Not A Bird

@Not A
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Joined 1 years ago

Typical conservative snowflake. How dare you say anything about me? Throwing people in prison for criticism is commonplace in India.

Laws like the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), which features overly broad definitions of the platforms it targets and has troubling privacy implications thanks to surveillance requirements, could sweep companies like Netflix or Disney up into its dragnet.

Streaming companies are usually pro-net neutrality, and that’s been a difficult concept for lawmakers and regulators in DC to fully grasp.

For those that read just the headline. Not everything is black and white.

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Elon fanboys should be lining up to try this, right?

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This is our lead, isn't it?

Absolutely not. Criticize things like this is correct but this does not equate to a coup, banning abortion and gender care. Don't give ammo to a shit takinge point.

Dude wanted to build a bunker for a possible "Apocalypse". Another delusional billionaire. Glad this guy got caught.

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There is a reason for it, isn't there? Bullshit is motivated to manipulate, and spread propaganda. While, truth based journalism needs professionals to do due diligence. While we can argue for better journalism, wishing for everything to be free ain't gonna work.

Unless we are okay with.. Ads. We won't tolerate that either, would we?

Is there a CEO that is not a total ass?

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H1B is not broken. It does what is supposed to do. It is an entry to the country. The immigration system around H1B is what is broken. People stuck in queues waiting for legitimacy. Kids who spent their entire life in the country being deported. Immigrants unable to leave the country due to processing delays.
H1B gets people in, as they are supposed to. The immigration system abuses the shit out of people once they enter the country.

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Twitter about to go offline in EU in 3.. 2..

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He has paid 0 cents. He spent 93000$ in July for Personal expenses. His net worth is over 14M.

The Billions is just for show. This guy has faced 0 consequences.

To block people. Duh.

Looks like they need unions and contracts.

Some variety in content that is friendly and fun. Not all doom and hating on corporations. I am not advocating for corporations btw.

I got an alert yesterday when I traveled by Bus. I see false positives scaring people using public transport.

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You had me in the first half. But maybe safe to add that /s.

Here's hoping WI follows the way of MI.

Social ethics is not something the average people care about. I doubt if Twitter would be in trouble if not for the platform being absolutely terrible, and the non stop short slighted changes that just break things.

Leave it up, and don't use it. Let them carry dead weight.

I hope he does it. When do we start to see him throw other people under the bus? "Jim Jordan suggested it".

More than one sensible person in this thread. Pleasantly surprised.

Can't wait to watch the movies made 10 years from now.

Pretty much every smoking gun insider trading story trending in social media.

Was the signature requirement change also defeated?

Chronological timeline doesn't really work unless you build a highly curated list. Not many people used Twitter that way.

Which is bad for society, but necessarily bad from a community stand point. Reddit has only gotten worse the more popular it had gotten. Starting over again in the next platform, maybe it could be better (without the monetization aspect). But someone has to cough up the dough for the servers. Non profit funding is happening; we'll have to wait and see if that is enough.

That is exactly what Brian Kemp did, campaigned on that and won his re-election for GA Governer.

Lemmy and Mastodon to a larger extent hate anything owned by a corporation. That voice is getting more and more louder by the day.

That horizon of consequences never seems to come near.

Very good counter arguments. I hate how the headline just lumps in cloud with streaming/ uber in value. Shows the naiveity of the author.

Yup, that is the solution! As if we can't vote them our or primary them.

I agree with a lot of things you said. But, you are not judging this term by this term, but by the last 30 years. You have little bit of merit to blame Biden for his past mistakes, but you fail to tell what he could have done differently. The thing that strikes me the most is how you view the democrats of the last 30 years as a singular entity. Democrats are not a monarchy or a cult. We will never figure out how to elect better people with that outlook.

The negativity is stark here. If you don't want it, don't use it. It is an itsy bitsy icon, easy to ignore.

Here is the slimmest majority with 50 senators; two of those are republicans in sheep's clothing. Oh, also you lose house majority 2 years in.

You can't fix an entire system with that? Fuck you Biden.

  • Voters.
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People like you give me hope for this place.

Why does the thread act like primaries aren't a thing and that Biden didn't defeat a field of like 10 people who ran. There were multiple debates. The people voted.. Are we just in full acceptance of conspiracy theories that imply all the people who can vote are puppets without control?

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Electing more people like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Josh Hawley. That will fix it, right?

All of lemmy would disgree with you. But, you are right. Instead of voting for the right candidates, they like to blame the "system" and admit defeat. That way, they don't have to take any responsibility and keep blaming "them". It is not far from voter suppression.