CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Takes On Biden Impeachment Point By Point: ‘None of This Evidence Has Appeared’

Flying to politics – 551 points –
CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Takes On Biden Impeachment Point By Point: ‘None of This Evidence Has Appeared’

Not a big CNN fan, but this is a very well-done dissection.


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So much emphasis on the FBI 1023 form by people who either have no idea what that form is, or people who intentionally misrepresent what it is:

"As many of you know, the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations."

Bolding mine.

It's literally the FBI equivalent of "Some-body once told me..."

So you're saying McCarthy ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.

He is looking kinda dumb...

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