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Joined 11 months ago

Nobody likes voting for the lesser of two evils, but we all have to if we want to stop an even further decline into hell. Our system is broken, and we don't have any way of fixing it immediately, so we have to work with what we can. Trump as president will have immediate and direct consequences for many people, and it will be the fault of people like you that it happened. At this point, not voting for Biden is the same thing as voting for Trump. You may continue virtue signaling after we get through the crisis right in front of us.

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It's okay little buddy, you tried your best.

Wow, at least one highly upvoted comment like this has been on every single post that involves global warming on Lemmy that I've clicked on.

If we get to the point where we "learn our lesson", most of the innocent creatures on the planet are probably dead. You people depress me.

Unfortunately, when your options are picking the guy who supports genocide or picking the guy who absolutely will also support genocide but is worse in every other way, you have you make choices you aren't happy with. I think it's safe to say few people here want the genocide to continue, we are simply powerless to do anything about it.

No, no, no, no, it's being towed BEYOND the environment. It's not in the environment.

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I've gotten a similar type of captcha before, but it was literally impossible. There was no drill on the right side.

Edit: the arrows just shuffled the icons up a slot btw. It's not like the drill suddenly appeared when I changed it.

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God’s vision for humanity


Our cult leaders' vision for humanity

I haven't even bothered to subscribe to many communities. I almost exclusively browse all because there just aren't any niche interests of mine being talked about. In that sense, the gap that leaving reddit left has not yet been filled. That said, I don't particularly miss it.

The only thing that really sucks is the loss of game communities. I no longer get updates and spoilers for games I'm interested in on a forum. I've had to join like 30 different discord servers and have them all send updates to my own private server, but I no longer have a community to discuss these things with because I don't care for chatting with strangers in real time like you do on Discord. This has led me to become less interested in many games and, in some scenerios where the game is held up by an awesome community (Deep Rock Galactic for example), I've just completey stopped playing them.

With that in mind, I think I would consider my switch from Reddit to Lemmy somewhat negative, but at no fault of Lemmy. I realize I'm not exactly doing anything to help my problem, especially by only browsing all.

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I know at least one person who, after saying they don't like Trump and agreeing that he has done several illegal things, said that they would rather have Trump as president than Biden again.

It's certainly not impossible that he gets elected again.

Tbf it's a lot harder to edit a gif than a picture. Removing author credit is lame af though. It was very obviously intentionally done.

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Correct. You wouldn't want a convicted felon as president, would you?

I'm surprised this is being downvoted so heavily. It's clearly satire. I guess the rest of the thread being completely serious has something to do with it.

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I wouldn't call OP a jackass for not providing the source for a shitpost.

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It's not poor self control. It's addiction. Some people reinstall Instagram for the same reason some people light another cigarette.

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smoking salmon smokes the salmon

Hmm, idk... seems like a bit of a stretch.

As the other two said, Librewolf. It's basically a very privacy-focused fork of Firefox, where just about all privacy settings are on by default.

Poor devs, they don't know how to stop updating their game.

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This has nothing to do with selling out.

Motion Twin, the original studio behind the game, are the ones terminating all the updates. Evil Empire, the studio that took over development of it for the last 5 years and have developed 22 large content updates (as opposed to MT, who only released the first 2), had to abruptly cancel their future plans.

I tried it once after seeing loads of memes like this. Admittedly, it felt pretty good. But then post-nut clarity kicked in and I realized I was left with a gross-ass sock and just ended up throwing it away. 0/10, would not recommend.

And even after doing it myself once, I've still never understood the "cum sock" that implies you do it multiple times in a single sock and keep said sock around... that's just fucking disgusting.

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There are plenty of great games you will literally never hear about.

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I think the most shocking this about this image is that it doesn't have an iFunny watermark on the bottom.

Cocksucker I'd imagine

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The joke doesn't really work here when America is also the one fighting it.

It's a procedurally generated perma-death deck builder, where the only thing you unlock after death are new decks (which are essentially this game's characters, of which I believe there are 10) and harder difficulties for each deck. You complete short 15-ish minute runs, where the only thing that makes the game easier is your own skill as you get better.

Sounds like a roguelike/lite to me.

Poor girl has Overwatch disease.

It's pinned to the taskbar. If my own father is anything to go by, trying to clean up their desktop is a futile and temporary effort.

armed men walk up to innocent woman with guns drawn and scream at her to get out of her car

she gets scared and tries to drive away

oH sHE waS a DAnGer tO tHe PubLiC, SerVEs the BItch riGhT!!

You're joking, right? Right?

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That explains so much. I used to play legacy console but was always confused about why I wasn't traveling as far as I should have been when going to the nether.

This is the official wiki page btw.

They're actually currently working on the final final final final final final update, Every update from through 1.4.5 were all supposed to be the final updates lol.

"We super mean it this time guys..." - Cenx, the creative director of Terraria

I think the first note was fine. It's definitely going to be a spot of confusion for a lot of people. I agree that the rest were largely unnecessary though.

In what way do you think evolution enslaves us?

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Right? And because there was no drill on the right side, I had assumed I was misunderstanding how to do it at first. It was so bad lol.

It was the first thing I saw when I went to the website, but their description of it is pretty damn accurate.

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Shit, did I miss the psychological warfare portion of Drivers Ed?

Because fuck you.

So our options are: man who supports a genocide, or man who will support a genocide, wishes to overthrow democracy, and is best buds with Putin.

Is Joe perfect, or even good? Fuck no. But is he the best of the two options we've got rn? Absolutely, by a long shot.

Everyone should care.

No, Ralph's hat exists outside of time and space. It is beyond our comprehension.

Being ignorant of some issue a non-white person might have doesn't make you a white supremacist.

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I sincerely wish there was an age limit on becoming the president. Admittedly, Biden himself is doing pretty well for an 80-year-old man, but people that old will always have outdated opinions and politics.