Not yet, as those things defined still exist.

Not really unsympathetic to the tankies plight, as it is my own, but I think some of you guys are smoking a special kind of Kool aid.

Communism isn't a magical fix for all our problems. Sure more of those ideas should be implemented into our system, universal Healthcare, a more centralized means of production, wealth caps, term limits, etcetera. All great ideas. The only way they'll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us. Now I know the idea sounds romantic, but I promise you it's not. You're better off coming to the table with your head on straight.

Edit: But fuck mconnel. I hope he gets Ebola and shits out his own insides

individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise

Where do these things exist? They don't exist much in the USA for example.

Communism isn’t a magical fix for all our problems

Its aim is to fix these problems, capitalism's aim is to make money for a small group of people using liberalism to trick them into helping.

The only way they’ll happen is with a more unified country. Or war. A long and terrible one that will completely destroy us.

The political class are united, they have the country's workers fighting over niche issues like gay rights etc while they kill millions around the globe and do whatever it takes to maintain the privilege of a few.

Agreed about Mc Connell.

Where do these things exist? They don't exist much in the USA for example

I'm sorry what? Freedom of speech? Civil rights act? Freedom of assembly? The right to bare arms? Etcetera?

Its aim is to fix these problems,

How? Through violent revolution with a benevolent authoritarian leader? Seize the means and then humans just stop being corruptible shitheads? Okay buddy

capitalism's aim is to make money for a small group of people

Capitalism doesn't have an aim. Like communism it will do what you direct it to do. If you're going to try to revolutionize you might as well fix the system you already have instead of going to war.

using liberalism to trick them into helping

Yeah see this is that kool-aid bullshit you guys must have been smoking in the LateStageCapitalism ban chamber all those years. Liberals OPPOSE these same assholes they are not your enemy you dumb fuck

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We are governed by senile folks who belong in a nursing home not ruling over us.

A speech that was filled with less deceit and dishonesty than any other he's made during his tenure

I'm cautiously hopeful that this is the end of McConnell's leadership

Why? The next Republican will be worse. They are always worse.

Nobody is worse. Nobody. Mitch McConnell is straight up the GOAT of POS

Newt Gingrich was arguably worse. He just didn't have the entire republican party as vocally awful and with him about it. The state of politics as a whole in this country has devolved so much that it will make whoever's in charge of the republican party terrible. I have little hope of improvement in the near future. The Republicans are going to need to go through a decade or so of not being able to win a majority before we see any change.

They may very well be worse, but what I'm counting on is them not having the skills/ability to keep the GOP one cohesive unit.

Say what you will about Mitch, but you can't deny that he's good at his job. Or, well, he used to be, at least

They only thing I will say about that man is that he is a huge, hypocritical piece of shit, who is directly responsible for the decline in decorum.

McConnell’s office has been flooded with phone calls, tying up the lines. His office request that you send a telegram, or preferably a message by pony express.

I'd like to send this letter to the Prussian Consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 auto-gyro?

It is really sad and disgusting how long it took all those people standing around him laughing and joking to even respond to this. Or even see he was having a problem. And it was even dumber that they didn't escort him away for medical attention immediately, gotta make him look good for the cameras. NO. There is no saving face, get him medical help. I HATE Bitch McConnell, but damn do the right thing here.

What do you expect? They're Republicans. Worse, they're Republican congressional staffers. They don't give a shit about other people.

They probably treated him as he treats others.

This is on brand for Republicans. As evil as McConnell is, and as horrible as he's made the Republican party so far, they are still the Republican party. Which means they'll use McConnell as long as convenient, even if they have to weekend at Bernie him.

I mean, I think it was more people didn't know what to do immediately. Looking at the video the other politicians around him did seem genuinely concerned.

Mitch is gonna be fine, unfortunately. He just needs to consume the soul of another several hundred children to recharge the battery where his heart should be.

2 more...

Everyone saying he's just old but I've reacted the same way as McConnell did multiple times when I realized the shrooms have kicked in.

Oh good, his number's coming up. This wicked man is a big reason why the world has fallen to the state it's in.

Looks like he finally realizes all the evil things he has done âś… My grandma said she was fine too, then proceeded to fall down the stairs.

Sorry about your grandmother, but Mitch McConnell falling down a flight of stairs would be a benefit to the entire nation

Strom Thurmond was 98 and still there. The rest of the world is laughing at us. America is a joke.

Damn that was way more than 100ug !

(Baselessly assuming discussing an edible)

If my ass took 100mg you'd find me chilling with Perseverance on Mars.

Oops really meant to type ug for other chemicals but it kinda works either way...

🤣 love it. Was just sharing the puppet show going on in my mind.

If I took 100mg id be melting into the damn couch and puking up 3 weeks of meals.

Here's a write-up I made 4-years-ago, just to give a refresher on what kind of piece of shit McConnell is:

Recently, a Harvard Constitutional Law School professor denounced Mitch McConnell as a, "flagrant dickhead," now, Trump supporters might contend that this Harvard Constitutional Law Professor is a deep-state liberal agent or without any evidence whatsoever (Edit: I'm not far off; observe this right-wing article calling him a, "crazed leftist"....). Nevertheless, the professor is in my view correct.

##Let's review some of Mitch McConnell's hypocrisy, double-standards, and blatant corruption:

Mitch McConnell in 2010:

The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president"

Claims he wants bipartisanship, immediately slaps down any hope of working with Democrats.

Refusal to Cooperate with Obama on Russian Cyber-attack findings

In the run-up to the 2016 election, Mitch McConnell denied aiding and exposing to the public the fact that Russians were committing domestic cyber-attacks and attempting to covertly influence the outcome of the 2016 election for Trump:


NARRATOR: Top intelligence officials traveled to Capitol Hill to tell congressional leaders what they knew.

JEH JOHNSON, Sec. of Homeland Security, 2013-17: They were all there— the speaker, leader Pelosi, leader McConnell, leader Reid, the Foreign Affairs Committees, the Intel Committees. They were all there. And we briefed them on what we knew.

NARRATOR: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell expressed skepticism about the intelligence and warned that he would not join an effort to publicly challenge Putin.

RYAN LIZZA:They’re told by Mitch McConnell, the majority leader of the Senate, that, “If you do that, we’re going to interpret that as you putting the thumb on the scales for Hillary Clinton.”

NARRATOR: The meetings were top secret, held behind closed doors.

JOHN BRENNAN: In those briefings of Congress, some of the individuals expressed concern that this was motivated by partisan interests on the part of the administration. And I took offense to that and told them that this is an intelligence assessment. This is an intelligence matter.

GREG MILLER: It’s a moment when politics and partisan positioning appears to take precedence over national security. In other words, they’re so worried about each other, the Democrats and Republicans as adversaries, that they can’t get around the idea that there is a bigger adversary.

NARRATOR: In Moscow, President Vladimir Putin denied being at the center of the hacking, but he seemed pleased to be the center of attention.

McConnell's blocking of Executive Appointments & the Supreme Court Nuclear Options:

In 2013 The Republicans were blocking every routine (70+) appeals court appointment by Obama. Reid got pissed at the obstructionist games and bypassed the super-majority approval requirement to keep the executive branch moving:

In 2013, Reid invoked the “nuclear option,” a historic move that changed a long-standing Senate rule, dropping the number of votes needed to overcome a filibuster from 60 to a simple majority for executive appointments and most judicial nominations — a decision he justified because of trouble getting through court confirmations in the latter half of the Obama Administration

... to which McConnell responded:

At the time, then-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other Republicans warned Reid that he would regret implementing the nuclear option.

“What goes around comes around. And someday they’re going to be in the minority,” Republican Sen. John Thune warned.

The key part? Reid specifically excluded Supreme Court appointments from the nuclear option.

Reality is that McConnell would've done that regardless and if he really cared about the Constitution he would've taken the high road and not lowered the bar. Reid was just a convenient nonsensical excuse. It falls entirely on McConnell, not only for lowering the Supreme Court nomination bar, but causing the unprecedented obstructionism in the first place. McConnell's true colors and lack of standard is shown by his recent actions of having one standard for Dems in, "Not letting an outgoing President appoint a lifetime Supreme Court Justice," to—suddenly—saying "we'd fill a Supreme Court vacancy during a Presidential election year." Pure. Hypocrisy.

By the way: The obstructionism was unprecedented in 2013 by Republicans. In 2005, Democrats were blocking only 10 of 214 judicial nominations. In 2013? Republicans were blocking 59 executive branch nominees and 17 judicial nominees. (And again, in 2005, excluding the Supreme Court wasn't under discussion, either).

Per Politifact:

In 2013, then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was much closer to being correct when he said, "In the history of the United States, 168 presidential nominees have been filibustered, 82 blocked under President Obama, 86 blocked under all the other presidents." His figure included non-judicial nominees.

The bottom-line is that McConnell and McConnell alone invoked the Nuclear Option for Supreme Court Appointments, a step Reid did not take and had restraint. Reid could've, but he didn't. If he did, then yes, it would've been the Dems' fault. If the best argument conservative apologists have truly is that "But the Dems did it," then not only are they invoking a Whataboutism, Tu Quoque (aka, two-wrongs-make-a-right) fallacy, they're also invoking a false-equivalence since they never touched Supreme Court appointments.

What makes this all so amusing is that Merrick Garland once had bipartisan support for being appointed to the SCOTUS 6 years prior, but following Scalia's death in 2016 and being an Obama nomination, McConnell was blocking it (sticking to his outright declared commitment to obstructing Obama from the very beginning of his Presidency when he, again, said):

The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president

Those aren't the words of someone willing to compromise and work together. Let me be very clear: Republicans were to blame for the division, the gridlocking, the obstructionism. Let's not forget that McConnell also fell in line when the government was twice shutdown by Republicans when they held peoples' safety & paychecks hostage for political expediency.

During Obama's final term in office, McConnell denies appointing Merrick Garland to the SCOTUS (and who by the way had no sexual assault accusations), and who originally had bipartisan support—only because Obama nominated him:

Senator Orrin Hatch, President pro tempore of the United States Senate and the most senior Republican Senator, predicted that President Obama would "name someone the liberal Democratic base wants" even though he "could easily name Merrick Garland, who is a fine man."[79][80] Five days later, on March 16, Obama formally nominated Garland to the then vacant post of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.[81][82]

In an unprecedented move, Senate Republicans (under Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) refused to consider Garland's nomination, holding "no hearings, no votes, no action whatsoever" on the nomination.[

That outright proves Republicans are the issue at coming to agreement on nominations, not Democrats.

On enabling the potential obstruction of the Mueller investigation

Later, after again spouting vacuous words about bipartisanship, denies passing simple "better safe than sorry" legislation to protect the integrity of Robert Mueller's investigation from the likes of Sessions, Whitaker, and then Barr. (literally no reason not to unless you're enabling or hoping for obstruction).

Judging the expression on his face he had a terrible diarrhea

Judging the expression on his face he had a terrible diarrhea

Most turtles are vegetarian so it must've been a doozy.

A man more deserving of a bad fate is hard to find

*looks behind Mitch to see all the other GOP members, leaders and politicians*

Uh, not that hard.

It looks like a TIA, but it could be a lot of things at his age. NAD, but I’ve had a one myself.

I am a doctor.

That's what I thought when I saw it as well, that we saw a TIA live on video.

He's probably "fine" for the time being.

I thought his return was pretty quick. I had a massive headache and wasn’t nearly as articulate as he was moments after. I wonder if the politician Schlick comes out automatically after so many years?!

TIAs are very quick. They aren't always detected because of that

Yeah the actual event didn’t last more than 90 seconds for me. But I didn’t feel right for a day or two after.

My dad had one a few years before he had a stroke, and it was only in retrospect that we figured out he had had one.

It it as utterly terrifying as it looks too an outsider?

No. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely scary but it’s closer to confusing and weird than terrifying. I can’t really remember anything from when it was happening, just a kind of detached “this isn’t right” and then the confusion when I came around (so to speak). Other people’s reactions were more upsetting than the event. My mum was beside herself.

It could be a seizure as well. Not all seizures are full body, foaming at the mouth.

Man’s turkey neck accidentally folded meaning he couldn’t talk

The lizardpeople living in the sewers of NYC were performing updates, so their control signals couldn't get through...

Imagine if this happened to Biden... How different the Maggots would have reacted.

They were calling for McConnell's resignation. They'd be right to do so if this happened to Biden as well.

Babies make the same kinda face when theyre focusing on shitting their diaper...

These gereatric nepo babies just won't fuxking die... Jfc

They have the best healthcare in the nation that money can buy, except they don't pay anything for it.

Perhaps he ahs parkinsons or a related neuro issue? I have a friend with parkinsons. He gets stuck on occasion, its no big deal. Also Michael Fox did a season on Larry David and made fun/educated about this symptom.

Transient ischemic attacks are also not uncommon among the elderly (aka "mini strokes"). But Parkinson's is hugely common among old men, in particular, and doesn't have to mean there are any cognitive issues.

Hopefully there will be a lot of crab emojis on social media soon

Finally hells freezing over.

Like. He's hell and got real cold. Not that hells freezing over.

Too bad all of his muscles didn't freeze. I'm talking about his heart.

his heart froze long ago, if he ever had one too begin with.

It's ok guys the McConnell bot just had a malfunction and needed to be reset...

Time for the home. Hopefully one of the ones you hear about all the time.

His transmitter just lost connection to the illuminati servers for a few minutes, nothing to worry about.

In a different timeline, both DeSantis and McConnell died within a few days of each other...

it'd be great if this was caused by too many forest fire 2.5 pm particulates breaking into the brain. Climate change karma.

Looks like Johannes SchlĂĽter switched from Bush-Pilot to McConnell-Pilot and fell asleep on his job again.