6 Post – 772 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ethernet was available as an option... It was just expensive.

That's crazy... I can get more than 3 times as much food from Domino's in a HCOL area for less money just by paying attention to the online deals and picking it up instead of delivery.

That pick any 2 for $6.99 each deal would have saved you a bundle.

So would picking it up.

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Not the 21st century

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Lol... I remember the time before my friend...

I've been employed in the technology industry for the last 27 years though and it definitely started before Y2K.

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Videos are a terrible way to communicate small amounts of information and these comments aren't super insightful so I guess I'll just move on.

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What I don't understand is why people wound even want to use this app...

What possible appeal could it have?

46 more...

How about instead of worrying about making it more popular we concentrate on making it better?

Eliminate all the shitty worthless content and spammy replies that people brought over with them from the shit hole that shall not be named and focus our efforts on creating quality content that users (particularly the ones that are already here) actually enjoy and engage with.

That's my two cents on it anyway.

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Already legal in Colorado.

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And the artists still don't really make shit from it.

How about if normalized not fucking linking YouTube videos for topics that seem like news?

I will read an article but I'm not going to click through and watch some random ass length video from some random ass "content creator" who probably has a worthless opinion to begin with.

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I wish articles were still just articles.... I don't want to read an ad for a stupid podcast that I won't listen to or YouTube video I won't watch.


I admittedly stopped reading halfway through but I feel like these newest vulnerabilities being discovered are probably just fucking government back doors the manufacturers have been forced to include.


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I think basically every single top level comment has zero understanding of what a short time 20 years actually is.

I also expect almost everything that is acceptable today will also still be in 20 years, including nearly every example suggested in this discussion.

The world simply does not change that fast as a general rule.

40 more...

Hell, Aioki himself turns 46 this month... I think you're overthinking it.

I'm so close to deciding to sail the high seas again.

I've been a lifetime Plex pass subscriber for years now... Just need to get a VPN again, get back on Usenet or real-debrid, and maybe setup Sonarr and Radarr.

I'll almost certainly save money and have access to more content than I currently do.

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That man has got to legitimately be one of the stupidest motherfuckers to ever luck his ass into a pile of money.

That's some fucking garbage.

Not to sound like I'm going full r/hailcorporate for Hilton but I've not seen them pulling shit like that yet.

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Shaving sucks.

The real question is why shaving should be normalized, expected, or encouraged in modern society.

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Alabama has an incredible climate for growing outdoor Cannabis, too...

It should literally be everywhere there.

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Battery life on laptops is always over exaggerated regardless what OS you run.

12+ hours of actual battery life during use just doesn't happen.

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That bitch can fuck right off.

IT needs better recruiters and higher pay.

Formerly Credit Karma taxes because Credit Karma was bought by Intuit, believe it or not, and they had to spin off the tax prep part.

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Then there's the Radium Girls.


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Honestly, I joined Twitter begrudgingly in 2015 after ignoring it for years only because I thought it might be easy to keep up with some interesting news before it hit Reddit.. and it worked for a while...

Now, I just wonder why I'm still there at all.

I also don't.see why I might want a mastodon account at this point though... I don't feel like I need a replacement for something that I never really liked...

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A shower dildo left there to be found? No.. that'd be fuckin weird too

I'm really curious how much the shit stain got paid for the one or two episodes on the Masked Singer that it could be possible to have overpaid his taxes related to it by over $10K.

Pizza parties, "lunch and learns", lunch at a restaurant with the boss...

All of that condescending shit that is intended and expected to deprive people of time away from the office, building, worksite, whatever if they need it.

I value my personal time and it's not easily replaced by free food.

Some of the other comments in the thread are great too...

Overabundance of redundant or unnecessary meetings in general is another one for me.

There was a time when I would have jumped at the chance to work for one of these companies.

Hell, I even interviewed with Google 17 years ago (for a position that I was thoroughly overqualified for).

But, these days I don't think they could offer me enough money to convince me it would be worth it... Unless there was a HUGE upfront signing bonus that wouldn't need to be repaid no matter what happens.

They're shooting themselves in the foot by drastically reducing the talent pool available to them.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it works out for them.

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That certainly adds interesting context.

I previously read that the 72 page bill was given to House members initially with only about an hour before the vote to read and review it so that helps me make more sense of it than my own face value first conclusion.

The problem I'm seeing lately is that a lot of folks are bringing some of the things that were already unbearable about reddit with them...

Like "based", "this", "underrated comment", etc... So much stupid lazy garbage.

Edit: to OP... The "this" referenced in my comment was not directed at your title (hilariously enough)... I only meant that one as a one word comment reply and didn't even realize that was your title when I commented... 😂

19 more...

I have 3 reasons I still visit... But I am cutting back.

  1. My local subreddit is still way more active than the equivalent here in the fediverse (but I do get to interact with some familiar usernames in the local Lemmy community)

  2. It's still a decent news aggregator, IMHO, ahead of Lemmy for keeping up with what's going on in the world at a high level

  3. NSFW content is still lagging behind on Lemmy, as well .. I'm using a revanced app and I'm a mod of my own private sub so it still works but I fully expect this to be killed in the near future... In fact, I fully expect that by the time a reddit IPO happens they will have completely killed all the NSFW subreddits (even on the official app and desktop browser)

The site is definitely in a death spiral but, as of today, I still find it useful for certain things.

Fuck them though... They won't get a dime in ad dollars from me and the demise can't come soon enough at this point.

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it's so stupid and amazing this recent celebration of people that are proud to have paid for it.

It was never a good solution really..

It just worked for what it was for a time... Because it was better than WinZip or pkzip.

7-zip has been amazing for years..

Better OS support would be cool too but it's so unnecessary thanks to 7zip.

19 more...

Regulations vary from place to place...

In some places it may be that having at least one nearby exit unlocked to people inside is sufficient so a place with a deadbolt locked front door and a nearby push to open style backdoor could still be compliant.

Could have stopped at "AITA: I'm a Republican..." and the answer would be the same.


I just watched Cowboys & Aliens (2011) for the first time earlier today and really enjoyed it.

Lots of famous faces in front of the camera and lots of well known names involved behind the scenes.

Producers include Steven Spielberg, Jon Favreau, & Ron Howard.

Actors include Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, & Olivia Wilde.

Seems like a really stupid idea for a plot but I found myself about halfway through thinking "this isn't really that different from a Star Wars type movie... That's basically already alien cowboys .."

Oh yeah... Forgot to mention that Steve Oedekirk (from Kung Pow fame) was also involved .. he was one of three writers

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"To the times Disney pays people off enough..."

Why would anyone be proud of something they had zero control over?

It's extremely stupid.

If there's anything people should take pride in it would be their own work and accomplishments... Certainly not where they were born or anything else equally arbitrary that could have just as easily gone another way.