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The "Law and Order" party is now cool with all laws being subject to a popularity contest.

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Well, he is correct in that it would have be historic. A bigger opportunity for Pence right now would be to have some balls and a backbone, call out Trump for the criminal, insurrectionist, and traitor that he is, and lead the Republican party back to its so-called morality, law-and-order, and "character matters" roots. I'm not a fan of Pence by any means (I totally disagree with him on nearly every issue), but this is the real historic tragedy of Pence and his political career.

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Every year since 1999 has been declared the year of the Linux desktop. My grandmother still does not use Linux.

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The second they rule in Trump’s favor, Biden basically has free reign to do whatever the fuck he wants.

Well, that's the thing, they won't rule in Trump's favor. The lower court thoroughly destroyed Trump's case, to the point where the SCOTUS shouldn't taken the case in the first place and let the lower court decision stand. There's no legal support at all for Trump's claims. This all makes it pretty clear the conservative majority on the court merely wanted to toss Trump a bone with a delay and increase his chances of getting back in office.

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For the record, are you a way far left liberal with no common sense, or just another run-of-the-mill conservative troll feigning concern over racism?

The only question now is if Trump will pardon this loyal foot soldier. ( /s )

you cannot call someone a rapist just because you feel like it

What if someone is convicted for slandering someone they raped, but not actually convicted of rape?

He was mayor of Baddock, a town near Pittsburg that had and probably still has a lot of problems. He has tattoos on his one arm of the dates that people were murdered in the town. I live on the other end of the state so I don't know Braddock well, but I believe he did quite a bit for the community. He's very straightforward and honest about issues in his life, and many people here can relate to him. His wife Gisele is from Brazil and is an activist and involved in a lot of charity and social efforts. Fetterman doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk.

I'm not a Republican and I don't agree with Pence on anything, but he could have gained traction if he actually grew a spine and got the GOP back on the tracks by standing up against Trump and taking a conservative morals and values tact. He simply didn't, and politically he got exactly what he deserved. This is the problem with every other conservative Christian candidate. At the end of the day their Christian values are just worthless drivel.

If you haven't read the indictment document you don't have any basis for claiming bogus charges.

Avoid private equity as well. PE is equally shitty.

Honestly, him never being president again and having to stay alone for a few years in a cheap motel with free HBO with the Secret Service guarding outside would be enough for me.

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And then there are other amendments like the 2nd Amendment with the puzzling and vague "well-regulated militia" language that never seems to be a problem...

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This is the correct answer. It's just that the crazies, racists, and terrorists in the Republican party stopped being scared to come out in public around 2008 and even more in 2016.

It's easy to understand. Because votes. People just adore and worship him because he will enact revenge and retribution on perceived and targeted enemies who are allegedly making their lives miserable, rather than being exploited by corporate America, making bad life choices, and/or following their nationalist, racist, xenophobic, and misogynistic ideology which distorts reality. You support Trump, you get his knuckle-dragging horde of idiot voters automatically, with little to no effort.

The documents aren't the big problem, it's that he hid them after repeated attempts. That's obstruction. He's also on tape showing a document to an unauthorized person.

Rick Santorum round two. He lived in Virginia.

That is undoubtedly a great bounty hunter resume stuffer.

People who wanted Linux on the desktop to be so user-friendly their grandma could use it are now grandparents.

Never. Engaging in a campaign doesn't absolve someone of facing justice in a timely manner for crimes they committed. Considering Trump's alleged crimes strike at the heart of the duties of a president, delaying his trials due to a campaign would be like delaying the trial of an accused child molester because they are too busy opening a new day care center.

No, she passed away awhile ago.

And even worse, after voting against impeachment, GOP majority leader McConnell stated Trump was responsible for 1/6.

Usually the rule of thumb is to follow the money, however in this case it's seeing where the money is not coming from. Having one district in AL flip from Republican to Democrat isn't going to cause Thomas to loose an all expenses paid vacation or a complimentary personal jet trip.

Indeed. In the US we like to think we're exceptional as far as nations and history goes. The reality is we're just one cult of personality away from 1930's Germany or a third world banana republic, and the Constitution and our form of government falls apart once a few key positions are replaced with irrational choices. We're still debating whether the president can unequivocally absolve themselves of any responsibility for committing the worst crimes against the state, or humanity for that matter.

Israel is not the party that stormed a festival and ruthlessly executed civilians and took civilians as hostages. It's easy to play this game. The fact is Hamas is the bigger asshole at the moment, much bigger. They launched an attack with no clear objectives other than killing Israelis. If they had lined up on the border of Gaza and said they were declaring independence, creating a sovereign state to end years of ongoing Israeli brutality, and requested international support to build the governance and infrastructure to support it this would be a totally different discussion.

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Positive for whom? You?

I said previously "Show me some clear, obtainable objectives from Hamas in this attack that will benefit Gaza and the Palestinians". How many times need I ask?

Your lack of an answer is the answer. Thank you.

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Here's the part you're not getting: Hamas didn't launch the attack to end their colonization. Show me some clear, obtainable objectives from Hamas in this attack that will benefit Gaza and the Palestinians instead of just taunting liberals and I'll be all ears.

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Regardless of Fetterman's ideology or any stated or perceived shift, he's a pragmatist and straight-shooter above everything else. He was that way long before the stroke. The fact that a lifetime grifter and department store rapist with 91 felony indictment counts has a good chance of winning the election is absurd. A bag of rocks running against Trump should win. Biden and the Democrats are in a very weak position, but it's clear that Biden is the chosen candidate. It makes no sense at this point to have Democrats amplifying GOP talking points, unless they're in any position of power with the DNC to change what is inevitable right now with the Democratic nomination.

I'm in PA and I doubt his progressiveness got him elected. Anyone with a D after their name carries Philly and Pittsburgh by default. Fetterman's no nonsense approach and the fact that the working class can relate to him got votes in Pennsyltuckey, a segment the Democrats have been losing over the years. Democrats should be in a lab right now trying to figure out how to clone Fetterman.

I'm sure I'll be labeled a Fetterman fan boy, but I'm a 50-something 30+ year Democrat that has seen Democrats do a really good job at losing elections and letting the GOP walk all over them. Fetterman no doubt has a cult-like following, but the DNC powers that be should be examining why that is.

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Again, Hamas is not doing anything to address or end the colonization. Nothing. I'll get on your side for a moment and for the sake of discussion I'll agree Israel has done very bad things to Palestinians over decades. Pile on whatever you want on top of this to make Israel out to be worse than Satan or whatever. Then answer the question, what positive outcome will there be to the Hamas attack? You've failed to identify anything. Your entire line of argument here is an irrelevant "because colonization" and a bunch of labeling and ad hominem attacks on anyone who disagrees with you.

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And what forces SCOTUS to judge based on “legal support”

Nothing, other than wanting to have an historically favorable legacy. But ignoring that, despite Alito and Thomas being unabashed GOP operatives, ruling in favor of immunity would be a stretch for even them. Undoubtedly all the justices realize that if they affirm presidential immunity for life, a president can Seal Team Six one or all of the justices, on a whim. A ruling to affirm immunity would neutralize the power of the court, something an even unethical and selfish justice would want to prevent.

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Maybe Biden should take one for the country

At the very least (and less gory of an outcome) Biden should assemble Seal Team Six in the Oval Office and publicize it. The media and pundits will run with it and it will put Trump, MAGA, and the conservative "think tanks" in a tizzy over the immunity claims, and perhaps make the conservative SCOTUS justices (who are going to ultimately rule against Trump anyways, after enough of a delay to torpedo the federal charge trials) squirm behind close doors. But Biden and the Democrats won't do it, because they're always taking the high road and won't use the media to their advantage, even when democracy is in the balance.

I would love for Trump to live to 120 with a totally sound mind and experience total irrelevance. That would be wonderful punishment. In a cell would be great, but I'd settle for him to be alone in a cheap motel room with cable TV.

since when do you require a “foothold in the region?”

Since oil and cars.

This is the paradox of the Republican party, though. When they're losing is when they're winning. It's a nihilistic apocalyptic group that thrives on the fears of people, much like a terrorist organization. Despite everything pointing to them being a diminishing minority, they're able to control or paralyze much of federal and state governments, and they're going to continue to do this for decades to come.

The 14th Amendment is consider to be "self-executing" and public election officials can disqualify candidates when presented with a plausible argument.

The only reason he's getting coverage or any attendees at his events is because he's a Kennedy. If he didn't have that last name he'd be just yet another fringe candidate giving talks to fifteen people at a time at fire companies and senior centers.

A lot of the people who "really care" about voting don't have any clue about the candidates, democracy, or the Constitution. They just have a lot of time on their hands and watch a lot of TV telling them what to be afraid of and who to vote for, basically straight Republican.

Hey, land is people, too, and land has the right to vote! /s

if you don’t want him to take all your money, you need to stop dealing with him.

Not gonna happen. The GOP is what we call in poker "pot committed."

How many Americans died to covid due to trump’s pride and ignorance??

I'd say at least several hundred thousand, all dying while thinking they were "owning the 'libtards' ".