rule to – 627 points –

Zac Gorman’s comic with the original dialog:

Thank you. What's with this edit? No animation, no author credit, awkward phrasing, poor fitting of the text to the speech bubbles...

Tbf it's a lot harder to edit a gif than a picture. Removing author credit is lame af though. It was very obviously intentionally done.

True, though Gimp makes it pretty easy when the text is in the same spot each frame like that: Make a new layer for blocking over the old text, put the new text on a layer above that one, then export to gif.

Video tutorial for anyone interested:

Yeah I also feel like the original one does a better job getting the same general point across

“Choose peace rather than confrontation. Except in cases where we cannot get, where we cannot proceed, where we cannot move forward. Then, if the only alternative is violence, we will use violence.”

—Nelson Mandela, Gaza (1999)

The second panel starts with a hell of a garden-path sentence.