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Joined 10 months ago

Go make something interesting before the world burns out

So the attorney general can open an investigation on this asshat profiteering off of hand sanitizer but when it comes to companies price gouging in the wake of the pandemic we get this limp dick response? Sure I'm glad he said something but we need more

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Great B movie idea

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Hey America how are you doing? America:

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This man has nerves of steel. Dude said "you do what you gotta do I'm not running" to a man holding a gun in his face.

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I still kinda don't buy that there is a hacksaw blade capable of cutting through bone but not metal. Cool scene tho

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Even if that went the way he wanted who the fuck needs to know more than 3.14? memorization is not intelligence

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They are audited by FAA "compliance officers" who conveniently are employees of the company they are auditing. No conflict of interest at all

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Yep same as that asshole that started that wild fire by multnomah falls. Garnish their wages for the rest of their lives. I don't want them to ever stop paying.

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That "modern embellishment" is not a great example. It changes the context of the ship's existence from a physical entity to a legal entity. I like the thought experiment but if you keep changing basic definitions it will get you less than nowhere

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Video Here

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Never seems like a good thing when a religious group starts counting

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This piece of shit couldn't fight a 15 year old with a hoe? What a coward. One gut punch and the kid would have folded like a lawn chair.

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Breaking their weak ass player count record for 76 is such a low bar. For reference Fallout4 is at 471,955 palworlds peak player count was 2,101,535 and stardew is 236,614. Puts 39,434 into perspective

Those are all good points but that assumes that hospitals will use AI in addition to the workers they already have. The fear here would be that they would use AI as an excuse to lay off medical staff, making the intentional under staffing even worse and decreasing the overall quality of care while absolutely burning through medical staff.

I like that he squirts out liquid from those extra nipple things and can apparently leap like a gazel but has no neck. I want an army of these dudes to just wreck cars and leapfrog away dripping and screaming while running into more shit because they can't look around

Medical staff arn't trained with guns and they figure there's less possibility of an accidental discharge the less people are touching it

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I like that the two people who literally wrote the law the school is currently breaking were at the hearing to confirm that the law covers this

The literal joke is that the article has become an example of the very thing it describes, and perhaps a better example than the modern embellishment example

I have done something like this. You will feel like hell and depending how vitamin deficient you are you could end up in the hospital. When I did it I just bounced back within a few months so it was not worth it.

If you are trying to lose weight counting calories over a long period helped me lose about 50lbs. Just try to stay in weight loss range and exercise for 30 min a day to burn some calories

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  1. All fungi are edible.
  2. Some fungi are not edible more than once.

Welcome to you are DOOM!

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Man talking to himself accuses company of action they are allowed to perform

This is pretty fucked up. The dude died after the exchange was well over and it had nothing to do with any of the bullshit he just put that kid through for no reason.

Just got it. Did not know I wanted to jump pokemon with a baseball bat and take their stuff. 10/10 new experience

you remember in sword and shield when you had to run from pokemon in that shitty open world? well now you have a bat, and its pay back time

They were automatically updating their profiles with info from 3rd party sources. This resulted in personal information being displayed without consent or warning, and wild inaccuracies like updating a profile to say a man was based in london when he was still very much in california

yeah but did they take it down? If I built an illegal structure they would fine me every day until I took it down

I want so badly for someone to steal shit from the British Museum only to give it to its country of origin. Like oh yeah we found the Benin Bronzes but they gave them back to Nigeria. What are they gonna do loot them again?

kids a buck fifty soaking wet, looks all of 5'5 from the pictures, and the family wasn't helping. Did you kill all of those "15 year old thugs"? seems like we might have heard about you if you were as much of a coward as this cop

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These are starting to sound like dark souls bosses

It was a hoe. Capital punishment for an episode in the garden is probably a bad take

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All these say no sugar added. Lead tastes sweet. So I guess that counts as an alternative sweetener?

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thoth never had a pyramid that nerd just had a temple up in the hills

Guys you just have to look at the earring, if its a star Redd is trying to sell you a fake