22 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

One of the main reasons people come to Reddit is to be informed by discussions they’re interested in, creating an environment of active discovery ripe for brands to show up and add value. Contextual Keyword Targeting places advertisers at the center of this journey, and at the heart of active conversations taking place, giving them the option to select specific keywords to associate with their brand, or even align keywords with their creative ad copy for added relevance. With so much direct traffic to Reddit conversation threads originating from high intent organic searches or research sessions, Contextual Keyword Targeting unlocks value for advertisers during and after discussions unfold, since we know Reddit threads live on as valuable, searchable resources for our users.

I threw up in my mouth reading this. I don't think any community would enjoy being described as "an environment of active discovery ripe for brands to show up and add value".

If you're like me and haven't deleted old reddit comments because of the valuable information they can give other people, now may be the time to reconsider. Being able to advertise on discussions that have already happened is one of the sales pitches Reddit makes to prospective advertisers.

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"That's an interesting admission" is such a perfect response, hahaha

I don't think we can trust any information obtained by the Shin Bet. They're infamous for torturing and killing Palestinians.

Kamal Adwan Hospital director Ahmad Kahlot of Jabalya in northern Gaza has confessed to the Shin Bet that Hamas took over his hospital as a military operations center, it was revealed on Tuesday.

Kahlot told his interrogators that he joined Hamas in 2010 at the equivalent rank of a brigadier general.

If you put someone in enough pain, they will say anything to make it stop. Notice how he is wearing a thick, heavy jacket that covers all exposed skin except his face.

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How can Israel keep its promise that displaced Gazans will be allowed to return home, when those Gazans won't have a home to return to?

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It's ok to call yourself an egg, but calling other people eggs is like saying "I know your gender identity better than you do".

I'd say the only time it's ok to call someone else an egg is if it's past tense, if the person has transitioned, and if their transition is public knowledge.

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Average lifespan of a tortoise: 80-150 years

Mitch McConnell's age: 81


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For me, personally, it's the divisible-by-three check. You know, the little shortcut you can do where you add up the individual digits of a number and if the resulting sum is divisible by three, then so is the original number.

That, to me, is black magic fuckery. Much like everything else in this thread I have no idea how it works, but unlike everything else in this thread it's actually a handy trick that I use semifrequently

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I've lived with a transgender woman for ten years now. Still alive, still happy, still single.

Hard G and soft G are both acceptable pronunciations, the only way to be wrong in the situation is to insist that your preferred way to pronounce it is the only correct way to pronounce it

Oh, except silent G. Silent G is wrong.

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Did you read the article?

In a statement, the county's current registrar, Eric Olsen, emphasized that the mistakes did not come close to affecting the outcome of any race and “did not consistently favor one party or candidate but were likely due to a lack of proper planning, a difficult election environment, and human error.”

In a phone interview, Olsen said the majority of errors occurred in so-called “split precincts,” in which one precinct is home to two different congressional districts. The county's voting system did not split the presidential vote by congressional district. The state system required them to be split that way. The errors occurred trying to conform the county data with the state requirements, he said.

Other mistakes highlighted faults in the county's validation process. For example, Olsen said he first discovered the mistakes when he noticed that Precincts 607 and 608 displayed identical presidential votes. Someone had entered one precinct's data into the other by mistake.

“It seemed like an obvious typo,” said Olsen, who replaced White as registrar and eventually reported the irregularities under his predecessor to state officials.

Fraud requires intent, and it seems like there was no intent here.

Just a guess, but my guess is that the full text reads "JewsAgainst(Something)", but it got automatically shortened to what you see here

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It's not, though. It's antagonistic to the patriarchy, sure, just like it's antagonistic to the matriarchy, but "man" and "patriarchy" are two entirely separate concepts.

It's like if a movie came out that criticized the for-profit medical insurance industry in the US and people started saying that it criticized all doctors. That doesn't make any sense, and neither does this

It's not one-sided, though. It argues that both matriarchy and patriarchy are not inclusive ways of operating a society. The movie did not shy away from showing Ken's dissatisfaction living under a matriarchy, just like it did not shy away from showing Gloria and Sasha's dissatisfaction with living under a patriarchy

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I wonder how many Palestinians would trust the Israeli government with the health and safety of their babies. The number can't be very high.

I'm cautiously hopeful that this is the end of McConnell's leadership

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"Capitalism breeds innovation"

Hamas also told people not to leave the evacuation zone,

then Israel admitted that they bombed a refugee camp in Jabalia, and then they apparently did it again in al-Maghazi, kinda validating what Hamas said

have been using civilians and humanitarian structures as human shields,

I recently typed out this comment in another thread about how we can't trust Israel's word about human shields because of their actions during the Great March of Return in 2017/2018 and how it's a double standard anyways.

and have been shooting at refugees trying to leave

this is the first I've heard this accusation, and a quick google search for "hamas shoots fleeing refugees" and "hamas shoots gazans" didn't turn up any results for me. Do you mind providing a source? FWIW, there is growing evidence that at least some of the October 7th death toll can be attributed to Israeli friendly fire due to a mix of desperation and combat confusion

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Last Epoch is a phenomenal game and was worth every penny years ago--I'm incredibly excited for the 1.0 release. It's got just the right amount of build complexity--if making a Path of Exile build from scratch takes a PhD, then doing it in Last Epoch would be like community college (although there's definitely differences in complexity from class to class).

The developers (Eleventh Hour Games) offer regional pricing, so non-Americans aren't priced out of the game, and although servers for online play will be available based on a cost vs demand basis, it is possible to play the game 100% offline.

If anyone has any questions about the game, let me know!

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Except for Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats, which are glorified food pallets.

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Can you imagine the rage and the devastation these expectant parents must feel? They have baby rooms decorated. They have baby clothes that they have to decide to either keep forever or eventually get rid of. They've been living in a happy, anxious, exciting whirlwind for the last nine months, and now that has been destroyed and they have to recover from that trauma in an active warzone.

Wherever you think those parents will place the blame for this--Hamas, the IDF, British colonialism, United Nations meddling, or all of the above--think of what the real, systemic victims look like. Think of how it feels to know that your sibling died and if they are ever memorialized, it will be one name among 10,000.

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No, the right to bare arms. Like, you can wear a tank top if you wanna


The article mentions that he owns a rental house next door to the illegal bulkhead available for $1500/night for vacations. He'll leech back this fine in 200 days.

Man, I'm so tired of seeing "human shield" comments. We can't trust Israel's claims when it comes to human shields. They have a track record of lying about it. Check out what happened in the Great March of Return in 2021-- IDF snipers killed 185 unarmed adults and 35 children. Israel claimed each of them were being used as a human shield. However, "human shield" refers to civilian deaths when targeting militants in combat. If all those journalists, medics, children, and unarmed activists were human shields, who were they shielding? Killing that many unarmed protestors would be a war crime, if we bothered to hold a tribunal. Israel is using the fog of war today to make their claims seem reasonable, but just five years ago the IDF showed an undeniable pattern of killing innocent people then lying about it.

Furthermore, if we're going to accept Israel's claims that Hamas is using human shields and their flawed definition of what a "human shield" is, then we also must accept that Israel uses human shields, too. The majority of their military bases are in densely populated areas. Their army broadcasts from a residential tower. The IDF's main HQ is in the middle of a residential and shopping sector in Tel Aviv. Is anyone accusing Israel of using human shields? On the other hand, if Hamas were to level any of those military buildings in residential areas of Israel, is there any doubt in your mind that Hamas would be accused of war crimes?

What this really is is a double standard. Israel uses the "human shield" defense for any civilian they kill in an attempt to give themselves international support under the color of law, but Hamas does not get that privilege and does not attempt to claim it.

The purpose of laws for international war is to create a standard that's applied equally to everyone. Israel (and the US, too) seems to think that standard only applies to their enemies.

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Just because a minority is depicted in a work of art does not mean that depiction was made in good faith. Americans are familiar with that concept because of our dark history of minstrel shows and blackface performances.

When the trans woman character's name is Sirona Ryan, it calls into question whether she is meant to be a character or a caricature.

Crucially, the violence was between far-right anti-ceasefire protestors and the police. According to the article, the pro-Palestinian protestors did not engage in violence and the police were there to protect them. FTA:

More than 300,000 pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched through central London on Saturday, with police arresting over 120 people as they sought to stop far-right counter-protesters from ambushing the main rally.

Skirmishes broke out between police and the far-right groups gathered to protest against the demonstration taking place on Armistice Day, the anniversary of the end of World War One, when Britain commemorates its war dead.

I'm having so much fun in Palworld, I really hope it makes Gamefreak wake the fuck up

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Maybe Cory Doctorow?

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The "Great Plains" is where a lot of your food comes from, and humans must eat food in order to survive

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I think he's saying they would have to make fogs gray

I believe the term is "beach off"

The best term you can use is just "the queer community". It's a broad and vague word that asks no questions and offers no answers beyond "these people have sexual orientations and/or gender identities that are not exclusively heterosexual and/or cisgender". It's gender-neutral unlike the previous catch-all term "gay". It includes people who were originally excluded and unrepresented by the original LGBT acronym, such as intersex and third-gendered people. It also includes people who find it culturally difficult to put a label on what they do, such as same-gender-loving Black people who don't call themselves "gay".

That being said, it is not always the perfect, use-it-all-the-time panacea that you're looking for. "Queer" was originally a pejorative term, and although it has been reclaimed as positive terminology since the Stonewall Riot days (think of the chant, "We're here! We're queer! Get used to it!"), some older members of the queer community remember it as hurtful.

In addition, sometimes it's important to be specific. Exclusively using the word "queer" to refer to the queer community flattens the queer experience to one single uniform word, when reality is anything but uniform. For example, when trans people are targeted by executive orders and bathroom bills, it's important to be specific about who those actions harm: trans people, intersex people, and so on.

For these reasons, while it is safe to use "queer" as a blanket term, some individual people don't like the term and some individual circumstances call for a more specific word.

As far as your flag question goes, if you're looking for a visible signal to signpost that you're a queer ally, you're probably looking for the Progress Flag. It's the original rainbow pride flag, but with added representation for trans people, intersex people, people of color, and those who died during the AIDS crisis.

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Eh. Some level of advertising is necessary.

I used to run a Magic: the Gathering shop right when it opened. We had great prices, great prizes, a phenomenal gaming area, and since I was the only employee I knew the customer service was top notch.

None of that would have mattered, though, if people didn't know I existed. I knew I could eventually rely on word of mouth to grow my community, but I still had to get the first customers in the door for the first time.

And coming at it from the other side, lots of online services that we use for "free" are paid for by ads being shown to us. If those ads were banned, we would see large upsets in how those services are paid for. There's potential for good here, since one possible response could be subsidization and commodification of websites like YouTube, reddit, and Facebook, but who knows what the chances of that could be.

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The cookies popup on that website cracked me the hell up. "We, and our seven hundred fifty-six partners, care about your privacy" We, and our seven hundred fifty-six partners, care about your privacy

Why would Trump splitting the GOP vote have an effect on Biden?

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Maybe the difference is that one is a one-of-a-kind medical oddity that was used for research and education and is a fixture in the fields of neurology and psychology, and the other is used for shock value and hazing rituals?

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Better translation:

Frame 1: "So this is the Pal region! A new adventure awaits us!"

Frame 2: "Oh, she's holding a ball and looking over here...are we going to have a battle right away?"

Frame 3: "What?"

Frame 4: "!?"


  • Story

The story is currently unfinished, so I can't comment on its entirety, but I'm enjoying the themes and choices they've made so far. It's based on fantasy-inspired time travel and visiting the same areas in different eras of time, similar to Crono Trigger. You meet some characters at multiple points in their life, sometimes changing from friend to foe or vice versa. Finally, the endgame mechanic involves exploring alternate timelines where key events in the history of the world had a different outcome (for example, one timeline explores what would have happened if the gods had failed in their quest to exterminate the dragons).

  • Music

The music is immersive and calm when it needs to be, and engaging and dramatic when it needs to be. Ultimately, I felt like it wasn't anything to write home about when I turned it off in favor of my own playlists a few years ago, but the composer has had nothing but time to refine their craft and I wouldn't be surprised if they update the soundtrack for 1.0.

  • Environment/World Building/Mobs

I feel like they knocked it out of the park on this one. Enemies in the Ancient Era are primal and wild, the Divine Era is regal and civilized but barbaric underneath, the Immortal Era is appropriately gory and dreary but filled with loving people who still have hope, and the Ruined Era is consumed by darkness and it really shows in the enemy design. The giant reptiles you fight in one era may get resurrected to fight against you in the next; wild scorpions will have glittering gems appear in their carapaces as you near a treasure trove, cultists will grow more mutated as their exposure to their deity grows, and more. Side quests have you time-traveling from era to era to complete objectives in creative ways, and there are even ways to skip parts of the campaign by exploring and completing dungeons, for when you're leveling alts.

  • NPCs:

Most town NPCs rarely elevate themselves beyond exposition dumps, although there are some memorable moments; but the characters that travel with you or fight against you are great and charismatic. I like one of the characters enough that I'm legitimately upset that they die, and I hope we're able to save them at some point in the future (or should I say, some point in the past?). Sadly, the main vendor that you use in the endgame is kinda dull and flat and is definitely no Deckard Cain, but that's honestly the kind of feedback that the devs would appreciate and find a way to apply to the game.

  • Loot:

Uniques and Set Items have descriptions that build out the world or tell you more about the person who originally used them, kinda like dark souls. Normal/magic/rare/exalted items don't have descriptions and are based on a prefix/suffix system, and unique items can potentially drop with 1-4 Legendary Potential, a stat that allows it to inherit a number of affixes from an exalted item equal to its Legendary Potential. They are also implementing two different approaches to loot by adding mutually exclusive Item Factions to the in-game world-- the Circle of Fortune will increase item drops and add mini-quests to further increase drop rates for specific items similar to Prophecies and Atlas Memories from PoE; while the Merchants Guild will let players trade increasingly powerful items with each other, either in person or through a bazaar (although there will be limited options to trade items with friends regardless of which faction you choose to join, if you spend time together in game)

I think it's important to point out here that you think ignorance is "normal"