5 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

Speedrunners go in at a slight angle so they can drift / mini-turbo their way through this section.

I keep tuning in and out. I tune out when Trump speaks because everything he says is just such an affront to objective reality. But then I also tune out when Biden speaks because... He just comes off as so old it's making me cringe. Like, this is the best we could come up with to combat a literal fucking fascist.

Then I wonder, what part of this am I listening to? The questions?

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I tried muting the TV and just reading the captions for a little, and it made me a fair bit more confident in Biden. And he did have some good moments after I turned the sound back on. I'm just worried it won't be enough. Maybe it's the anxiety of realizing that we've actually reached election season.

That's why programmers have all those monitors. They're each hooked up to a different computer.

Five Nights at Freddy's. So much wasted brainpower.

I appreciate this thread's nuanced discussion of how file deletion works from a technical standpoint depending on storage medium. But as a user, when I delete something, it should go away forever. I don't care how.

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Mobile adblock

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The article focuses on password requirements that websites implement, not user behaviors. Common bad practices mentioned:

  • Permit very short passwords
  • Do not block common passwords
  • Use outdated requirements like complex characters
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This seems to follow a progression

  • No ads
  • Non-intrusive ads
  • Intrusive ads, but you can pay to make them go away
  • Intrusive ads, but you can pay to make them less intrusive
  • Intrusive ads and you have to pay just to see the content
  • Content becomes ads
  • Ads pretend to be content (see Dr. Pepper's "Fansville")
  • Award categories for ads are featured in major award ceremonies
  • Award ceremonies just for ads go mainstream

Actually not sure what's real vs hypothetical at this point.

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"Using imprecise language as an excuse to create plausible ambiguity about whether defendant violated this Court’s unequivocal gag order is not a defense; the subject of Donald Trump’s public statement to the press was unmistakably clear."

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Someone marked my gender wrong on a form once and I just sorta went with it.

Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed

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They need to buff the candle. Stress is almost impossible? Lol watch me.

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Hello, police?

Thank you. What's with this edit? No animation, no author credit, awkward phrasing, poor fitting of the text to the speech bubbles...

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HR: This email is to inform you of concerns about your professionalism in the workplace.

Me: 👍 🎉 😂

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Sorry for the vagueness. Pannenkoek is like the authority on weird Mario 64 quirks, and makes excellent videos. As soon as you see that name, there's no need to keep reading -- just go watch the video.

Like, this article could have been one sentence: "New Pannenkoek vid just dropped: [link]"

Maybe can we take a step back and ask whether we need thousands of AI defense bots at all? Or are we past that point?

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Dang, that's wild.

I'm still not going back to the office.

I always wondered what happened to all those circumcised foreskins after they're removed. Turns out they formed a gang.

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This is kind of sad. I've been using the site a fair amount recently to help get through some depressive episodes and the social withdrawal/isolation that come with them. Granted, about 50% of conversations were bots, and 40% were guys just looking for girls to send them nudes, but the other 10% or so was pretty interesting conversations.

I guess this will be the impetus to get back out and socialize IRL again. Or to find a new chat-with-randos service. Or to keep spiraling deeper into depression. We'll see.

Edit: It was also kinda nice to be treated like a woman without being treated differently for being trans.

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Such a waste. Imagine the fabulous wealth of rare minerals and other resources we could gather by simply allowing the asteroid to collode with the planet.

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What's great about this headline is how timeless it is.

Thanks i hate it

I'll throw one out for COVID, but not just the lockdowns or the immediate work changes. It was more about how the deaths kept happening. And happening. And happening. Yet people still failed to take it seriously, even to the point of rebelling against seemingly common-sense safeguards like vaccines, masking, and staying the fuck home.

In the US, we lived through about 4 years of shenanigans and bullshit and lies from an incompetent federal government leading up to the pandemic. But surely that wouldn't fly for long. You can lie about the number of people at a rally (because who the fuck cares), you can apparently lie about where a hurricane is projected to go (because it's jUsT a PrOjEcTiOn or something), but surely you can't bullshit your way out of a pandemic. Hospitals at capacity. Bodies piling up. Loved ones lost. Visible, real, tangible impacts of poor leadership and poor decisionmaking.

But, turns out you can. Even in the most dire of circumstances, you can still convince people that reality isn't real. Or even if it is, it doesn't really matter and it's not their problem. And there are enough people out there who will buy into that message that it will ruin things for everyone else.

Edit: To the original point of the question... I guess I had a little more faith in humanity before all that happened. More faith that real-world consequences would win out against rhetorical bullshit and tribalism.

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Don't forget the less violent folks who find a way to "separate the art from the artist" and continue keeping memories of the villain alive through his music regardless of how much of a villain he was.

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I really wish news outlets would stop pretending this is some big mystery. Shit is too expensive.

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I read until it mentioned pannenkoek and immediately clicked away after that.

edit: clicked away from the article to watch the video directly from the source. Go watch the video, pannenkoek is great.

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I'm gonna print this off and throw a dart at it every time I can't decide what to wear.

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I've never heard someone describe their boner as a rib -tickler holy geez

I'd like to see a catalog of edge cases that would theoretically be up to code but still look outrageous.

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The REAL problem is that it might throw off the balance of power in the Senate.

New DRM tech prevents safe viewing without express written consent from the owner.

Do normal people openly and candidly characterize their own motivations as "tit for tat"? I thought that was typically pejorative.

give my bro harambe a bullet proof vest

It will happen suddenly, unilaterally, and in that weird messy way where it gets tied up in court for forever but somehow goes into effect anyway, or it gets blocked but has a "chilling effect" on the population such that the ultimate goal is nonetheless achieved.

It will be stupid, there will be countless of hours of argument wasted on whether he can "actually" do it even though he just did, and people will be screwed over.

If you don't like how that sounds, please do something now.

I haven't used Ubuntu in a while. Are they on Moist Maoist now?

I wonder if there were 18th century shitposters who turned this into copypasta but subbed in "s" and "ſ" in place of "you" and "thou"