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Joined 1 years ago

My favorite thing is to just leave a note that says, "I'm sorry about the scratch."

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In defense of Zuckerberg -- and there's something I never thought I'd say -- they changed the name of the company so that they could introduce new brands. They were not dumb enough to rebrand the successful products. It's just now Facebook by Meta.

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It would almost be better if they kept it because they agreed with it. In fact they don't care about the content. They care about "engagement", which is the same reason you got terrible content on Facebook, pre-Elon Twitter, etc. Anything that made clicks was good. Promoting hate because it's profitable is one of those "banality of evil" moments.

Edit: I'm not saying post-Elon Twitter is better. He's promoting hate for a different reason.

What Twitter did well I think was handle the non-trvial problems of scale, and did a fairly credible job of content moderation. I can find fault with a lot of how they handled that but they did honestly try. Becoming the dominant platform is always largely luck, but had they not adequately handled scale and content they would not have lasted for so long. Content moderation is a people, process, and technology problem.

Twitter like it or not has been pivotal for connecting people around the world especially those with less developed infrastructure. The Arab Spring events would not have happened without it. Which is why I think the Saudis were happy to give Elon money. They knew he'd either make it more friendly for them, or kill it and they'd have a hold on him because of the money he owes.

Reagan was the literal actor hired to play president by a group of Machiavellian assholes, many of whom were also behind the scenes of both Bushes, Nixon, and lots of Republican Congress members. Not disagreeing that Reagan is where they really got traction on their dreams of power, but Reagan wasn't the architect.

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The current stuff is smoke and mirrors and not intelligent in any meaningful sense, but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. It doesn't have to be robots with guns to screw over people. Just imagine trying to get PharmaGPT to let you refill your meds, or having to deal with BankGPT trying to figure out why it transfered your rent payment twice. And companies are sure as hell thinking about using this stuff to get rid of human decisionmakers.

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Be right back. I'm creating 50 truth social accounts and messaging him to show us what a real strong leader he is and go through with it.

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We can and should as long as it's based on relevant behavior not religious affiliation. If you don't believe in using proscribed antibiotics you should not be caring for kids, for example. I don't care if it's because your god told you they were evil or because you think your healing crystals are better.

"against your Christian religion". Fixed that for you.

Nothing Trump has ever done has been in good faith.

They're proposing a ridiculous date expecting to "compromise" on after the election.

Luck, car engineering, and medical science. She was seriously injured. Was she trying to kill herself, I have no idea. Clearly needs mental health treatment which she's not likely to get in prison. Not that I think she should be free either.

I fear for her, her staff, and their families. There are a lot of rabid Trump supporters. I hope they stay safe.

It seems like Teslas get way less range when it's cold, especially the ones without heat pumps. This is no surprise whatsoever but it's not well covered by EPA range estimates because combustion engines get free heat. So it's not something people are used to thinking about.

Seems like where Tesla f'd up is by making a team to lie about it instead of just telling people, "yeah that's what happens." As usual it's the cover-up that worse than the crime. Tesla will probably win the case but will look stupid. Should have just been honest about it.

It's basically true. The ACA drew a lot of support being compared to Massachusetts' healthcare when Romney was governor. The individual mandate, which was the necessary compromise to get it passed, was first proposed by The Heritage Foundation.

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When I was a kid in a restaurant my mother (who had been a waitress) told me, "It's their job to clean. It's not their job to clean up after you. You need to understand those are different things." Never forgot that.

The Republicans' only principle is winning power. Therefore any lie, change in position, or trick in service of that is not a sacrifice. I'm not being sarcastic. That's really all they are now.

Disclaimer that I have not followed this case and I'm not a lawyer.

In the US civil cases can have both compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory is meant to "right the wrong" where you get reimbursed for financial losses, lost time, things you had to pay for as a result of the incident, etc. Punitive is meant to punish the offender if the case finds they acted with some negligence, and ultimately get them and others to change their behavior.

Take the infamous McDonald's coffee case. The woman who was injured originally only asked for McDonald's to pay for her medical treatment. She required skin grafts. The jury found that McDonald's knowing let this circumstance exist where someone was going to get a serious injury and added on punitive damages. Which the judge cut back.

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No. They're not interested in playing fair or being consistent. They'll simply warp the rules to fit their outcome and declare these posters noncomplaint. You can't out-maneuver people who simply cheat.

The assholes on that side of things are a mixture of those who actually believe and want the US to be a religious state, and those who simply are using religion as a method of control. That second group is happy to see religious conflict because a) it distracts from real problems while they consolidate money and power, 2) they can use the fervor to further solidify their support form that religious base.

This is absolutely not new and has happened before in history. It's just sad to see the US going down this path.

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I don't think there's any great mystery to this. We want to breed with the mate most likely to help us produce viable offspring. Therefore we're sensitive to indications of health and good genes. Symmetry, smoothness of muscle movements, quality of skin & hair, indications of good blood flow, even things like regular breathing are all indications. When we see a simulation that appears not quite human it's noticable for all those details. That detection of unhealthy can easily detect death of course. There may also have been an instinct to avoid the sick, but social pressures override that sometimes.

The internet theory that we wanted to detect imposter humans is silly. Early hominids interbred a lot. It's not "human" that we're sensitive too. Just health.

I do not agree with the castle doctrine. It's too easily used to justify lethal force when retreat is an option, however self-defense is a valid justification and from the description given I think that's completely plausible. An unknown person breaking the glass and potentially armed could be a threat. It sucks that a guy who possibly did nothing wrong has to defend himself in an investigation, but we should have a high bar on lethal actions for civilians and cops (the standard should be higher for cops).

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Also these things he's charged with are minor in the grand scheme of things and would have been quickly pled out, if the Republicans hadn't made a mountain out of a mole hill.

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Holy crap. I have Tidal on my phone and Plex at home. I didnt know I could connect them. Thank you!

You're not supposed to watch it sober.

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"His Delta is also a communicator. You just tap it."

"But flipping it open is the best part."

He also learned it from his father.

I canceled Spotify for Tidal when they announced the big deal for him. They are not as good as Spotify at helping me find new music, but they seem less evil. I put "Rogan" as my reason from cancelling.

In the mid 90s I set up a dedicated dial-up line to an ISP. I had arranged with the ISP to have a dedicated phone line of my own so they were cool. The phone company on the other hand was kind of pissed and tried to threaten me with penalties. I kind of understood why it was a problem for them in terms of provisioning, but... that's what there was then.

I don't and until the comments explained it I couldn't see it either.

I second this. It's your life and you don't have to, but it would not be too late to reach out. If you want you can explain that you had to cut ties to get clean. Chances are they had to do something similar and will understand. And you don't have to jump back into a friendship. Just wishing them well might still be good for both of you.

Yes, most Democrats are right wing. They take money from medical, insurance, and banks who would very much like to prevent single payer. So instead we got ACA modeled on a Republican plan with a cop out mandate from a Republican think tank. (And the Republicans still lost their frickin minds). Yes, I vote Democratic but I have no illusions that they're left of center 'cept maybe Bernie.

I don't know the law in France, but I'd worry it'll cause religious parents to just keep their kids out of state school and do some form of private religious education, causing a greater divide. The best counter to these attitudes is exposure to diversity and other viewpoints. Maybe the kids going to school and seeing that there are other ways is better.

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Step one is recognizing Fox News, Newsmax, Salem Media, etc as propaganda channels.

Do Renaults often figure into your thinking? ;)

The drunk driver, and sometimes the bartender who overserved:

When you set a field on fire to burn your enemy's land, and you make no effort to put it out when it burns the village, don't be surprised when the fire gets out of control and comes for your land.

They had their chance. They're not interested in doing what's right, only what gets them more power.

Of course. And if the parents dress them in that and keep them isolated the kids will pass that on to the next generation. If the kids go to school and see there are other options, maybe they'll choose to be different when they're independent or raise their kids differently. This is why cults always seek to isolate their members -- exposure to diversity breaks the cycle.

It's just that it's boring. I'd rather have an interesting debate. Downvoting everything you simply disagree with just leads to groupthink forums.

You're about a decade off. It was started in the 80s and ended under Clinton.

So they invented fusion cuisine?

I love it whenever you see a giant truck with low profile tires.