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Joined 1 years ago

Now file charges under DC revenge porn law

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Good this is shit we don't need

Maybe you should regret breaking the law, and being a general douchebag, and also a traitor.

Because the media even left leaning sites seems to focus only on what the GOP says.

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Eat the rich existed long before social media

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Commercial landlord. LOL, like this douchebag has a clue what he is talking about.

Translation: These remote workers are costing me money!!!!!

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I assume you've contacted the FBI, but if not PLEASE DO.

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Nitrogen is pretty cheap, and would be considered way more human. Bullets aren't an instant death, the cattle thing would be but considered brutal. Both a firing squad and cattle thing would be considered cruel and unusual punishment, the SCOTUS has already said firing squads are cruel and unusual. The classic three drug cocktail was painless but no one will.make it.

Nitrogen makes you drunk, nitrogen narcosis, until you pass out. It is considered painless.

But the real question you should be asking is, why do we even still allow the death penalty. Innocent people have been put to death. Or at least enough doubt that they shouldn't have been killed.

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I demand trump write a full page ad in the NYT apologizing to America and the world for being such a douchebag racist asshole, and fucking everything up. And then proceed to jail.

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everything about this truck is ugly, and fucked up. Just scrap it and start over.

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In sane times there was impeachment. But we are not living in those sane times.

Is the work being finished and timelines being met? Congratulations, you know all you need to know.

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“Come here, big tits. Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits,” Giuliani said in one March 12, 2019, exchange,

“These breasts belong to me. Nobody else can get near these, OK? I don’t care if they’re flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine, you got it?” he continued. “Understand? I’m very fucking possessive. I’ve gone easy on you.”

this Rudy Giulliani? I'm shocked

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Nope. Youre making a mountain out of an ant hill. The company probably has to mark your pay info as confidential. It's your personal info, if you want to share it you can, just like medical info. Unless it's company policy to post everyone's pay publicly. In that case, everyone's pay would be posted, but if not, they can't tell others, but you can.

I'm not a tyrant, I just act like one.

Because the post articulated what the majority of us already knew. That as always has been, the repression in this country comes from the conservatives. The very definition of a liberal philosophy would be against a threat to free speech. When conservatives complain their rights are being trampled on, it's normally their "right" to harm some group or person that they do not like. A liberal wouldn't say you aren't allowed to have a negative view of such person, but may consider it flawed, but wouldn't say you have a right to harm that person because you don't like them. Conservatives want to control what you can say, think, and do, to only what fits in a world that makes them comfortable, and feel better about themselves.

Fucking ignorant traitor

It's called a cult.

Before 1943, both Muslims and Jews lived in Palestine in peace, but as immigration increased, so did tension. It wasn't about religion, it was about land.

There were plenty of Jewish leagues, sports, ect, called the Palestinian Jewish (league name).

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Record labels going after this is so classless. Are they going to sue libraries for loaning out cs's?

Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament

Show us!!!!

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The only problem is the shitty support they have. Just bought an orange pi zero 3 and can't find any documentation for using the gpios

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Israel does not need US troops help to slaughter mass Palestinians. They have had no problem doing that on their own for decades. We need to keep our troops out of further war crimes. We committed enough of those in Iraq.

Should Hamas committed a brutal act of violence and terrorism like they just did, no. Can Israel respond to that yes. Does that response give them the right to make a million civillians homeless or dead, and steal more land, no.

Can we get a citation? I've actually read the bible, and no it doesn't.

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Blood from a turnip?

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I leave it on. I'm happy to send them info to make their browser better. I have supported them since the Netscape days. Fight the good fight

Replaceable batteries.

Of course he does. Fascist gonna fascist. He stated he wants to stick it to the liberals. Its his reason for getting up in the morning.

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Afghanistan was NOT under false pretenses. The entire world stood besides the US for that. It was Iraq that was false pretenses and much of the world did not support that, and as it went on the ones that did, quickly stopped supporting it.

/play hamster dance.wav

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Funny how right wingers think everyone just wants to protect their own like they do. No, that's why the two side are NOT the same. We want the rules followed no matter who

Ireland and Norway have historically been critical of this.

It is really sad and disgusting how long it took all those people standing around him laughing and joking to even respond to this. Or even see he was having a problem. And it was even dumber that they didn't escort him away for medical attention immediately, gotta make him look good for the cameras. NO. There is no saving face, get him medical help. I HATE Bitch McConnell, but damn do the right thing here.

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The right will turn on him fast

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When will the Tesla board of directors move against Musk as CEO to save the company?

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You don't reply, just stop sharing publicly.

Nope, positive news doesn't sell views

You know at SpaceX and Tesla, there is a layer of management between Musk and the actual production team, that does nothing but run interference. Their job is to make sure the companies stay running and moving forward, DESPITE, what Musk says.

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Fox News destroyed the republican party. Trump is a result, not the cause.

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