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As to why a Scientology-owned group would care about such a matter, 404 Media suggested that it could have to do with Scientology E-meters, or electropsychometers. The Church of Scientology describes the machines as an "electronic instrument that measures mental state and change of state in individuals and assists the precision and speed of auditing" and that only a Scientology minister or training minister should use. 404 Media noted that some people collect the devices and, oddly enough, you can find E-Meters sold on eBay.

"My hunch is that the Scientologists think granting the hacking community permission to dig into their E-Meter software will expose the whole operation as snake oil. The request is like so many other anti-Right to Repair arguments: Manufacturers are afraid that access to repair materials will expose some of their other dirty secrets," Chamberlain said.

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Keeping users siloed in Facebook’s garden shouldn’t be seen as a win for us.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play. If people hadn't federated with google's XMPP back in the day, google wouldn't have had the same level of control it had to kill XMPP as a competitor.

We need to learn from the lessons of the past, and the past has resulted in the deaths of services when federating with corporations.

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Enshitification isn't solved by voting with your dollar. If it did, the printer market wouldn't be the shit show that it is. You can't vote for the good if all the manufacturers mutually agree to only produce shit. Only regulation will keep them in line.

(inb4 "brother is better", I am aware that brother printers are generally better, but they are far from good.)

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Embrace extend extinguish

Don't federate with corps, it will only end badly

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According to Star Trek lore, WW3 will begin in 3 years, and last for 27 years.

Buckle up.

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IIRC about 2/3rds of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. That is not an economy that is working for the people.

We need dramatic overhauls that Biden, and especially Trump will never deliver. We need employee ownership of companies for starters.

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Don't worry! WW3 will be preceeded by the Bell Riots, a collection of revolts by people treated inhumanely and stuck in slums. It will be a fun little distraction before the fireworks. It's even got it's own count down now!

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The only reason a single mother and baby should ever be flash banged is if they are shooting at the police. With the technology today, they should be aware of who is going to be hit by a flash bang before it’s even thrown.

That, and there isn't ever really a need to do raids in the first place.

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nobody should use chatgpt to generate long rambly paragraphs complaining about nothing in particular with no point or ending or punctuation coupled with maildrop.cc as a temporary email

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Like it or not we are stuck with a two party system. As fucking awful as Biden is, and he is, Biden is the lesser of two evils by far. And that applies to democrats/republicans as a whole.

Both parties/candidates are to some degree cool with genocide and privatization, but only one of the two stands out as the worst, and the worst by a lot.

Don't like it? Vote for local candidates/congressional candidates in primaries that will fix the two party problem. But in the mean time the better presidential option will be anything with a D next to their name.

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This but corps

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People took steps against him in 2016 as well. And voting him out previously gives no guarantee of anything.


Polling is bullshit, but to the degree that it isn't, it isn't looking great. This isn't some guarantee that Trump will lose. The boomers that vote republican do so EVERY election. The people who vote against them aren't so reliable in comparison.

There is quite a jump in quality of information depending on the source, and books generally have a much higher quality. Books are hardly obsolete.

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It'll look like what we already have. Swaths of users self hosting, with lots of redundancy to deal woth instances that have problems.

And that might mean it needs to stay small, but that's OK. Not all success is measured in popularity.

Our current electoral system is inherently biased against 3rd parties. We need to switch to approval/STAR voting to make 3rd parties viable.

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I will not vote for the party of genocide supply. Aka the dems.

They're both supporting the ongoing genocide. This isn't helpful for deciding who to vote for.

Local candidates are not going fix the two party system. That’s a national issue.

Which is why I specified local/congressional. It's going to take all levels of government to unfuck us from a two party system.

I don’t know the solution, but buying into the Dems bullshit “lesser of Two evils” AGAIN is not it.

Only one of these choices is actively trying to turn our country into a theocratic hell hole.

The "lesser of two evils" is fucking awful, but it's true.

Have fun being the same chump you were 8 years ago.

If you can't talk about politics without resorting to personal insults then you must know how weak your argument is.

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Congress can't do anything because of the filibuster, two party system, and republicans though. The whole thing honestly needs an overhaul.

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We are at a point in time in which we can't afford to wait any longer to switch away from fossil fuels, and e-bikes are one of the ways to do so. The barriers to entry should be minimal.

The majority of e-bike injuries are to the rider themselves, and due to inattention/falling off. That's not something that training or a license will really help with. Speeding and not wearing a helmet on the other hand, those are things easier to catch/deal with.

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"Make Sure You Are Square With Your God Before Trying To Merge This"

This leak is all about making sure that when Trump does the dumb thing anyway, they don’t get disbarred over it.

Why even represent him in the first place if he is such a massive risk?

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In addition to RiderExMachina's point, an e-bike will get you to your destination quicker, and with less effort. With how hot things are getting, it's much more preferable to not arrive sweaty as hell due to how much work it can take, plus it's better to spend less time in the heat.

The difference is, Trump did so for personal political gain. Netanyahu's government is killing thousands of palestinian civilians, which is genocide. Coercing a foreign nation to stop genociding people is a good thing.

Georgia law requires the names of jurors to be public for the sake of transparency. So while Trump is a traitor, the juror's names thing isn't his doing.

His supporters though, they're absolutely going to be responsible once one of the jurors gets shot. And Trump will hold some of that responsibility for not keeping his cultists at bay.

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I don’t think safety courses and licensing are a huge barrier to entry though, unless we let them be.

Training and licenses generally aren't free, and e-bikes are already pretty expensive. It would add quite enough of a barrier to entry to dissuade more people from switching to them, which is something the environment cannot afford. We honestly need to be doing everything in our power as quickly as possible.

And yes, training and a license would indeed make a difference with how riders conduct themselves. Including wearing a helmet or paying attention.

I've seen plenty of car drivers on the road who presumably have a license, yet they don't wear seat-belts, don't pay attention, turn in places they shouldn't, speed, etc. The first step should be infrastructure changes to increase the number of protected/dedicated bike trails (which in turn allow accidents to happen safely), built in speed limiters, rules on helmets and speed, mixed use zoning to reduce trip count/speed/cars, etc. Such changes don't have an impact on barrier to entry or and only a negligible effect on our freedom.

Traveling by bike is one of the few ways you can travel without having the government involved in some way, or at least minimally involved. I'd like it to stay that way.

And like I said earlier, most of these injuries are to the rider themselves, which means they were probably doing something stupid in the first place. People are going to be stupid even with a license and training, so we may as well design around it as a first step.

I have a cat. It likes to get into things I don't want it to. I could theoretically teach it not to do so, but the far simpler option is to keep the layout of my house and my things such that it can't get into things in the first place. If I keep the closet doors shut, it isn't getting in. People are stupid, and similarly, we should design our infrastructure to account for that. It's why speed bumps exist after all.

During the rise of nazis in Germany, there were quite a few Americans who sympathized with the nazis, and there was even an American nazi party at one point.

WW2 just told them they needed to be quiet and stealthy. They didn't really go anywhere, and their influence over the GOP has only grown.

This fundamentally and thoroughly explains what this Christmas has been like for me. Trying to move from one room to another has been a constant battle of stepping over things and pushing past clutter.

Sleeping on the couch of dog fur hasn't been pleasant.

And the cherry on top has been my girlfriend having to go home because of her dog allergies. Hopefully next year will be better.

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Sweden already has very good public transportation, bike infrastructure, and walkability. So there are plenty of other options. Nobody is going to become more poor over this.

The pollution from fossil fuel cars is a non monetary cost. That cost should not be placed on the shoulders of others.

But every encounter I have with a cop I start out just being friendly

white suburban 40 year old

Sounds like survivorship bias.

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I will say, part of that ignorance, apathy, and laziness is an intentional part of our existing society. You can't spend the time to research every single product you ever buy, because many are stuck working several job, basically everyone is juggling their work, family, and social life.

A couple months back, I tried putting some effort into finding a printer that had all of the qualifications I wanted.

  • usb printing, no network needed

  • laser

  • color

  • not a brand that will fuck you over (looking at you HP)

  • within a reasonable budget of $300-$400

And such a product just doesn't exist. Brother comes close, but the market straight up isn't producing good things. So at the end of the day all I can do is either get shafted at the local print store, or suck it up and get an inferior product.

But going back to the OP, it's so much worse with cars because we have a car-centric society. You NEED a car in this place to have a normal life. Our cities and transportation have been intentionally designed to fuck over everyone not in a car.

So there is inelastic demand. The manufacturers can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.

On top of that, it wasn't labeled well at all. It sounds like they did not stat the caffeine content on the dispenser, but even if it did, not everybody has a good reference of how fucking much 390mg is.

We need to allow more mixed zoning so that we don’t have to travel 20 minutes by bike to get to the store, alleviating the drive to ride as fast as possible.

Not only would that eliminate the need for speed, but it would also reduce the overall number of trips taken by bike. Less trips means less crashes. Same goes for cars.

Add it to the never ending list of benefits to mixed use zoning.

Which is still stupid, because the we already have this tech.

Because ad blocking is a security and privacy feature. We have the right to choose what HTML and scripts are loaded into our browser. Without that right, we have no web security or privacy.

We also have the right to not listen to ads, turning off the radio the moment they come on. Internet ad blocking is effectively the same thing, just automated. Piracy is completely different, because it is the unlawful copying of digital data.

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That's what we get with a two party system. The parties don't really need to compete through better policy, simply spending more and being marginally less bad in the eyes of the voters on your side of the line is enough of a strategy for them.

If 3rd parties were viable, democrats would actually have to compete in the ways that matter, and we wouldn't see shitty politicians like Biden as much.

But we're not going to get that until election reform (STAR & Approval voting, ban on money in politics, etc) happens.

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The franchise owners are still extracting wealth from the restaurant owners. That 1.2 billion came from somewhere, it didn't just poof into existence. That's 1.2 billion that should have gone to the workers instead of the rich shareholders who own the company. As a whole, as an entire organization they are greedy fucks and it shows.

We’re winning! A psychic said so!

Not really seeing anybody saying this. The sentiment moreso seems that it's just laughing at fox news stupidity.

The democrats will just pick another stinker. How do you think we got Biden in the first place?

The two party system needs to be fixed before we will see any actually good candidates.

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