
1 Post – 269 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refugee

I voted for him last time. May be dumb, but I did believe in him more than Biden. I still don't know if he could carry the party, but I'd love to watch him try.

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I knew UUIDs existed and used as an internal kinda name, I just didn't know what they'd look like, so that actually makes sense.

Gparted want having a problem with udisks, the only mention of that was an error in Dolphin when trying to access the entry I had labeled for the drive as 'main'. Then this generic name showed up and 'main' stopped working under that entry. Where is Dolphin getting the names of these labels if not the partition name?

The devices section has come back. Haven't done anything to it other than leave the room for a few hours. Is there a way to manage settings for what shows up there?

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Old is one problem. Old and mentally disabled is a whole other problem. Plus who are you supposed to vote for here with that rule? We've got 2 realistic options.

But in general you'd be correct.

That seems obvious in retrospect. Oof. I'm not even a boomer. KDE tryna give me an existential crisis over mystery data. I guess I'll try a reboot for tomorrow then and see what it thinks with one less problem. Or having one less excuse.

The rubber didn't agree well on my old case. I poked it a couple years ago trying to figure it what it might be and the little triangles has gotten stiff and snapped off on one side, so I stopped poking it.

I was today years old when I learned what they were for though. I knew it was some kind of tube or pipe or hose, but I've spent about 0.3 seconds actually thinking about it so I never figured it out.

I should have mentioned that, so I edited the post.

I'm on Pop at the moment, but using KDE instead of GNOME.

I trimmed out the part that wasn't about the drives:

nvme0n1 //This is the 'Archive' drive with it's weird numbers and letters. I notice now with this output all the drives have it, but I'm not sure what it means │ └─nvme0n1p3 ext4 1.0 94e1fb1a-317a-4651-9861-32973dc35aa4 1.7T 0% /media/myuser/94e1fb1a-317a-4651-9861-32973dc35aa4 nvme1n1 //This is my main drive. │ ├─nvme1n1p1 │ vfat FAT32 5FD4-48C2 702.8M 31% /boot/efi ├─nvme1n1p2 │ vfat FAT32 5FD4-48B2 1.1G 73% /recovery ├─nvme1n1p3 │ crypto 2 407a229c-f6e7-4cb4-a3e5-4bc7a635f4ea │ └─cryptdata │ LVM2_m LVM2 AQolPx-kmD9-vQgW-1krZ-jbDM-UvAw-eihxFT │ └─data-root │ ext4 1.0 3a1ef062-2da2-407f-a6a9-51888413d5bc 1.2T 29% / └─nvme1n1p4 swap 1 e95a07b7-1657-4026-bb55-8b60d542e3cf └─cryptswap swap 1 cryptswap 58a986f0-7183-4ddf-a288-75902db90cc0 [SWAP] nvme2n1 //This is the 3rd drive I mentioned. It's just chillin' │ └─nvme2n1p1 ext4 1.0 Drive3 8fdf30db-5c2c-4ccb-94d2-11aa69d2ca59 444.5G 0% /media/steve/Drive3

This code block did not format at all. Not sure what I did to break it. I just attached screenshot of it to make it more readable.

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I tried it when the first one I tried didn't work out.

Ctrl+C hard locked it instantly every time I pushed it. I could right-click and choose "Copy", but pushing Ctrl-C just froze whatever image was on screen. No response at all after that. Plus it was giving me a headache trying to get Nvidia drivers installed.

So then I moved to Pop since the correct driver was baked in, and it's been mostly smooth since.

Conservatives when Biden does something like walk the wrong direction: omg he's senile and clearly has dementia!

Conservatives when McConnell (maybe) has a fucking legit seizure: everything's fine, nothing to see here.

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I don't think I've ever seen the word "allowlisted". Did someone forget "whitelisted" is a thing, or is that term finally cancelled?

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I've never heard of any of these.


His lawyers need to STFU fr.

This is the real Superbowl. A coworker of mine told me he treated Election Day as the super bowl each year, taking the day after off so he could stay up and watch the content all night.

I'm starting to see his point. I have paid attention to so much more political news the last couple years than I ever did before, and I'm really looking forward to this conference and the coverage of it afterwards.

True story coming up. I had a pretty major surgery the night of the Georgia run off election. The very first thing I asked when I remembered how to talk was "did Herschel lose?" I don't live anywhere near Georgia, but I just really had to know if that stupid fucker ended up losing. Last I knew when I got put under was it was pretty even, but way too early to call.

I woke up and after seeing all my siblings come to visit, I asked about politics. None of them had a clue what I was talking about. But I finally got motor control back and turned the room TV on to check on it. I don't think it was yet called at that point, but it was soon after. I was so happy. I don't know much about Warnock, but at least he won't be trying to join werewolf committees.

It was still way closer than it any business being.

Sorry about the random rant, that memory just hit me while I was typing.

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Now if that isn't stochastic terrorism, I don't know what is.

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The sooner the better.

I long for the headline "self driving Tesla runs over musk".

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Fuck I literally thought that comment word for word before I loaded the comments for this post.

Not a word, but the phrase "going online". As in not being constantly connected at all times. We had to actually "get" online to look at stuff.

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Every single reality show that went longer than the first commercial break.

Whoever birthed the genre lived too long.

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Suck it, SUV owners in Paris.

But really, suck it every SUV owner. They're terrible in every single way and no one can change that.

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Pirating only takes a digital copy, they still have the physical ones.

He's part Ferengi.

Explain why we make it legal for companies to set their own prices again

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Could HAVE. Never "of"

Could have/could've

Should have/should've

Would have/would've

People think it's "of" because the contractions sound like it. "Could've" sounds like "could of", but it doesn't make any sense (of isn't even a verb at all) and a lot of people don't even think about what they're saying.

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Crazy right wing is never hot tho. Boner killer for sure.

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I heard about that happening on some site. I read it in an article.

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That was all too early for me to be following any political news.

In a way (just this one way) I'm glad he didn't.

At the time I was so in brainwashed conservative land. If I saw Bush get in trouble I would have stood by him simply because "Republicans good, Democrats bad". And it might have affected my waking up to the actuality, and maybe slowed it down to the point where I'd be defending Trump now. If the last guy got in trouble but was Republican and therefore innocent, it's just happening again, gosh dang those lefties.

That's literally the depth of thought in that camp. I've been there and seen it, I did it myself. They don't have any higher functioning logic to speak of. They really latch onto the victim mentality, even in their source of news. Since, at the time it got popular, Fox News was really the only right-leaning mainstream "news " network. I remember being told by my mom back then that it was the only one that wasn't "super liberal". And I took that at face value for years, not even questioning it. That's all it takes when you're that young. And then they'll defend it to their last breath when they only think like that because they were suggested to once, and they build their whole world on it.

Had to scrape myself out of that thinking. Took me forever. Turns out deprogramming yourself against the thinking taught to you by everyone you've ever known and with only tangential knowledge of others you know doing it is difficult. I knew one guy that broke his programming, but didn't really broadcast it, so I didn't really catch on to much of it. But later I had a roommate that would talk about it all the time, and could back it up. That really got me thinking, and ended up being like the starter pebble you nudge down the hill that becomes the huge snowball. But that's probably a story for a different kind of post. Probably a whole other community.

I didn't really have any exposure to anything outside that world until I was 25 or so, when I met the previously mentioned roommate. I still find pieces of that old thinking and influence in me all the time.

Thanks for coming to my accidental TED talk. Got a ramble going there.

Edit- fixed typos and added the part about FN.

This is just the beginning of what could be a great movie.

I don't know what the actual direction the story goes based on this premise, but I wanna see it.

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Fucking idiot. Can't do math but quick to jump on the chance to try to correct someone.

If I could just push a button and make all non medical use tobacco become impossible to grow, I would push that button a million times just to be sure. I hope everyone working for Philip Morris gets lung cancer.

That should just be an accepted cost to enter the industry.

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It's also getting shut down this coming year, so it's not a great suggestion.

Shut em down. They deserve jail, suffering, and eternal torment.

The only stunt I liked was the button. The separation that was manufactured just cracked me up.

Where my fellow neverpressers at?

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Finally seeing sense and not believing religion anymore changed everything.

And oddly enough, it all started because of an X-Men movie.

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What... Sound...?

What is the sound you hear in your head for this?

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Nah, they think gay people breathing is a crime.

Is that supposed to be a consequence people take seriously?

Tell me you want to lose an election without telling me. Clearly you're only in it to make the number of people trump beat higher. Actively does not want to win.

I got next door, but only care about it as far as looking out for potential missing pets. I live in a fairly red area, and everyone is middle-aged on there, and everything I saw was super conservative people, and some hate for anything mentioning the possibility of non straight people.

Too relatable.

I made an account to browse neighborhood news. If someone loses a cat or dog, I do want to be on the lookout. Haven't added a single friend there. I'm just there to observe and potentially help save a pet. But it's very "boomer" there, and in my experience (having lived here my whole life) every boomer is a Trump fan until proven otherwise. Every boomer goes to church every Sunday. They're all the literal stereotype, and almost half are the same person as the ones you see interviewed at rallies by liberal-leaning journalists.

Should have stopped the show when Michael left, and made a TV movie of Dwight's wedding.

I still think the way Jim handled being (or technically not being) the best mensch is worthy of being canon.

But Nellie and Robert were just too bizarre. Will Ferrell was just awkward. It could've been good but he was just very strange. No one was a worthy replacement. Even Ray Romano would have been weird if he hadn't gotten scared off.

I would watch the Michael session on loop if I wanted to pay for peacock.

So at what point do we just decide "Fuck companies, fuck revenue, fuck anybody who has, say, a million bucks to their name in cash and assets. No more money making unless you do it without screwing people. If you can't, you fail. Good day. "

Tax the every living fuck out of the rich, destroy data even being collectable or sellable at all in any form.

Boom, 100,000% better world to live in immediately.

Obviously pipe dream, but I think this is really the mindset to take if humans are gonna be around and have anything resembling happy lives in say, 100 years.

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Ah, a glimpse into the German agenda!

I'm a good Christian woman. I only show 50% boobage at a time. That's the sluttiest Christian in open public eye I've ever seen.

Can we skip to the point where she's just cracked out and depressed already? I can't stand any sign of happiness from her with that "lol I'm so much better than the people that have to follow rules look at me daaaance"

Hate seeing evil people happy for even 10 seconds at a time. Pure sadness and wretched depression from them is all they deserve.

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