
7 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You can change it to any flag by modifying .config/prideicon/lastselected so the first line is the absolute path to the image you want (png on Linux, ico on Windows).

I considered adding a menu option to open a prompt to select a custom icon, but I wasn't sure how many people would want to use it, so I just left it as a configuration file option for now.

Screenshots are a good idea.

Nobody needs it, but some people like it.

Last year Windows added a pride icon to the taskbar of some Windows 11 users, and people in the Linux community were having a laugh over the angry reactions, but some Linux-enjoyers mentioned that they'd actually like the option of adding a pride icon. I wrote a simple python script and shared it.

Over the past year multiple people have said they liked the little icon in my system tray, so this year I decided to spruce up the project and make it compatible with Windows. It's just a silly little aesthetic option for anyone who wants it.

It's free and it's open source software. It can be discussed here.

Some software is more about looking nice than serving a utility.

I learned a lot about the system tray writing it. I think it stands as a decent example for how to add an icon to the system tray.

People in the Linux community were just having a laugh at Windows users who were unable to remove an icon, then some people were saying how they actually wanted a pride icon on their panel, so I wrote a simple python script and shared it.

Over the past year multiple people have said they liked the little icon in my system tray, so I decided to polish up the project and share it again. I'm not expecting it to change the world, I just thought some people out there might enjoy it.

EDIT: it's not a random executable, the source code is right there, you can compile it yourself if you like.

Done. Thanks for reminding me.

What if you want it in your system tray?

It uses a makefile, you can just type make while in the pride-system-icon directory.

On Windows you may need to install GNU make first.

You'll need to have Go installed, I've added a vendor directory to make it easier. The compiled files will be placed in dist/windows/prideicon.exe and dist/linux/prideicon

Here are the commands to compile without using make:

go build -mod vendor -tags linux -o prideicon
go build -mod vendor -tags windows -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o prideicon.exe

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It seemed like other people were sharing their open source projects here. If it's against the rules I can post it somewhere else.

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Glad to hear it!

I'm not sure if your name is a reference to the god of Red Dwarf or the yonic pokemon, but either way, cheers.

I also added a section to the project readme, thanks for the suggestion.

I wasn't sure where to post it. It looked like this community had a decent number of posts showing off open source projects, so I figured it would fit in.

You're free to pick whichever one you prefer.

The progress flag is part of the creative commons, it isn't exactly 'closed source': https://progress.gay/pages/terms-of-use

Thank you!

I just added a feature where you can select whichever icon you want by editing the text file in .config/prideicon/lastselected

Just make it one line of text with the absolute path to the icon (.png on Linux, .ico on Windows) then restart the program.

Before FDR it was just a tradition, started by George Washington. Personally I think FDR deserves a pass, he got us out of the great depression and through WW2, it would have been hard to have a leadership change in the midst of that turmoil.

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I am pro term limits, but you're kinda making a good counter point. Eight more years of Obama instead of Trump and Biden... Doesn't seem that bad. The conservatives went ballistic anyway, at least we'd have reproductive rights and better healthcare. I'm certain Obama would have been a lot better at managing COVID and the BLM protests. He was pro ceasefire in Gaza way before Biden too. Idk, for all his flaws, Obama seems better than what we got in his place.

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Fair enough, but the backlash from 8 years was already beyond the pale.

Chipotle is a publicly traded company.

About 18% of North Korean defectors regret it.

The number one reason is wanting to see family and friends who are still trapped in North Korea.

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Solid red? Last election Biden would have won Texas if 3% of non-biden voters switched to him.

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Awesome! Thanks, I didn't know that.

If so few people want to leave, why are so many resources directed into preventing people from leaving? I can't think of any other country that works so hard to keep their citizens from escaping. Usually the largest barrier to leaving a country is the policies of the country you're entering.

Where do you think Lemmy got all its users?

Fixed that for you.

/le reddit larping

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Fuck Idaho. How about instead we go back to Washington Territorial borders and have the Evergreen State annex their whole crooked potato patch. They can have statehood back when they learn to behave themselves.

Washington Territory 1859

You are literally the person who suggested I should try posting news about Hamas: https://lemm.ee/post/34012517/12428169

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What group of voters would be exterminated under Biden?

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Then it should be easy for every voter to call for harm reduction.

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Has Israel received any military aid since December? Last I heard they were facing a pause in weapon transfers from the US until they could confirm the weapons were being used in accordance with international law.

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Didn't you read their comment? They're Canadian.

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I got my EV used, and in three years I've already saved more on gas than I paid for it.

EVs are so much cheaper to maintain and operate; no gas, no oil changes, no transmission, no sparkplugs or timing belts. If the sale prices are close, the total cost of ownership will be massively in favor of the EV.

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Exactly what part of that is eugenics? Deciding not to have kids, or recognizing the environmental impact of the choice?

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UPDATE: Hamas accepts UN ceasefire resolution, ready to negotiate over details, official says

Hamas accepts a UN Security Council ceasefire resolution and is ready to negotiate over the details, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Tuesday, adding that it was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it.

Hamas accepts the UN security council resolution in regard to the ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli troops and swap of hostages for detainees held by Israel, he said.

"The U.S. administration is facing a real test to carry out its commitments in compelling the occupation to immediately end the war in an implementation of the UN Security Council resolution," Abu Zuhri said.

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In a first past the post system of districts with single representative candidates, it almost always resolves to two viable parties. That's the way it's been for basically all of American history.

The parties can change, but the shape of the system remains constant: a vote is only effective when cast for the largest opponent of your least desired candidate. It's unintuitive and discouraging.

The parliamentary systems used in much of Europe, for all their flaws, do allow for more robust and diverse representation.

I thought this story was interesting. Especially the messages about how the taking of civilian hostages should not have happened. We don't often get a glimpse into the mind of Hamas leadership like this. It can be hard to know what's intentional and what's not. You said the dying isn't exactly news, which is why I haven't been posting about that.

Voting is certainly not going to fix all our problems, but another trump term would make them unimaginably worse.

We actually have a shot at retaking the Supreme Court this cycle, but if Republicans win we'll be saddled with decades of this madness.

It's a 9% interest rate according to the article.

EDIT, and your math is way off:
$87,000 x 365 = $31,755,000
$31,755,000 / $355,000,000 = 8.95%

Ukrainians have their own culture, language, religion, and ethnicity distinct from Russia. Russia is killing the native population to replace them with Russians, they are abducting Ukrainian children to raise them as Russian, and they are destroying Ukrainian art, museums, and churches. It is a genocide.

Did you read past the headline? They're restoring add-ons banned by the Russian government, defying Russia.

True, that was also the makeup of early reddit.

"Ukraine's war" but Palestinian genocide. The situation in Ukraine is no less of a genocide, and it's Russia's war, Ukraine is just trying to survive.

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