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Joined 1 years ago

I yearn for the day when this lighting fad case has no plexiglass yet my ram motherboard and video card has lights...I'm surprised Intel doesn't have LEDs on their processors yet ..

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Well definitely not voting for Hunter...ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYs...whats everyone having for dinner?

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When did wars have trades like an NBA trade deadline? MSN headline is literally "Prigozhin to be sent to Belarus as part of deal" my question is who does Russia get in return?

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US will always be US...years after we received the meager covid relief funds, a certain group was still complaining about too much free money...

I'm just curious, when the UK banned pit bulls, did the government just go around and round up everyone's suddenly illegal dogs and put them all down?

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I noticed this too. It seems some people just arent ready to let it go and are blaming this protest for decreasing the number of users on the sub. What they fail to realize is that a lot of the people who left are probably using third party apps and wont have access to reddit after they lose API access. We will really see the extent of this in July?

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And I almost thought about voting for him to what was he running for?

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Cant wait for the SP animated PragerU video showing how African slaves benefitted from slavery...

I noticed that too, if you look at the amc app, all the seats in the first three rows are completely booked for my local theatre but not so much where people normally sit...doesnt make sense...

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When youre dropping 50-70K per vehicle, an extra 10k 15-20 years down the line isn't really a big deal. Also the average life of a vehicle is around 12 years. Most of these people will be on to their 2nd or 3rd electric car by then or whatever propulsion is popular at that time...

Ah yah...lots of stupid drivers here just piss me off...lots of traffic compared to last year too...

Interestingly Bush Jr is the same age as trump...

If you use google maps and you get their monthly "look at all the places you went last month" emails, this is already happening...not sure if you can opt out of the tracking but that would be a good start...

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Dont worry he will just tweet it out on TS...

I dont want to be a doomsayer but I think this country may be really screwed,

I get that feeling too, like in 50 years when the rest of the world is studying what went wrong with the US, 2016-2024 will be the time period that they will be looking at...

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Wouldn't go to Iran anytime soon cause i bet they looking for new prisoners...

Good ole Sara Palin, the first MAGA...

I sell the same product on both Amazon and eBay and the latter is much better with more flexibility...only keep it on amazon cause its a book and amazon is slightly better at advertising for that...

I think this article explains it well, wouldnt be surprised if it was some type of money laundering scheme...

What’s more unusual this time, though, is that Democrats will probably need to do more than simply chip in to pass a bipartisan deal or a deadline extension. They’ll have to vote to help Republicans move any agreement to the House floor.

If this happens, it will have come full circle back to the way it should be and not allowing a small group to hold the government hostage...

It's ok guys the McConnell bot just had a malfunction and needed to be reset...

Yah but our house is in disarray right now and we also really poor so probably not the time for more wars in the ME...

The woke roads must of caused this because all the drivers were asleep...

Saw some guy with a Kennedy campaign t shirt last week and i couldnt help but laugh...

This is some dedicated effort here to keep this going, but is anyone not worried that there is basically one guy with all the keys to this thing? Dont want to sound too doomerish but if Ernest disappears tomorrow, wouldn't that be the end of kbin?

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I don't think insurance will ever work in this country in my lifetime...probaby have to move to another country if I want functional insurance....

Being able to run two sims on one phone? I have a personal plan plus a company plan i use and instead of having to carry two phones, it just have both in one...

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Opposites attract? LoL...

I think this article is talking about the finished products of oil, gasoline and diesel. They are still exporting oil to be refined elsewhere...

Let's all just park our battle ships right off the coast here...nothing bad can happen right?

I thought Nic Cage sold it all in that one movie...attack its a civilian helicopter...

Kevin McCarthy is like why didn't you throw me a bone...

Just wait till they get to Malinois...five years ago you never saw them outside of law enforcement and im starting to see them in shelters...

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An the others in the field arent going to win anything at under 10%. Desantis is closes at 14% vs Trumps 50% so yah unless the devil shows up and runs, it aint happening...

This probably wont be the last breed they ban...

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Is there a way to delete a magazine?

But you can create zip files with 7Zip or am i reading this wrong?

Im the same way, i just catchup with the coworkers and we spend most of the day chatting about various things and then a long lunch and at least two hours of meetings is basically my days in the home no distractions, get shit done in the morning, make lunch, deal with any issues in the afternoon...can at least take a shit without smelling other peoples shit...

So much for CA not letting you own guns eh...

I like to choose seats where theres nobody near me...usually try to go super late and if it is packed the front corners right by the screen...