Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse

Flying to politics – 809 points –
Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse, Jon Karl Reports

If he were smart enough to listen to anyone he would be in this position.
Keep on talking buddy!

His lawyers need to STFU fr.

This is the real Superbowl. A coworker of mine told me he treated Election Day as the super bowl each year, taking the day after off so he could stay up and watch the content all night.

I'm starting to see his point. I have paid attention to so much more political news the last couple years than I ever did before, and I'm really looking forward to this conference and the coverage of it afterwards.

True story coming up. I had a pretty major surgery the night of the Georgia run off election. The very first thing I asked when I remembered how to talk was "did Herschel lose?" I don't live anywhere near Georgia, but I just really had to know if that stupid fucker ended up losing. Last I knew when I got put under was it was pretty even, but way too early to call.

I woke up and after seeing all my siblings come to visit, I asked about politics. None of them had a clue what I was talking about. But I finally got motor control back and turned the room TV on to check on it. I don't think it was yet called at that point, but it was soon after. I was so happy. I don't know much about Warnock, but at least he won't be trying to join werewolf committees.

It was still way closer than it any business being.

Sorry about the random rant, that memory just hit me while I was typing.

Well I mean he is their client so technically, legally they have to do everything they can to the best of their ability to win. That said, they are fucking stupid for taking him on as a client. I can't believe he can even still get lawyers. Knowing how badly he's scraping the bottom of the barrel, all I can assume is that he is finding the most desperate, pathetic, trash lawyers in the entire system at this point. The ones who scraped through school with a C- average.

Gotta be pretty damn desperate to take on a client you know won't pay you...

Attorneys are typically on a retainer so... But these ones might not be very smart.

these ones might not be very smart.

They willingly work for Trump... What more do you need?

I assume the bet is to get famous in conservative circles and pick up a pundit position on TV.

Nah. My favorite team actually made the super bowl recently. They lost, and it sucked. I was kinda upset about it for maybe a day, but there were no real consequences.

There are definitely funny moments that pop up with Trump's illegal shit. The 4 seasons landscaping presser, and potentially this one, etc, but overall, if my "team" loses this whole thing, then it's going to be a real problem. For everybody.

Yeah, my team won the NBA championship in 2016 but the happiness was quickly and painfully overshadowed by Trump's presidential victory. Sports don't really mean shit.

Oh man I feel this. Lifelong Cubs fan, they finally won the world series in 2016, Trump was elected a week later

Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that shit. I'm also a lifelong Indians (/Guardians) fan and it was tremendous fun to watch all those Cubs fans celebrating in Cleveland and then getting Trump as a pick-me-up.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

For the first time in my life, I want to watch Trump's press conference, and I really, really hope he actually does it. Seems weird for him to chicken out now.

Be right back. I'm creating 50 truth social accounts and messaging him to show us what a real strong leader he is and go through with it.

Is Truth Social still a glorified Mastodon instance?

Apparently, and I didn't even know that. Of course that's what they'd do.

2 more...

This isn't a trump 5d chess thing or whatever but it might honestly be the smarter move for him to just keep riling up his base and make it a guarantee riot if he gets jailed.

Seems pretty likely he's fucked legally so he's put in a situation that breaking law and order is probably his best move.

give your enemy a golden bridge to retreat across

I'm fearful we are backing him into a corner and his only option is to order his tens of millions of rabid followers to create chaos.

I’m fearful we are backing him into a corner and his only option is to order his tens of millions of rabid followers to create chaos.

It didn't take him being backed into a corner to do that on Jan 6th. Since he's done it before and you're positing he'll do it again when threatened legally, there's no difference in outcome. The legal structures and framework should be followed through with the arrest and trial as planned.

True, and I'm not saying by any means he shouldn't be prosecuted. The consequences of letting these actions go unpunished are way more severe than any riot. I guess I'm just apprehensive because I just don't see how this won't end in violence one way or another.

Isn't he being prosecuted for doing exactly that already?

At least this time he doesn’t have an official military or nukes.

"Official" military... There are plenty of extreme right wing supporters of Trump in the military.

Yeah, I get that, but I’m talking about an official government military as a whole, not the bad actors who want to overthrow the government. Wasn’t sure how to differentiate that or if it was necessary.

Who cares? That's what law enforcement is for. They can and will use force against violent numbnuts.

Tens of millions of heavily armed uneducated morons pissed off who've been ordered to burn the place down by their Messiah, yeah, no way that wouldn't fuck our shit up real good.

I mean I'm definitely for moving forward prosecuting all of these cases and hopefully putting this asshole in jail. But we should be very aware that this could easily slide out of control and prepare accordingly.

I don't disagree with the message and hope he gets what's coming to him, but what is this source? To quote:

Trump’s Lawyers Ask Him to Cancel Press Conference on Georgia Election Before He Makes Matters Worse, Jon Karl ReportsKarl noted that between Trump’s enraged reactions to his fourth indictment, Trump announced on Truth Social that he would hold a press conference on Monday where he would produce a “Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable Report” that will supposedly prove he was right that Georgia’s 2020 election results were “rigged” by mass voter fraud.

That's a one sentence paragraph with the nineteen-word title (from another source perhaps?) injected as the subject.

Is this what AI-driven journalism looks like?

All the capitalized words at the beginning hurt my brain cuz I thought I was reading a paragraph but it didn't feel like it so I initially gave up on the whole paragraph. But your real paragraphs explained why I felt that way and I gave the paragraph another go. It still hurt.

If this is the future of journalism, I'm now an Old Man Yelling At The (AI) Cloud.

I'm utterly convinced he wants to run from prison. His cult followers would worship him more

Nope, he's just dumb. If he can't go golfing when he wants I'm pretty sure he's going to combust

Every anecdote (or honestly, just listening to him for five seconds) indicates he's very dumb, which is only made more dangerous by the fact that he's been wealthy his entire life and never faced actual consequences. Reports are he's terrified at the prospect of jail. For regular people, jail takes a massive adjustment. For Trump, he's probably never been told he can't do a thing he wants (until the presidency, and even then he often just did it anyway) and has never really had to suffer anything as a result of his actions because rich people are incredibly insulated from normie shit like consequences, so yeah, very really chance if he's sentenced he literally just combusts. It'll be like trying to get a robot to believe a paradox.

Yep. This is it. Nobody wants to go to prison... For any reason.

"Never interrupt your enemy's foot in mouth disease" - General Tso Chi Kin

I feel like we should all make accounts on true social to triple dog dare him to ignore the lawyers, and do the press conference. I'll pop the popcorn.

Don't worry, there's probably plenty of real supporters doing just that.

Dang! They are killing all the fun! I would have loved to see him either lying with more invented "evidence" and get slapped by the court for this, or just spewing stupid nonsense that makes him even more of a laughing stock.

Bonus: He could have threatened even more people he shouldn't, getting him a nice "Go To Jail Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200" card.

There's a chance he wins. If he does. Rip world 2024. He shouldn't even have had one. But USA is USA

There is a chance he, the GOP nominee, and Biden split the electoral vote and no one gets a majority. Then the winner will be decided with one state, one vote, which could put Trump in the white house even though he came in 3rd.

The only lasting superpower headed by an angry orange yet again.

I dislike this painting of all Americans with a broad brush, as if we are somehow collectively responsible for the fact that our system was deliberately designed to be almost impossible to change, and as if Trump would ever be an issue if the popular vote actually mattered.

Good if his lawyers are actually competent. Maybe he'll listen to them this time. A good trial requires a good defense.

Donald Trump hasn't listened to anyone (who doesn't already agree with him) since his father died. These lawyers are smart enough to know that. This leak is all about making sure that when Trump does the dumb thing anyway, they don't get disbarred over it.

This leak is all about making sure that when Trump does the dumb thing anyway, they don’t get disbarred over it.

Why even represent him in the first place if he is such a massive risk?

Because everyone needs representation, and they probably convinced him to pay up front.

This might be a little bit reductive, but I'm pretty sure you can tell that they're not competent lawyers because they are Trump's lawyers.

He's known to ignore his lawyers, lie to them, refuse to pay them, and throw them under the bus. I can't imagine a competent lawyer wanting that client. Maybe someone just looking to get their name plastered everywhere, aka some kind of grifter, but definitely not a competent lawyer.

Pretty sure they're demanding payment upfront now

Hopefully they're still always meeting with him with another lawyer in the room so they can verify what he says.

My point, I think, still stands.

Like they do for us plebs? Last time I hired an attorney they required a retainer upfront.

I'm not interested in a 'good' trial. This isnt a netflix drama.

Bruh. Whats so great about this is the schism that’s appeared between Trump supporters and literately everyone else.

You should be. Otherwise there's grounds for a mistrial and we're right back where we started.

The defense can be merely adequate.

What are you even arguing?

In spirit, that strategically, the best thing is for Trump to have a defense that is competent enough to avoid a mistrial, but not competent enough to shield him from accountability in any meaningful way. This would be my preference.

I believe that it is obvious that he has committed crimes and should be held accountable for it. However, the spirit of our justice system as enshrined in the Bill of Rights is that everyone should get a fair trial and it shouldn't be any difference in this case. In a fair trial he would be properly held accountable for his crimes, assuming a fair trial goes both ways.

I do understand the sentiment behind wanting him to screw up so he is actually held accountable.

A good trial is one where all sides have presented the strongest case they can, the judgement reflects the quality of those cases, and the verdict leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that justice was done.

Poor counsel leads to poor, untrustworthy outcomes.

Yes I know, I am naive.

95% of all criminal cases end up in a plea bargain. The vast majority of Americans can't afford a good lawyer anyway and get fucked by our legal system.

Trump's only chance is probably to foul the magisterial process as much as possible to prevent it from holding him accountable. It's worked for him so far, and even if he is taken into custody, that will only increase his popularity and stoke outrage. There's nothing for him to lose.

It'll stoke them up at first, but it'll die down. They need to be constantly fed.

"I'd love to show you the report, it's beautiful, and perfect, and it shows in so many ways how I'm innocent of all charges. My lawyers wept when they, true story! My lawyers were VISIBLY WEEPING as they read it. VISIBLY! But now, on the advice of those lawyers, I can't release it to you. I CAN'T! I want to, but I can't. They tell me it would tell these evil, nasty, prosecutors too much about our defense, so, you know, we can't have that."

It was in the box of classified materials in my bathroom at Mar-a-Lago that the FBI illegally stole back from me.

All day long, all we do as a nation is stare into the swirling toilet, unable to look away

Does the toilet clog and backup and overflow? Or clog and backup but drain? I'm watching with my plunger in hand.

I can’t wait to watch it, you’re not going to let these people take you down are you Donnie? I say, let them know how you really feel and make sure to let them know what kind of bad job the prosecutors and judges are doing.

This strikes me as a very apt and underrated comment. Not that it is going to stop us. Or me.

Do you honestly think that he needs to be goaded into incriminating himself? It is a natural occurrence, like rivers running to the sea. This will not end well. Tell you something else...people will flip. How would you like to be the last person to go to jail for Donald freakin Trump?

No let this train wreck continue. If he has evidence to exonerate himself he would have never been indicted in the first place

Don't listen to them, Donny Doo-doo. You just keep dribbling that shit from your pie-hole...there are starving dung beetles in Africa, dontchaknow!

Great legal advice, I'm sure he'll prudently adhere to their suggestion.

Image him skipping the republican debate, interviewing with Tucker, threatening witnesses during the interview, and being thrown into prison the next day.

Or... what? They'll indite him again? Him and his dumb fuck supporters wear it as a badge of honor...

Introduce it into evidence. Or maybe he would run off his mouth and land himself afoul of the other judge's order not to threaten anyone involved in the case.

Why they still post his pictures where he looks like a superstar while he is a desperate salesman past his prime. On articles ridiculing him, nothing less.

Could also be setting up a "My lawyers are stopping me from sharing the evidence that will exonerate me" excuse to cover for not actually having anything.

But if he does that how will he tell everyone his side of the story?

I hope he does it. When do we start to see him throw other people under the bus? "Jim Jordan suggested it".

I would love to watch him throw Jim Jordan under the bus. Any bus will do.

And in his almighty hamberders and covfefe logic, Trumpty Dumpty will ofc disregard his lawyers' advice.

Lol, it's probably full of data stolen from the voting machines his crew broke into. Gonna be a legendary self-takedown. Can't wait to watch it

I think the lawyers feel the need to do this publicly, whether they’re sincere or not, to avoid any accusations of “he didn’t have a proper defense” or “how could they let him do that?!?!!”.

So they’re proclaiming -loudly- that “no btw we told him it was bad but he didn’t listen”…whether they actually care if he does it or not because they know what a shitshow this all is and that it won’t end well for anyone involved.

Your client flagrantly ignoring your advice repeatedly to their own detriment is grounds to stop representing them, I think. You can't just throw up your hands once you agree to take a case but this might be good enough for a judge to let them do that. I don't think it will work but it will be interesting to see how his legal team(s) handle what comes next.

"Look, everyone knows the SICK Georgia DOJ is corrupt, and the election was totally, totally rigged and the most corrupt in history. Everyone says so, and I have such uge piles of PROOF, many many folders, but my lawyers - and they are the very, very best lawyers...they want me to wait for my press conference, which by the way will be the most important press conference any president has ever given ever, for a few days, maybe next week. I dunno, maybe I'll give it anyway, because nobody knows the law better than I do, and my PATRIOTS will stand with me against the dirty RIGGERS, and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT again!"