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Joined 1 years ago

That's because Republicans laid the groundwork that Democrats are attacking Trump in court, and their masses eat that shit up. On the other hand, Democrats laid groundwork that Biden is not too old, and then he pulled this. Democrats have egg on their face, and it sucks. I'd still rather vote for Weekend at Bernie's over House of Cards, which is giving Trump too much credit.

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Move into Assanges old hole?

Pretty sure the sticker refers to merging lanes, but sure

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Not a user myself yet, but I hear people recommend Grafana a lot

Honestly I can't understand why the "hush money" is all the rage. THIS is the crime that would put ANY other American into a supermax. This isn't justice.

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In a row? Try not to commit any more felonies on your way to the parking lot!

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Scanning... Scanning.... ah, there it is: "Democrat"

Is it confirmation bias or is it just most often true that Democrats do the admirable stuff and Republicans do the abhorrent stuff?

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"Binder...2700 pages" excuse me what the fuck

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Ha, I thought she was a "working mother"??

Oh that video is so money. That dbag couldn't find his way out of his hypocrisy!

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Something something mysterious ways! Checkmate!

Why is everyone acting like this is anything but pandering to the MAGA crowd? I don't like Haley one bit, but she is a legit threat.

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I assume you already know the answer

Thanks for bringing me in from the cold!!

I don't understand any of this, but I think I wish I did???

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I always open these threads to find out from the experts what they recommend to replace RPi as established, novice-level mini computers, but sadly I don't see any here yet

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They absolutely will spin it as the Democrats fault and their voters will eat every bit of it up.

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Cheaper to respond once in a while than to prevent fleet wide. Capitalism alone settles on cost efficacy.

I like to use their words incorrectly to mess with them. Come up behind them playing Minecraft: "Are you playing that Roblox?" Or "For Real No Cat?'

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Be careful, she used this line to accuse Biden of being declined like McConnell or Feinstein

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Bradward/Hewey is awesome on screen. Please don't let him be a douche in real life!!

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Oh great, cue the criticism of the GOP from another EX-congress member

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In many cases, they created these monsters

Rescheduling is a far cry from legalizing. It really shouldn't matter that much to voters unless he legalizes.

Woah, now! That's a very specific allegation! You know perfectly well that oligarchs all over the world are laundering money to him.

What is a wet magnet?

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Hardware requirements: 1.8 GB of storage 12.5 GB of RAM

*third wife

It's tribalism. I went to a racetrack last weekend. These people wave Trump flags and wear profane Brandon shirts to fit in with each other. The madder you are, the "smarter" you are. Another Lemming recently said, the founding father's failed to anticipate that voters would fail at their job, and he's 1 million percent dead on.

Harvey faked his frailty for sympathy. Trump will continue to skate. I'm not happy about it.

Russia really won in the end

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The problem entirely is that gun nuts have no doubt that they are hyper aware. Evidence to the contrary isn't enough for them to realize their hubris. What's a good word for a person that ignores data and runs with favorable conclusions???

Why 60 Hz? Doesn't the frequency response of this antenna depend on the length/shape?

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A while back I realized there was a particular topic I could ponder and I'd fall asleep. For a few years, I was able to konk right out by returning to that topic. It doesn't work anymore, but maybe that's just because I haven't found the next sleepy topic.

Just riling up the base. Trump will never see the inside of a cell.

Maybe they should cut back on avocado trump.

Narrator: they aren't


My username checks out

What is P25?

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