Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse

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Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse, Jon Karl Reports

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His lawyers need to STFU fr.

This is the real Superbowl. A coworker of mine told me he treated Election Day as the super bowl each year, taking the day after off so he could stay up and watch the content all night.

I'm starting to see his point. I have paid attention to so much more political news the last couple years than I ever did before, and I'm really looking forward to this conference and the coverage of it afterwards.

True story coming up. I had a pretty major surgery the night of the Georgia run off election. The very first thing I asked when I remembered how to talk was "did Herschel lose?" I don't live anywhere near Georgia, but I just really had to know if that stupid fucker ended up losing. Last I knew when I got put under was it was pretty even, but way too early to call.

I woke up and after seeing all my siblings come to visit, I asked about politics. None of them had a clue what I was talking about. But I finally got motor control back and turned the room TV on to check on it. I don't think it was yet called at that point, but it was soon after. I was so happy. I don't know much about Warnock, but at least he won't be trying to join werewolf committees.

It was still way closer than it any business being.

Sorry about the random rant, that memory just hit me while I was typing.

Well I mean he is their client so technically, legally they have to do everything they can to the best of their ability to win. That said, they are fucking stupid for taking him on as a client. I can't believe he can even still get lawyers. Knowing how badly he's scraping the bottom of the barrel, all I can assume is that he is finding the most desperate, pathetic, trash lawyers in the entire system at this point. The ones who scraped through school with a C- average.

Gotta be pretty damn desperate to take on a client you know won't pay you...

Attorneys are typically on a retainer so... But these ones might not be very smart.

these ones might not be very smart.

They willingly work for Trump... What more do you need?

I assume the bet is to get famous in conservative circles and pick up a pundit position on TV.

Nah. My favorite team actually made the super bowl recently. They lost, and it sucked. I was kinda upset about it for maybe a day, but there were no real consequences.

There are definitely funny moments that pop up with Trump's illegal shit. The 4 seasons landscaping presser, and potentially this one, etc, but overall, if my "team" loses this whole thing, then it's going to be a real problem. For everybody.

Yeah, my team won the NBA championship in 2016 but the happiness was quickly and painfully overshadowed by Trump's presidential victory. Sports don't really mean shit.

Oh man I feel this. Lifelong Cubs fan, they finally won the world series in 2016, Trump was elected a week later

Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that shit. I'm also a lifelong Indians (/Guardians) fan and it was tremendous fun to watch all those Cubs fans celebrating in Cleveland and then getting Trump as a pick-me-up.

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