1 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Look at me

Lemmy is the frontpage of the internet now

Spez hates him for discovering this one weird trick.

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Technically 6E is the best in-use version for compatible devices. Same as WiFi 6 but adds the 6GHz spectrum that was recently unlocked by many regulatory agencies around the world. The 6GHz range is significantly less congested and would have better real-world performance in dense residential areas.

Edit: A few months ago I stumbled upon this site where the author goes quite in-depth about WiFi and does so in a way that is easy to understand. They debunk/corroborate claims and technologies advertised by manufacturers so it really helps demystify the process of selecting the right WiFi gear.

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Linux even lets you fully remove the French language!

sudo rm -fr /

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Is he really the origin of that whole thing?

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Firefox's password manager is probably just as good.

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But most of these are small communities, and today only protesting subreddit with over 10 million subscribers is r/fitness.

Even if those subreddits never reopen, relinquishing the John Oliver rule officially brings the Reddit protests to a close.

These sentenences are literally right after each other. I have no idea how a 10+ million subreddit still protesting and many smaller ones means the protests are "officially over". It's died down quite a bit but that doesn't seem like a state to declare "officially over".

For those who are unaware. Highly relevant.

Sense of pride and accomplishment is only attainable through pay-to-win microtransactions. This is known.

Let's get grandma running Gentoo!

The old subreddit had one rule: you had to make a post before leaving. People started just saying "rule" in the title as a joke about begrudgingly complying with the rule.

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Post-war she could easily pivot to making Chewbacca suits.

That was pretty painful. Not even a rumor that he said it, he tweeted it lol

Literally any vehicle can be briefly amphibious.

They actually explicitly stated as such:

Q: If a user reinstalls/redownloads a game / changes their hardware, will that count as multiple installs?

A: Yes. The creator will need to pay for all future installs. The reason is that Unity doesn’t receive end-player information, just aggregate data.

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How do you feel about the rest of his views in retrospect of knowing what you know now?

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Feels like pretty strong linkages to obstruction of justice if you're trying to brazenly influence the outcome of a trial under the threat of violence.

Reading through this reminded me how draining it was to have a huge asshole as a president.

What happened June 21st? It's the first exponential growth and it's also when I made my account, but I don't remember what was the trigger to finally make an account.

Edit: I think it's when they started trying to force subreddits back open:

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The maintenance gets tough after 80,000 miles. She's a good wife for letting you know the good days are done.

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They don't freeze in fear. They freeze because they are analyzing that philtrum.

I worked with a complier that would assume only compare the first 8 characters and would treat it the same afterwards.

Compiler copyright was around 1990.

Edit: This was for function names in C

Thank you for helping make the fediverse a better place.

Like the satisfying “we killed reddit” probably isn’t going to happen.

I used to think this until all of the recent blows they have had, such as the IAmA losses and Microsoft withdrawing their Minecraft support. With advertisers withdrawing and users leaving, I think they are going to have problems covering operating expenses in the near term that could lead to an implosion due to lack of funds.

Before all this started, Fidelity's Reddit investment was devalued pretty heavily and they have had profitability issues. Tech companies in general are having investor problems due to interest rates so Reddit have problems is going to really scare away any risk-adverse investors. They have proven they cannot control their user base (which is good news for users) which scares advertisers away from content unfriendly to their interests. They just doubled their employees from like 1000 to 2000 in the past couple of years, which just adds astronomically to their operating expenses.

I think they make about $500 million in revenue and are still in the red. Even minor changes to this expense/income ratio can cause issues that make them suddenly insolvent with no one to bail them out.

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No it doesn't. The term "Black Lives Matter" doesn't exclude other people's lives from mattering so responding with the term "All Lives Matter" is weird.

In this case we are blindly labeling billions of people as being problematic when there is obviously some nuance.

These "mandates" also apply when losing the popular vote, somehow.

For me it acts as a warning of the credibility of whatever newspeak is going to come out of his mouth.

It measures skin conductance, which basically is perspiration rate. It's used in lie detector tests (which are not credible, by the way) as when your perspiration rate increases, so does your skin conductance.

Lie detectors use this to test if you're fibbing and I'm sure Scientologist use to to enhance their manipulation when they know you're talking about something that makes you uneasy.

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That's a long time to fester in a place where they love rats.

Can someone explain the joke? I get the Micheal Jordan and the Jordan logo but don't understand the other parts. Thanks!

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Yeah. You theoretically can financially DDOS a developer.

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There is a non-zero chance X merges with Reddit based on Steve Huffman's public swooning over Elon Musk vision.

Finally. We have the funds to enact the Gay Agenda©

Execute order 69.

There are physical therapists who know the actual manipulations that work and use them as needed for treatment. It's the best of both worlds.

Like many places in the South, Black citizens have had to fight for democratic rights in court – repeatedly suing for representative districts for the election of local officials since the 1970s.

It really sounds exhausting to be a black person in the south who just wants to participate in the democratic process. The smaller the community, the less we have gotten away from the Jim Crow era.

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Trump was literally dancing during the insurrection and there is a video of it. Dude was gleefully happy about one of the darkest days in American history.

It's not jumping the gun, you just have your head in the sand.

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/u/Ruud is like /u/Spez but only if /u/Spez was actually cool.

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Sheldon Whitehouse is one of the real deals though.

Even worse, the act of removing that from their motto.