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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, Tunic is a great game. I've also heard Return to the Obra Dinn is supposed to be similar.

I think it's to late to change things up. That's the problem, everyone told the DNC this was going to happen and yet they all just kept with Biden.

That being said, I don't think either Trump or Biden are in a state to actually run the country. Their cabinets are going to hold all the power, and I trust Bidens cabinet over Trumps any day.

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He did at least get that in once. But yeah, it should have been a slam dunk.

Since there is a user acceptance policy that restricts what you can do with the model that might be considered "partially" open.

Yeah you can see the weights, but it seems you are limited on what you can do with the weights. How we've gotten to the point you can protect these random numbers that I've shared with you through a UA is beyond me.

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Wasn't aware of that, I was just taking a guess.

That being said I wouldn't consider either open given those restrictions.

You don't have to use the app, the website is fine. However, with dominos if you aren't using one of their coupon "deals" you're overpaying for their food.

Their whole gimic is how the "coupons" save you money, but it's not fast food prices without them.

Haha, you beat me to it. I think it's the world warning @TheBananaKing@lemmy.world

Thats my take on it at least (although with Trump I'm not sure who will be using who if he's elected). It's frustrating that few people are talking about this, cause at the end of the day neither of them are fit (physically/mentally) to be president. So for once it really is just about the party and policies and not the person running.

It's great seeing time and time again that no one really does understand these models and that their preconceived notions of what biases exist ends up shooting them in the foot. It truly shows that they don't really understand how systematically problematic the underlying datasets are and the repurcussions of relying on them too heavily.

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Why does a single player game have mtx at all? I just don't get the point of it.

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Not OP, but the point of asking for an ELI5 is that sometimes you don't even know where to start. For example I clicked the link you provided and only have more questions as I don't really know what people mean by display servers, etc.

Sure I could look everything up and try to understand, but the hope is someone in the community might provide a better or faster summary than what can currently be found online.

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Yeah, I've only ever seen this brand when it was the only option to get water, in a place where I wasn't allowed to bring my own water ಠ_ಠ

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I agree, it feels like this is a place where the law or regulation needs to come in and enforce something like - rent vs lease vs buy.

The average consumer thinks "buy" means forever, and that's just not the case in these scenarios. It really is more like leasing it.

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Goes to show how much the slap stole the show, cause I can't even recall what he was nominated for. Had to look it up, but he won for King Richard (the movie about Sernea and Venus Williams).

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Not that I support anything their doing, but managing YouTube has to be an order of magnitude more expensive to operate than a streaming service. I actually think they could get some sympathy if they took more of a Wikipedia approach and we're more open about the costs to operate YouTube. However much we might hate Google, YouTube is practically a public good in the way it operates and the world relies on it.

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You do realize that newspapers do typically pay the licensing for images, it's how things like Getty images exist.

On the flip side, OpenAI (and other companies) are charging someone access to their model, which is then returning copyrighted images without paying the original creator.

That's why situations like this keep getting talked about, you have a 3rd party charging people for copyrighted materials. We can argue that it's a tool, so you aren't really "selling" copyrighted data, but that's the issue that is generally be discussed in these kinds of articles/court cases.

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God I hate sites like the dailybeast. The qoute in the article is "And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic". However, Biden was VP during a pandemic - Swine Flu Pandemic. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a gaffe like this, but their own article doesn't support the headline.

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While he doesn't get a lot of attention, PlasticMan is considered to be pretty dangerous in DC comics. He has a pretty cool run in the Injustice Comics (released alongside the games) .

Additionally, and probably most importantly, Luke actually isn't strong enough to defeat the emperor at the end. He losses. However, he wins over his father and that's what turns the tide.

Similarly, while Anikan has some mary sue moments, he has a far share of losses (chase for Padme's would be assassin, count doku fight, Obi-Wan fight, etc.)

I think the only time Rey "losses" a battle is in force awakens when she gets captured (but even after being captured she overpowers Ben almost immediately).

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That actually already exists and it's terrifyingly stupid.

It's done because the underlying training data is heavily biased to begin with. It's been a known issue for along time with AI/ML, for example racist cameras have been an issue for decades https://petapixel.com/2010/01/22/racist-camera-phenomenon-explained-almost/.

So they do this to try to correct for biases in their training data. It's a terrible idea, and shows the rocky path forward for GenAI, but it's easier than actually fixing the problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You mean you haven't enjoyed the three or four remasters of the "The Last of Us"?

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I just finished Lies of P. If you haven't heard of it, it's a souls-like game that takes story elements from Pinocchio.

I found it a lot more approachable than other souls-like game. It's a lot more linear (but I don't think it suffers from that) and does a better job of introducing you to game mechanics. What also made it more approachable was the parry system felt a little more forgiving and there is always a save point right before a big boss (so even if you're stuck on one, you can keep jumping right back in).

I'd give it a 9/10

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The use of LLMs though is more similar to outsourcing than it is to a new technology. No one is talking a out changing how we program, we're talking about changing who does the programming.

While outsourcing has had its ups and downs, I think most companies have found that skilled technical people can't really be outsourced easily/cost money everywhere. I suspect we'll see a similar thing here with LLMs because the core compentcy that makes programmers/engineers expensive is knowing what to do, not how to do it.

It's dishonest because the Republicans both initiated the vote to remove McCarthy and had the numbers to reelect him. While you are correct democrats could have voted for McCarthy, I'm not really sure why they should/wpuld as he had already reneged on budgetary issues - https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4047677-democratic-leader-accuses-mccarthy-of-reneging-budget-deal-biden/

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That's an interesting point. I'm curious though does right to bear arms mean to carry freely or to simply own? If you need a permit to open carry in some places, isn't that already evidence you can restrict the right in certain ways?

Honestly asking because I don't know.

Admittedly I think the biggest failures that hurt NASA were incidents when people, not rockets, blew up. It'll be interesting to see if things change if/when there is a death from a SpaceX rocket.

Except the news still needs to come from somewhere. While GPT can "create" things, it's not a journalist. It's just the next step in aggregation skimming money from the actual sources.

I think it's more fair to say it is maliciously named. It's false advertising and leading to issues exactly like the one mentioned in this post.

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That's only from a shipping/logistics matter. However, whether sales are attributed to the e-commerce platform or the brick and mortar store is dependent on the company and their approach to the business. I've seen both scenarios and they each have their pros and cons. Ultimately though sometimes places do one or the other depending on what platform they want to show growth or revenue in (like a brick and mortar trying to increase e-commerce sales will count orders shipped to a store as e-commerce).

There are sites like this (https://www.whatismyip.net/tools/torrent-ip-checker/index.php?hash=1b0ed881214381f342f844fd640a3f495c6be898) that let you download a torrent. When you run the torrent in the client the site tells you the IP of your torrent client. Based on that info you can tell if it's running through the VPN or not.

It's not tricky, it's just a bad ruling. Off course the parents have a claim against the clinic, that doesn't mean the embryos are people.

The thing that's always so misleading about these numbers is that everything costs more in the US to begin with. A lot of that expense is just for US labor, which costs more per person than at least most countries. The graph is a lot more reasonable when you do [% of gdp] (https://www.statista.com/statistics/266892/military-expenditure-as-percentage-of-gdp-in-highest-spending-countries/)

I've used it before and it's got it's pros and cons. Ultimately the big thing is not all apps need to be the "killer app". Some apps are pretty simple, so a one size fits all can be nice. It's definitely not the same as developing natively, but for small teams/apps it's not too bad.

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Yeah, that's the way I read, especially given all the republican infighting.

Yeah I also feel like the original one does a better job getting the same general point across

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I mean, can you fault someone for thinking Trump was unelectable?

While Hillary/Democratic party are at fault how they treated democrats during that election cycle, I think the US at large was at fault for its overall outcome.

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The sad fact is that most of the generative AI advances don't really help with this. They might make npc dialouge more flexible and less static, but nothing in the toolbelt Microsoft is offering would improve general NPC AI.

Maybe down the road we'll see something, but I suspect MS is really just offering text and modeling automation.

Many ethical stances around abortion aren't phrased around the right to life, because usually ethics has a pretty hard stance on that right. So the real ethical question isn't about the unconditional right to life, It's actually about your right to another person's body or bodily autonomy.

Generally it breaks down to, just because a person requires the use of your body to survive does not mean you have a moral or ethical requirement to provide sustenance (your body) for that person.

Qoute from a nytimes article:

The philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson, in 1971, put forth the most famous version of this argument as it related to abortion: Imagine that a woman woke in bed intravenously hooked up to a famous violinist, Thomson wrote in her seminal and controversial essay, “A Defense of Abortion.” The musician in this scenario suffered from a rare medical ailment, and only this woman’s circulatory system could keep him alive. His survival requires her to sacrifice her own bodily autonomy. Must she? Is she a murderer if she does not?

Phrasing it as right to life automatically discounts the real ethical question, does this being have a right to my body?

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Born in the USA

I didn't see this mentioned so wanted to add it. Most people think of it as pro USA, but the lyrics paint a very different message.

For example:

Got in a little hometown jam So they put a rifle in my hand Sent me off to a foreign land To go and kill the yellow man