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None. My wife doesn't know about tact, or the polite white lie or anything like that. She doesn't have time for that bullshit. It's one of her endearing qualities.

Where, oh where are all of our apologists?

Maybe still figuring out what the "talking points" will be?

We're all waiting for the inevitable bullshit.

Capitalism is fine as long as its well-regulated and is only one component of a larger system. It's no accident that the best countries in the world to live in all rely in part on well-regulated capitalism together with robust democracy and relatively high levels of what in the US would be called socialism.

Health insurance. Actually that probably doesn't really count since most of us know it's a scam.

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Conversely, if you actually are an expert on a specific subject, reading any comment thread about it is very disheartening and will leave you wondering how much bullshit you've accidentally ingested and taken at face value from other threads about which you are less knowledgeable.

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Tax all of them! What part about it do you not understand? Do we need to spell it out for you? WTF is wrong with you?

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Meritocracy in the US is almost entirely a myth, outside of a few sports.

Free will as it's popularly understood doesn't actually exist.

Most shoes are bad for us and cause injuries over the course of our lives .

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For most people most of the time it's a perfectly fine quality of life. That said, it's a huge country with tons of variation so if you're looking for bad qualities, there are always plenty of examples to point to.

What pisses me off is that we are nowhere near as good as we could be and as we claim to be. There are some very powerful and objectively evil forces in this country.

Nope. Setting the precedent that stronger nations can take territory from weaker nations by force would mean an immediate end to the post WW2 rules-based international order and would bring an end to the most peaceful era in human history.

Xi is watching Ukraine very closely as he has made nearly identical claims about Taiwan and much of the South China Sea. So are the Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese. This is not a path that ends well.

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This will never stop being weird to me, or at least unfamiliar.

Reason; I was raised by boomers, but they were legitimate 1967 Haight-Ashbury hippies (actually my dad derosed out of Vietnam in '67, so he wasn't in SF until '68, but leave us not quibble) who even now, though both my parents are dead, are still far to the left of me, and I'm basically a Bernie-style democratic socialist.

To put in perspective, while my parents weren't actually part of the SLA, they personally knew and were friendly with some of the most notorious of the lot, though they had parted ways by the time the SLA started to get seriously crazy.

All of which is just to say that growing up with Boomer parents in NorCal was a very different experience for a lot of gen Xers like myself.

It was a warning. Frum is and always has been a staunch never-Trumper. He's still a conservative, but he was never on board with Trump and to his credit has been pretty vocal in his opposition.

This is because the Internet killed journalism's revenue model. In the past a big metro daily had three main revenue streams; subscriptions, newsstand sales and classifieds/advertising. Newsstand sales is the only leg that didn't get gutted by the internet, so in order to keep it viable, they have to charge more than they used to, but even then, it's just not really cost efficient and many major metro dailies no longer print a hard copy version.

One problem with journalism is that since everyone consumes it in one way or another, everyone imagines that they have an informed opinion about it, but unless you went to j-school and/or have worked in the field, you probably don't.

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Nothing to see here folks, just more of the China hoax on climate change.

Believe what I tell you, not what you see.

You can call it whatever you want, just know that you are badly misusing the word. Propaganda does not mean "anything I disagree with." Never has.

Construction industry project manager here.

Sure, we use lots of tech and actually build a lot of the data-centers and fabs that are the backbone of the internet and modern computing, but the on-the-ground nuts and bolts of what we do is very much about highly-skilled tradesmen performing manual work that can't be done remotely or by robots.

So it's not really "tech" per se at all, even though we do a ton of work for companies like Intel, Google, Meta and the like.

It's called the clinch and is a huge part of the sport. There can be a lot happening in the clinch that casual observers won't necessarily see or appreciate. Some of the all-time greats were masters at working the clinch.

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The field of computer science decided what AI is. It has a very specific set of meanings and some rando on the Internet isn't going to upend decades of usage just because it doesn't fit their idea of what constitutes AI or because they think it's a marketing gimmick.

It's not. It's a very specific field in computer science that's been worked on since the 1950s at least.

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Were they stupid or deliberately misled, propagandized and manipulated by the fossil fuel industry? Sure some of them were stupid, but I don't think that's the whole story.

Apples and oranges. The difference is that in only one instance did the losing candidate refuse to concede and peacefully transfer power to the winner.

It was meant to preclude those who had served in the confederate army and government from holding elected federal office, so in practice, at the time at least, a prior conviction for insurrection was not required. That said, it's not clear how it would apply to Trump.

Yes, all of them.

Now in my 50s and I guess I don't really care about anyone's notions of success and/or failure.

None of that stuff really matters.

What matters is being a good and kind person and building and maintaining a network of connections with people who are similarly good and kind.

When you die, you aren't going to care about how much money you made or how "successful" you were.

What you'll care about is your family, whether chosen or biological. You will care about being surrounded by people who love you. Nothing else will matter at all.

Do we have a real choice?

I don't think we do.

If the choice is between a precariously old octogenarian and a completely unhinged authoritarian octogenarian who doesn't believe in democracy, I guess I know which way I'll vote every time.

A plea deal gets you a lighter sentence, so coming out against it now is not a good look and will bite him in the ass if he ever has trouble with the law in the future.

Just read the fucking article. The legal reasoning is pretty clearly explained. You're basically asking people to read it for you.

I've said for years that the deniers and fossil fuel barons will be looked upon by future generations as some of history's greatest villains. They will be seen in much the same light as a Hitler or Stalin or Mao.

Union tradesmen and teamsters both make good money. It's the non-union workers getting screwed.

He's just a glorified self-help guy who's gotten way more attention than he deserves by saying mildly offensive things. He should never have been allowed to become a target for outrage. Once that happened, he figured out how to monetize it and it was off to the races. It's like a feedback loop.

More often than not.

Desantis doesn't have the charisma to replace Trump.

This is one of the few upsides of cults of personality; almost by definition they are not replicable.

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Oh good, let's quibble about semantics instead of actually discussing the meat of the problem.

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One would only think that's surprising or funny if they assumed that "best economy" and "best states to live in" necessarily have a one to one overlap. While I can see there being some overlap, l think we all know that business-friendly policies that foster economic growth almost always come with a suite of larger demographic costs.

The key is to seek balance between what's good for business and what's good for the public, and in that light it shouldn't really come as a surprise that some of the most business-friendly states are also the worst places to live.

That's not what happened. Johnson became president when Lincoln was assassinated and at that time the president and VP didn't run on a single ticket and instead the VP slot went to the presidential runner-up, who, of course, was from the opposition. So we didn't really elect Johnson; we elected Lincoln, but John Wilkes Booth happened and he fucked us for generations.

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Supply is definitely part of the problem. I'm not familiar with a single expert who claims otherwise.

It doesn't say the exact opposite, that's why. Your question is a non-sequitur.

16 years.

They probably passed the Lemmy Bar exam.

I don't think "skill" is the right word here. It's more of a basic competence issue.

Unless you are badly injured or a small child, coyotes are not a threat. Credible reports of healthy coyotes willingly attacking healthy adult humans are basically non-existent. There's always something else going on that precipitates the attack.

You are far more likely to be killed by the heat and lack of water in the Mojave than by any animal.

Edit; unless by "coyote" you mean cartel-affiliated human traffickers, in which case, yeah, they definitely are bad news.

As a guy wholly descended from the peoples of the British Isles, I have a similar feeling, only in my case, it really is true that my people have trashed the world for their personal benefit.

Granted that the Irish side of my family was never entirely on board.

Fair play. That said, please do look up Hanford. It's way bigger than Westlake and is potentially a much bigger problem, though granted, Westlake is problematic as well.