4 Post – 2276 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Psilocybin is physiologically safe for people.

As with water, psilocybin can be dangerous to mix with toxic chemicals.

Do it.

They are awesome, non-addictive and physiologically safe.

Make sure you're in a safe, comfortable place, and if you're doing them with other people, make sure you trust those people, but otherwise have a blast.

Magic mushrooms are the "drug" I really do think everybody should try.

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Pretty important to note that while the no surprises act is a successful piece of legislation alleviating medical poverty, the " surprises" the article is talking about is shitty doctors acting poorly.

"Insurers, however, charged that big physician groups — some of them owned by private equity investors — are trying to manipulate the process to squeeze out higher payments. “A small but significant number of bad actors” have flooded the system with cases “as a way to maximize revenue,” said Kelly Parsons, a spokesperson for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Should this trend continue, health care costs are likely to rise unnecessarily.”

The no surprises act is helping people, and greedy assholes are taking advantage of it.

Because everything is a drug and magic mushrooms themselves aren't the drug in question, psilocybin is.

Also, calling caffeine, heroin and mushrooms a "drug" belies a problem with labeling.

Magic mushrooms, incidentally, being the least toxic of those substances.

One can only hope his is a cautionary tale for privileged others who think they're above the law.

So funny.

Have fun in jail, asshole

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A great point in dire need of a better title.

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Ah, "exaggerated" is keying me in to a more complete definition, thanks

Haha, that's a great way to think about it. Gender jesters

I don't think I know anybody who doesn't take up new hobbies like this.

Hi, I know nothing about the drag scene, curious about the definition here.

I thought drag was specifically men dressing up as women, is drag any gender putting on too much makeup and wearing gaudy outfits?

It's just the look?

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That's a good point.

There has to be something over the top about the performance, right?

Because I think of David bowie and obviously he had different personalities and quite flashy costumes, but it would be difficult for me to say he was doing drag, partly because he was so poised.

It's definitely an interesting piece of culture.


Yeah I definitely identified those bands as drag, I just didn't know it could be anyone.

So look plus performance equals drag?


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Still on my borderlands one playthrough, level 25, it's fun, I'm excited to see where it goes.

I keep hearing borderlands 2 is where it's at, but I wanted to start at the beginning.

Digital IDs that Protect Privacy.

Protection From Digital ID Corruption.

Anything concise that conveys a couple core points

Oh cool, I could totally play that again.

What s ridiculous premise.

"Somebody said 'wtf''

Guess that's all she wrote, then.

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Charlie Sheen, the neurotypical standard.

Good enough to replace Biden?

His first term was amazing(for the us and most countries, not great for Gaza).

Nah, wtf don't cut it.

There are many problems with this post and this study:

  1. This study did not conclude that there are no health benefits from taking multivitamins, that's a false equivalence made by the poster.

  2. This study has no parameters for the quality or types of vitamins taken other than "multivitamin"

  3. This study exclusively reports the correlation between mortality and multivitamins, which is an inconsequential and useless statistic without any parameters.

  4. This study does not take into account any variables apart from a lack of long-term health disorders among multivitamin takers.

This is relevant as many people take vitamins specifically to rectify long-term health disorders.

Then again, seeing as how their only metric was mortality and not efficacy on health, that wouldn't have mattered in this study.

  1. Objectively, a large percentage of the multivitamin market are older people, who are more likely to die.

This could be one of the explanations for the 4% higher mortality rate in multivitamin takers. I'm sure there are others, since no variables are parameters were taken into account or structured into the study.

This "study" is the sum function on an Excel sheet that counted the number of deaths connected to the number of people who reported taking multivitamins, which is a useless number without controlled parameters or variables taken into account.

The study means nothing.

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Beatles albums then, rain sounds now

Probly need to make em longer.

That'll probably fix it.


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I went to the capuchin crypt in Italy.

Spoiler; had nothing to do with monkeys

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The study begins by adding up how many people self-reported taking multivitamins in some reports, then they added up the dead humans.

Pretty simple.

I thought I said there were no relevant variables and parameters? I'll check.

Yes, I said relevant in point four.

I guess I could have used it in two and three also, although I think it makes sense in context.

I stand by my earlier comment and don't see the need to edit it to add in the word "relevant" to further dunk on an irrelevant paper.

Here: There are no relevant controlling variables or parameters that make this study useful.

It's not even a curio because any number of factors could influence the conclusions of their addition.

That's embarrassing for Colorado

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Awesome, enjoy.

Looks cool, I will snag

I'm fine with them. I went through that whole catacomb and then went through the others.

They have a lot of bony vaults and tunnels and catacombs in Italy.

And whatever church has the wooden fragments of Christ's cross.

I saw those too.

They look like wood fragments.

*waggling finger guns at ya, bruther.

Pppffbbbthhh haha thanks.

Guess I'll just sit in this, I guess.

Okay, so almost two mass shootings per day is the line at which a US official is willing to speak out against gun violence.

Good to know.

I would have said one mass shooting a week is really pushing it, but that's why they're the surgeon general.

Line in the sand: roughly two mass shootings everyday.

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Nah, just snagged a couple skulls.

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Ha, cool.

This is correct. There's actually a little plaque that has this explanation on it before you go into the crypt.

It's this funny little Latin lesson before you descend into a skeleton catacomb and are confronted with the living memory that you, too, are temporary.

They were a dull grayish white.

I don't know, people seemed pretty freaked out when I was carrying them around.

They're working on some level

The article seems to contradict itself.

You are right, it says that the part on the jurors was lifted, but then a few paragraphs later it says:

"While he lifted that piece of the gag order, the judge ruled that a prohibition on disclosing juror information will remain in effect until further notice."

So if that's correct then it's only the witness that the ban has been lifted on.

But why is the article saying two different things about the jurors?

And why the heck would any part of the gag order be lifted at all?


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I had to read it like six times before I concluded that there was something wrong with the article and not my reading comprehension.

Maybe a third party will come along and help both of us out.

I'm very confused.

Does anyone still use handwriting in university?

I thought handwriting was done with, honestly.

Also my handwriting is dogshit and I got 2 degrees ral quick.

Obviously one of them in literature.

I wouldn't worry about it.

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It's like when you go to the toilet but then the water splashes back in.

It's like that.

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Have you blocked them? You won't see them while you're logged in if you block them.

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Aw man that sucks. Don't vandalize books.