
1 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Would you consider to also make an underground version?

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Snatch is outstanding. The scene with a replica gun vs deagle, the robbery by noob thugs... I laugh even at my memories of them.

But I'll take Shawn of the Dead. Cool direction and awesome cast making a great apocalyptic comedy movie. It's humor may be too dry for some, but if you are into this kind of jokes (is it brittish humor?), it'd blow you away. Watching it with my buddy back then made some of it's gags into our convos.

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Why old men are so obsessed with kids? Are they pedo or something?

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Imagine learning in your teens that your gender is a pink-smoking plane crash claiming a pilot.

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You know you are doing the right thing when your enemy is, checks notes, a teenage girl. Iranian junta do everything to embarass itself and the religion of Islam. I want people of Iran to take the power back and show what's it to be an iranian.

We find that our deeply engaged users are quick to challenge and downvote harmful or misleading content across the platform.

Yeah, right.

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Honey, I'm waiting you tonight.

Sorry, I'm busy.

I made something special...

No, I can't.

Please, just say you cheat on me. I beg.

Sorry, sug. It's just work. Again.

What a moodbreaker. Fifth time in a row. Fuck your boss.

Actually, he promoted me and said you can move in with me there.


Our quarters within the facility. We can have our time on my breaks. They can even hire you too! They've even built a kindergarten there, so we are full served as a young family.

Divorce. Now.

It seems like an obvious flaw that's pretty simple to explain. Car is learnt to operate the infromation about collisions on a set height. The opening between the wheels of a truck's trailer thus could be treated by it as a free space. It's a rare situation, but if it's confirmed and reproduceable, that, at least, raises concerns, how many other glitches would drivers learn by surprise.

The whole brand is sooo edgy-looking, but kudos to them for supporting their devices.

EMPRESS is their name and yeah, they are bonkers. They are also very picky and influenced by donations, so obscure games won't be cured from DENUVO ever. Judgement, a somehow popular Sega release, was cracked days ago, and it's a 2018 game. They picked a fight with a ripper\cracker Skidrow in .nfo announcing that.

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Arrests and visits are not that widespread yet. Problems are atomization of society and lack of trust, that doesn't help organizing for literally anything too. Someone in higher comment remembered the long and hardly broken by 90s history of opression, but there's an old anecdote: 'If Stalin is such a monster, who sniched on others millions of times?'. If you don't vet a person\company before dropping heavy topics and opinions, they can tell on you just out of spite. On a local, small people level, folks aren't found out by secret services, they are snitched on. A girl painted a pro-peace picture and teacher called a police, resulting in her father imprisoned and her put into shelter. Some guy overheard a couple talking in a cafe and boyfriend was pressed face-to-floor before they had a chance to leave. Some college students snitched on a classmate just for lulz to FSB and she got a prison sentence out of blue, she was 19. It's despicable, but these facts aren't systemic oppression, but rather ugly POSes having a new leverage over others. When Zs are plastered everywhere, you aren't really sure who'd hear you at all times.

Telegram is very widespread and not blocked (while most VPNs are). Many under 45 follow the situation there, see videos and news. They just don't know what to do with that, to fully comprehend what's going on themselves and see their role in it, and totally unlikely to talk about it publicly. It's going back to close kitchen talks of later USSR. Everyone understands everything, but mantra comes to mind. Not many take a hard stance now, but try to put together a Frankenstein's creature of conflicting thoughts\bits of information to somehow explain the situation (like the viral beheading done by Wagner), or isolate themselves from it altogether to keep moving. Only to then get very surprised, when this thrown away and long forgotten puzzle suddenly blows up under their bed.

A very weird place to observe.

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It's fucked up that these mines won't become dud after some time. It means that even after the war comes to it's end, some undiscovered mines would continue to kill and maim civilians. What a stupid, dull weapon, but there are plenty of them to throw around.

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It's arguable, but that's what federation is about. No default instance, you pick those you want to participate in and agree with, and their admins have their choices too. It's neat.

With what level of trust pirated releases need, it's kinda worrysome to depend on that person. And they doesn't seem like one to share their secrets.

New itrunsdoom category? Impressive.

That description is something.

Many coding languages, mixed text and code, just plain wrong answers (commented as such). What can go wrong?

They can DDOS themselves to show raise in visits but it won't help long-term.

One ukrainian military psychologist and youtuber I've watched, Філософ Рептилоїд, frequently said how him bringing a laptop with games to a barrack set up a better overall atmosphere in a combat unit. Gaming is intense and occupying enough activity to distract one from fatigue of the battlefield for a couple of hours. Guess, even wargames work.

Honestly, I agree to an extent. I like watching at a well-designed scenery but I think it hurts games if it takes the priority. I'm not playing games for that, but for cool gamedesign ideas and my own experiences with mechanics. That's tl;dr, next is my rant, for I had a long bus ride.

Graphics are very marketable and ad-friendly, easier to implement\control rather than changes to engine or scripts (you need to understand first) and they may cover up the lack in other departments. Effective managers love that. CGI guys at Disney are on strike because this sentiment held as true in movie industry too, and they are overloaded, filming the whole movie over chromakey. Computer graphics almost replaced everything else.

In my perspective, this trend in AAA lowers the quality of the end product, makes it safer to develop (formulaic reiteration) but just ok to play, mostly unremarkable. Indie and small gamestudios can't compete with them in visuals, so they risk and try to experiment, bring novelty, and sometimes win a jackpot.

Like, obviously, Minecraft, that was initially coded by Notch alone. It invented indie scene as we know it now. It put tech and mechanics over looks, and the whole world was playing it. No one cared for how abstract it is being addicted to the gameplay.

Playing older games, I see, that they were in this race too, like how (recently remastered) Quake 2 was a great visual upgrade over Quake 1. People sold an arm and a leg to play them on HIGH at that time. And how they nodded like yeah, now it's just like a real life watching at a 640x320 screenshot, or how marketologists sold it. But somehow they were made completely different in many ways, not gfx alone, and that's for a braindead shooter. I feel it with my fingers. I see it in how the game logic works. This sensation was greater for me than anything I see on the screen.

Not being able to recall what happened in what CoD game, I become more amused with how gamedesign, presented via code, affects the feeling of a game. How in Disco Elysium all these mental features made it stand out. How Hotline: Miami did extreme violence so stylish. How Dwarf Fortress taught me to care about ASCII symbols on my screen but accepting the fun of loosing them. How the first MGS's Psycho Mantis read my savefiles from other games and vibrated my controller on the floor with his psychic power.

These moments and feelings can't be planned and managed like creation of visual assets. And they are why I like games, as outdated as NES ones or as ugly as competitive Quake config looks. They, like making love with a loving partner, hits different than a polished act of a fit and thin sex-worker. They bring unique experience instead of selling you a horse-painted donkey.

And that's why I don't really care about graphics and dislike their unending progress.

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They'd block whole domains and IPs (or put a wrong regexp mask banning random resources as well) because they aren't competent and ISPs are compliant. Find more ways to access content, use more small websites like fediverse and keep an ear to the question if their black boxes are also reading into your stuff, hence their bill for backdoors in cryptography.

My life is a pun.

Twilight is based?

Scandinavian stuff is like a magnet for nazi idiots. Vikings, runes, groups like Burzum (see Varg Vikernes), white majority in the country, nortern nature, isolation and safety to form clubs or even parties for them. It's like a Disneyland for him.

And after a while, when he was deported, he probably wanted to get back, as in his country nazism is controlled and only useful, submissive strays are safe to be. Becoming too influential or talking against the party line is a punishable offence. At least a couple of big neonazi\alt-right turds got suicided in recent decade for acting up, and I wasn't following them closely. If only it wasn't in history books.

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And if a company wants to fuck with you, it can sue you anyway over minor likeness until it exhaust you from money to attend hearings.

Why it's a newspaper's problem if he's a hateful moron. Imagine calling a child a faggot, even personally. It's so wrong and sad. For a child, for a reporter, and for he is the one to play victim and charge them.

After 2014 they took some notes that ex-soviet army is garbage. One needs a lot of changes to make it reliable and efficient. Lots of ukrainian fighters would tell you that as well (like хрюнчик from reddit), it's just so happens that they took it a little more serious this time and also trained with NATO troops. But the whole beaurocracy, man, it needs to be flushed like a turd. I have a distant knowledge of how it is in Ukraine, but I'm pretty sure that up to 2014 or even further they had everything on paper, no central digital database of draftees, this eased the bribing and fixing papers. Zee's office would have a fun time cleaning this shit.

They found that the colors could be removed during the depolymerization process, making the plastics recyclable and more sustainable.

It sounds like an interesting study, but would it affect anything? If something, it further enables plastic production (after a minor PR stunt on making some bottles colorless), while most of it ends up in the landfills after exactly one use mixed with everything else. Production of excessive products is unsustainable, recycling comes after we couldn't escape it.

I like LEGO games for their simple light-hearted humor and recreation of well known scenes from other IPs, esp. SW\LOTR ones.

No argument there, friend. Watching them back-to-back on a movie night is a wonder. Reiteration of a fence-jumping gag, connecting these two movies, is so sweet of a detail.

Of Hot Fuzz, I loved the actor who played the supermarket's boss. His delivery of another chilling comment... Gosh, I can't see how it'd work without him for he kills it. Some people I showed it for the first time only got into it because of him setting the tone and promising some big reveal.

And the starting sequence, as well, is a classic. I've seen people having it in their 101 on filmmaking, and it's not wrong.

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At this point it sounds like intentional.

A cat tail buttplug.

Why they still post his pictures where he looks like a superstar while he is a desperate salesman past his prime. On articles ridiculing him, nothing less.

Bot cut too much.

Not without some intent and effort :D But shit's blurred, because some use social media in their workplace communications for some reason. InfoSec is too hard of a concept for many.

They don't want to eliminate anything. That's just an easy win in the hearts of fanatics and one more layer of oppression. Like if there are lack of them: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Iraq What's more there to add?

Although, eradicating homosexuality as a possible thing from a public speech has weight. Mixing them with whatever-you-can-think-of too.

If someone less brainwashed could've had some compassion for a 'misguided', 'ill-informed' person, now they'd not even know if they were charged for being gay (or a sin of sodomy, yup) when this state hangs them. In the media, they would be not unlike a serial child rapist. And gay people just don't exist anymore, yeah, just deviants.

Also, their 'honor' thingie. Their families and quiet supporters 'enablers' would be even more publicly embarassed and looked down than before, if not treated as complicit in their 'crime'. It may increase the lasting damage on their lives.

Imagine being a parent of a hanged 'sexual deviant' in Iraq. You aren't even a failure, you created a monster. And you are, probs, a monster yourself. Lets add some mob justice to spice things up!

I have a pretty shakey understanding of their national mentality, but I think it is bigger and more dangerous than a kek on them, silly undoers of the Big Gay in one stroke of a pen.

It's more control over what your blog is and it's important for businesses and agencies. Having .gov instances would make the grow and adoption spiral.

less trolling, less agression

less popcorn </3

But it's manageable.

I've seen it like Michael pushing diversity training sessions onto the office (US) in the first season. Complete misunderstanding and absurd enthusiasm. I bet he would spend a night educating himself about gender and sexuality on the first resources found in google.

Listen, Dwight. Why would you put a sign saying MALE over your desk?

I insist on keeping it. We, Schruttes, are born Schruttes first, and everything else is out of our concern.

But why? Even Jim picked his new gender. Thrice this lunch, actually. Why don't you play into it to make our space more friendly for gendered people? Just for a day.


You've heard me. Go take a break, and return with a new gender of your choice!


It a little bit better as a satiric sketch than it is as a boomer humor. Especially, if Michael gets ridiculed for this senselessness in the end, like it happens every time.

Average monthly wage is $200-300. Some people without profession I know work for $100. Our housing market is still inflated, we just don't earn shit.

And this price is for regional estate, mostly flats in soviet-era buildings. In capitals of regions, and especially Moscow, that's laughable.

An elder person

driving to their birtday party

trapped with a stroke half-way in.