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Joined 1 years ago

I'm curious how many of those 7/10 think it's a good thing

I worked at an office once where the wifi legitimately got worse when it rained. It was because the buildings internet used an antenna instead of being wired, and the building was just barely in range of the source signal. When it rained, it was enough added distortion to make it noticeably worse.

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My brother in law has ADHD. He lives next door to me.

He has a car he parks on the street. In my city you're required to get a registration sticker for your car, it's like $100 or something, good for a year. Every day you don't have a valid sticker you can get a new ticket on your car. It takes two minutes to go online and order a new one.

For the last three years, hes been racking up tickets on his car for an expired sticker. One a week roughly, $60 per ticket I think. He usually lets them pile up until he gets final notices then pays them all online at double the cost.

Twice now he's has his car booted, then impounded, due to unpaid tickets. He even includes tickets on his car as part of budgeting. I've offered a couple times if he'd hand me his license to go online and order the sticker for him. I've stopped offering since that offer is met with intense anger.

It takes TWO MINUTES to go online and order a new one. Poor guy

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I do this too. It took a while for my wife to fully understand that if she wanted to try something on my plate, she better not wait til the last few bites

Welp that's enough Internet for me today

I prefer "Rapist Who Wanted Vice President Dead Stumbles and Gets Confused in Speech Again" personally

Jokes on you, it's four half limes in my fridge

My hometown installed roundabouts, with 4 way stop signs. Like, why.

Yeah everyone knows HTML is an STD

Not necessarily. Tons of people may think that they should be parents, but others shouldn't.

I definitely read this as you were a third year French major being forced to taking a compiler course for a moment and went wtf. Then my brain slapped itself and realized you mean you're a student in France.

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Haha I love how it has four reviews/3.3 stars

Even better, you could write a macro so en passant would be forced

Just make sure when pieces get taken you drag them under the board instead of deleting them. Otherwise what will you do when you need to promote a pawn?

Oh man I feel this. Lifelong Cubs fan, they finally won the world series in 2016, Trump was elected a week later

I have a kid and I feel this way.

To be clear, I absolutely love my son and I'm glad I have him. But I also still feel like if I had decided not to have kids, I'd have been fine with it.

It's a different framing now though, of "Do you want a kid", in the hypothetical, vs. "Would you be ok if you didn't have [Insert your kid's name here]." I'd be devastated if my son were not in my life. But I think I'd have been fine if I chose not to have a kid.

GOOD point

I guess this tree has leaves on it I can eat?

That'd be Riech

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Ah fair