Jordan Lund

33 Post – 1054 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hey, he's like, just this guy, you know?

"What is it with liberals and wanting to control every damn aspect of your life?"

Last time I checked, it was the liberals who wanted to let you smoke weed, have safe and legal abortions, physician assisted suicide, single payer healthcare, and free college tuition...

Somebody else opposed all that... 🤔 Who was it again?

24 more...


"These jurors have signed their death warrant by falsely indicting President Trump," read one post on a pro-Trump forum in response to a post including the names of jurors, which was viewed by NBC News."

What about second indictment, Pip?

11 more...

Freedom of speech does not constitute an obligation to listen.

Good for you!

32 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 7/27/2023

January 6th Federal Investigation
Investigation <- You Are Here
(Trump has been sent a "Target Letter" indicating he is under investigation and has been given until July 20th, 2023 to appear before the grand jury.)

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Arrest <- You Are Here
3 new felonies added 7/27/2023.
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one.

10 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 11:55 PM Eastern/8:55 PM Pacific 8/14/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Indictment - <- You Are Here
Arrest - Defendants have until noon, Friday, 8/25 to surrender voluntarily.
Trial - Fani Willis states she wants a trial within 6 months (2/15/2024).

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
(DOJ lawyer Jack Smith has requested a trial date of 1/2/2024, Trump lawyers have yet to supply a counter date. The judge will announce a final date on 8/28)

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one.

13 more...

Shouldn't this result in more charges for obstruction and another RICO case if any Representatives go along with it?

2 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one.

38 more...

Wasn't he also behind the "Brooks Brothers Riot" that stopped the counting in Florida and threw the 2000 election to Bush?

24 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one.

Will be super interesting to see him try that under oath...

23 more...

I mean, technically, yeah... if by "the Government" you mean "the President".

From tweeting on December 19th: "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there! Will be wild!"

To the actual speech that day demanding they take back the government and that he would march with them...

"Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated."


"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

ending with:

"We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."

So... Trump lured everyone there 1/2 a month ahead of time, gave a speech telling everyone that you have to be strong and fight or you won't have a country anymore, then turned everyone loose on Congress...

"bUt It WaS ThE GOveRnMenT!!"

5 more...

Worth pointing out that a national poll is pointless as we do not have national elections.

Show me the polling from these states:

Iowa - 1/15 Caucus - 8/24 - Trump +20
New Hampshire - 1/22 Primary - 8/15-17 - Trump +20
Nevada - 2/6 Primary, 2/8 Caucus 6/26-28 - Trump +30
South Carolina - 2/24 Primary 8/17-19 - Trump +34
Michigan - 2/27 Primary 8/1-2 - Trump +48
Idaho - 3/2 Caucus (no polls available)
D.C. - 3/3 Primary (no polls available)
(Trump D.C. Trial begins) - 3/4
Super Tuesday - 3/5 - Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Masachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia.
Mini-Tuesday - 3/12 - Georgia, Mississipi, Washington

5 more...

My wife describes that as being a pizza cutter, all edge, no point.

Trump can't comprehend how owning a country is more valuable than owning some condo blocks and looked like an idiot in front of the ruler of North Korea.

1 more...

Judge is announcing it on 8/28... but I'd love for her to just go:

"Defense makes a strong case for 4/2026. I'm setting that date and remanding defendant into custody until that date.

Please note, you can get what you want and still not be entirely happy."

Dining out is CRAZY now.

My wife and I were out and about last weekend and needed to eat so we hit a Burger King.

Meals for 2, nothing crazy, was $30... at freaking BURGER KING. We don't even have a sales tax here.

32 more...

"via Windows Update" - key piece of info missing from the headline "for some reason".

Yeah, I don't see a need for Windows update to do any 3rd party stuff.

21 more...

So much emphasis on the FBI 1023 form by people who either have no idea what that form is, or people who intentionally misrepresent what it is:

"As many of you know, the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations."

Bolding mine.

It's literally the FBI equivalent of "Some-body once told me..."

9 more...

Abuse. Don't take it. Know your worth.

5 more...

It's been probably 10 years or so since I was writing reviews, and I have to say, I never felt pressure to skew a review one way or another.

The biggest heat I got was from fanboys when I had a sneak peek at PAX of Duke Nukem Forever and had to report how shitty it was. "YOU DON'T KNOW!!! YOU DIDN'T PLAY THE WHOLE GAME!!! YOU HACK!!!"

And I was like "Yeah, you're right, I didn't play the whole game, I played what their marketing team WANTED me to play and it sucked, you think the parts they DIDN'T want me to play are going to be better?"

Surprise... the game stunk up the joint.

But when it came to reviewing games, I approached every review as if the game were a 10/10, and then as I played I looked for reasons to subtract or add points. The plusses and minuses would balance out and I'd have a final score.

As a former teacher, I used school grades, which is why I think most sites are on a 7-10 scale.

A - 90%+
B - 80%+
C - 70%+
D - 60%+
F - 59% and down.

A game can be bad because it's a bad game or it can be bad because it's functionally broken. D is generally the Ralph Wiggum of games, possible to like, but you have to admit it's pretty bad.

I had to give a failing review to Assassin's Creed Liberty on the Playstation Vita even though I really liked how it looked and it played, because it had a game breaking bug that made your save file unloadable. Ubi took 2 months to fix it, rendering it unplayable for the first two months after launch.

Once it was fixed, I amended the review, but it was plainly unacceptable to release it in a broken state like that.

15 more...

I mean, in fairness, have you seen how Fetterman fits into a suit and tie? He makes anything look like a hoodie and shorts. I don't mean that as a perjorative, they just don't make suits his size unless you want your Senator buying $5,000 tailored suits. Or worse... getting $5,000 tailored suits donated to them from special interests.

"attacking solar and wind because “their batteries break down and become hazardous waste”"

My solar array has no batteries, it powers the house during the day and generates 2x to 3x the power which is fed back to the grid which gives me credits that pays for the energy we use after the sun goes down

My "electric bill" went from over $100 a month to $13, which is really just the associated taxes and fees.

I guess nobody explained that setup to him.

2 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 9/12/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - Fani Willis has now presented her plan to try all 19 defendants on October 23rd.
Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee has ruled that the cases against Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell will both begin on October 23, 2023. It will be televised.
Trial dates for the other 17 defendants have not yet been established.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 4th 2024, one day before Super Tuesday primaries.

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one. That trial date is currently set for January 15th, the same day as the Iowa caucus. and has now been determined to be for damages only as Trump was already found liable.

As a function of the January 6th and Georgia trials, there are now lawsuits in two states to bar Trump from the primary ballot based on the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Colorado: 9/6/2023 - Lawsuit filed.

Minnesota: 9/12/2023 - Lawsuit filed.

A long-shot write in candidate for President has also filed suits seeking to bar Trump from the ballot in Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

11 more...

Let's take this a point at a time:

"The first is Hunter Biden was put on the Burisma board."

Well that's true.

"Second, he was put on that board with no qualifications."

That's false. He previously served on the board of Amtrak, appointed by President George W. Bush.

"Third, Burisma, asked him, can you weigh in with DC to relieve the pressure we’re under from the prosecution, from the prosecutor here in Ukraine?"

That's false. The prosecutor in Ukraine was FAILING to investigate corruption, that's why the IMF wanted him removed. That's why the Ukranian ambassador from the US wanted him removed. That's why 100 members of Ukranian parliament wanted him removed.

"And fourth, Joe Biden did just that. He leveraged our tax money to get the prosecutor fired."

That's true, after multiple levels of both the US and Ukranian governments asked for it to happen. Biden got it done.

"And that fourth fact is, is validation of what the confidential human source said in the 1023 form. So that is what is central to this case."

No, it isn't. The 1023 form is a statement of "someone told us x", it has no validation.

Please don't feed bullshit designs like this oxygen. It's bad enough seeing all the "PS5 Pro" and "Switch 2" articles.

3 more...

This is immediately obvious to anyone who followed the timeline of events.

Removing Shokin didn't STOP the Burisma investigation. It allowed it to move forward! Shokin was the guy slow-walking it.

2 more...

Keep in mind, you only have to post 10% to get out, so $20K.

What's $20K to him if he skates?

38 more...

I don't think it's "Americans", it's a brainwashed subset of Republicans who have been systematically fed an alternate reality for 30 years all the way back to "Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster!" (investigated by none other than Brett "I like beer, OK?" Kavanaugh) and "Janet Reno is really Chelsea Clinton's father!"

13 more...

"Your honor, I object!"

"And why is that?"

"Because it's devastating to my case!"

1 more...

I'm surprised they didn't mention a key tipping point I've been following: melting permafrost.

It's dangerous because once all the permafrost in Alaska, Canada, and Russia starts melting, the gasses it releases are a self fulfilling prophecy. The warming caused by permafrost melt is enough to keep melting permafrost.

Good report on the dangers here:

Current estimates are that an increase of just 1.5°C in global temperatures over average would be enough to hit this tipping point and we're already at +0.8.

Continuing to increase at a rate of 0.08°C per decade means we'll hit this in approximately 80 or 90 years? Except that, since 1980, we've been warming at a rate of +0.18°C per decade, so we should hit the tipping point by 2062, tops.

Eh, what do I care, I'll be 93 years old, assuming I'm not already dead by then. :)

8 more...

Also, national polls mean nothing. We don't have a national election.

Trump lost in 2016 by 2.1%, he became President by winning in WI, MI and PA. 2 states Clinton failed to campaign in and a 3rd she alienated.

The total number of votes that elected Trump were just 22,748 in WI, 10,704 in MI and 44,292 in PA.

77,744 people made Trump a President. The rest of us knew better.

15 more...

He's not wrong.

Trumps wall? Falling over.

That air conditioner plant in Indiana?

"Today (2020), about 800 workers whose jobs Carrier had planned to send to Mexico remain at the plant, but they are now required to work eight- to 10-hour shifts, seven days a week. Many haven't had a single day off in more than a month.

The relentless production schedule has left them vulnerable to the coronavirus, according to half a dozen current and former Carrier employees who spoke with IndyStar. Multiple employees have tested positive for the virus and workers say two or three have died."

"After the deal was struck, Carrier kept approximately 800 jobs in Indiana that were originally planned to go to Mexico, but eliminated over 1,300 jobs in Indiana: 632 at the Indianapolis plant, and 738 from another plant in Indiana.[41] In addition, Carrier eliminated 1,300 jobs outside Indiana as part of company-wide cost-cutting measures.[42]

During 2020, at least 17 Indiana-based companies moved some jobs from Indiana to Mexico, including Black & Decker and Johnson Controls. The total number of jobs moved in 2020 exceeds the number of jobs that were retained in the USA under the Carrier deal.[43]"

Wait, what about that Foxconn deal in Wisconsin? Abandoned:

Georgia passed a law back in May specifically allowing for the removal of DAs.

Ostensibly, it's to be used on prosecutors who are failing to do their jobs. For example, one Georgia DA refuses to prosecute marijuana charges.

I predicted that the instant she filed charges, there would be a move to remove her and I hate being right. :(

1 more...

Or the report from the guys he sent to Hawaii for Obama's birth certificate.

6 more...

This seemed to be popular information when I posted it (ahem) "elsewhere". Thought it might be welcome to have here.

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 8/1/2023

Washington, D.C. - 4 felonies, January 6th Election Interference
Indictment <- You Are Here

Georgia - Election Interference
Investigation <- You Are Here
2 new grand juries impaneled 7/11/2023.
Indictment - July 11th to September 1st.
(Grand Jury work expected July 31 to Aug. 18)

New York State - 34 felonies, Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

Florida - 40 felonies, Federal documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one.

Because they don't ACTUALLY want an investigation, or facts, or god forbid an exoneration.

They just want to keep talking nonsense until the election. It's Benghazi all over again.

Expected outcome from the minute the law was passed. We'll see how far it gets...

State charges wouldn't be pardonable in Federal court, what it WOULD do is widen the jury pool outside Fulton County and block the TV cameras.

Getting jurors from outside Fulton county being the primary goal given how hard that county broke for Biden in 2020:

J. Biden Dem. - 73% - 380,212
D. Trump Rep. - 26% - 137,247

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"Roman Catholic school".

The leopards eating faces religion...

5 more...

"available for anyone to download"

. . .

"It’s still Mac and iOS only"


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