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Joined 1 years ago

It's wholly within their rights to refuse service to anyone for any reason. I hope they stick to their.. well, I guess "stick to their guns" doesn't really work here but whatever.

19 more...

As one of the tech workers: fuck yeah, good for them for negotiating well, and getting what they're owed.

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Always heard it as goats. There's probably some sexy clowns out there.

12 more...

Yeah "it does nothing but downloads torrents" is the selling point. It's the reason I exclusively use Transmission.

Unity's recent fuck up is a massive boon for them, I really hope they can capitalize on it. This is one of those moments that only happens once, if they push their development and marketing over the next 12 to 18 months they can snag a really significant share of the market and use it to vault themselves to the next go-to engine.

If anything not literally written in the constitution is really up to the states, you are not really a country. You are a bunch of separate countries that happen to have an identical constitution.

That's literally the idea.

10 more...

Well then, anyone have this code archived? Time to make sure it makes it to torrent networks. The only way we render the DMCA irrelevant is to make it useless.

Make sure to keep the checksums in place.

1 more...

Reusing credentials is their fault. Sure, 23&me should've done better, but someone was likely to get fucked, and if you're using the same password everywhere it is objectively your fault. Get a password manager, don't make the key the same compromised password, and stop being stupid.

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Computers communicate across networks using ports. Port 22 is a commonly used remote administration port called ssh. Bots go around probing computers with an open port 22 hoping to find badly secured or outside misconfigured ssh servers to turn them into bots and crypto miners, etc.

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Excuse me we already have a Vermin candidacy. Trump's gonna have to get something else.

I need to fuck an idiot, you brakes

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Yeah but the market is going to have to absolutely tank first. There's a lot of money in that bubble, and it's going to be fucking painful when it does. But it'll get there.

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No, you will not see content from Rammy on LW. If you want to interact with both you'll need to have an account on an instance that federates both. I'm sure there are some out there, and if not starting your own is an option.

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I think it's one of the best things about it.


You really think they give a shit? About something like this? They just pay someone $200 to clean the yacht. Sink it and they just buy a new one. This isn't anything.

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Well.. they spelled "19" correctly.

And why would anyone care about Albert Einstein's view on Lenin? An obvious fallacious appeal to authority, and not even a very smart one.

That's if this is even true.

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That's a fucking nonsense idea, but how else would they afford the crack that caused that idea to originate?

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It is and it isn't. It prevents random scans from opening 22 and attempting to authenticate, that's basically the entire purpose. You still need good authentication after because you're right, it's not a security measure, it's just a way to keep your logs useful and to keep botnets from beating the hell out of 22.

By "good authentication" I mean a key pair based authentication. That is impossible to brute force. If you use a password on 22 you shouldn't open it at all and you should rethink allowing any remote access.

Put another way: You're the doorman at a speak easy. You can answer the little window with "what's the password?" to every jack ass that approaches, and you'd be asking all the time. But if they don't know they have to knock "shave and a haircut" first, your job gets a lot easier and you're dealing with a lot fewer nuisance password promptings.

You can also use it to blacklist. If someone tries to hit 22 without knocking you can blacklist that IP entirely because you know it's nuisance.

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They literally invented MAID so that people with terminal cancer can take the painless path out, but now it’s being discussed for literally anyone who is feeling mentally unwell.

The people opposed to medically assisted death used this as an argument against it. I disagreed with them, didn't expect that to really happen.

I still don't disagree with its use here. If a person's life is not their own to take then they have no autonomy at all, but still.. it's jarring to see it actually being used this way.

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I treat my Brother laser like a rented uhaul truck and it just keeps going.

Godot seeing both Unity and Epic implode in the same month: "now's the time"

Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

A volunteer force. It's not up to a president to tell people what they're willing to fight for.

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Why are cheese tournaments even gendered to begin with?

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People that see Mao and Lenin and somehow think authoritarian dictatorships are democratic utopias.

19 more...

All Cops Are Bastards

We obey the laws of mathematics in this house!


Go there, paste the URL to the recipe, and it'll extract it from the bullshit for you.

I don't imagine the person who shot him ever wanted to shoot anyone. I feel bad for them.

This dude, though, he FAFO'd.

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If you do want to open 22, and there are plenty of good reasons to want to, just implement something called port knocking and you can do it safely.

Note with this you still need good authentication. That means no passwords, key based auth only.

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s e c u r i t y

It is during war it's called treason. If it's during peacetime it's just sparkling felony.

I have no doubt he discovered it independently and just knew better how to articulate its importance.

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I use cheap Chinese knockoff toner in my Brother laser

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Firefox isn't Chromium

Most gun designs are 70 years old or so and they were as widely available then as they are now.

Something besides the technology has definitely changed.

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Get a Brother laser. Don't bother with color.

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John said he pressed representatives of Tesla on whether he or Rob were at fault for the damage, to which he claims he was told that it was a weather issue. He added: "They said that the battery is effectively submerged in water. How can that be our fault?

The car got flooded, then? That's an insurance problem not a repair problem.

God damn I just tried to read the Wikipedia page on Kaizen and I have never seen so many words used to describe nothing.