2 Post – 394 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

What the fuck is going on in America.

Can you please not elect the school yard bully who possibly has an acquired brain injury from the time they were a cage fighter?

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No phone


Don’t take private transport or public transport. Use a bicycle if you can and take an unusual route to and from.

Wear very plain clothes of a solid colour (preferable black), no logos.

Do not wear easily identifiable shoes.

Be prepared to throw out your clothes after.

Cover all parts of your body with clothes (use gloves for your hands, wear long sleeves and pants, wear a mask, use sunglasses to obscure eyes)

Do not talk to anyone who approaches you. There will be plain clothes officers and they will attempt to engage you in conversation, just walk away.

Do not talk to people who approach you and ask questions

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If you think it’s a better moral outcome for a 13 year old child to have their rapist’s baby than an abortion you’re a monster.

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Kelsey Grammar has always been a bible bashing whack job.

Just go look up his late night interview where he talks about how he randomly opens the bible to answer the question ‘how long will I live for?’ And is satisfied that god answers him by saying he will live to 160 (or some other ridiculous figure I can’t remember).

Seriously he thinks the bible is a magic eight ball and god is guiding what page it turns to.

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I hate Elon because he is a capitalist crushing the working class, an alt-right con artist and takes credit for things he didn’t do.

I hate Taylor because she is a performative liberal who espouses progressive politics but doesn’t follow through making her a hypocrite.

I hate both because they are billionaires and neither should have been able to accumulate as much wealth as they have.

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The principal that is causing all of these issues is a power tripping psychopath.

She needs to be put in solitary confinement, not an 11 year old child.

If this is a femboy then it’s SFW.

If this is a woman then it’s NSFW.

I don’t make the rules.

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I implore you to prove animals have a rich inner world filled with emotions as you’re describing.

Observing behaviour that you think is ‘inner life’ is not satisfactory evidence to prove that the fish have a level of cognition required to experience complex emotions.

To suggest that a mollusc has an ‘inner life’ is unscientific and goes against our current understanding of living organisms.

People tend to way over anthropomorphise animals.

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Don’t fuck with the French.

People forget they were a super power for centuries.

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Generally you don’t have to say someone is not a monster if they are indeed not a monster.

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I’m glad Mkbhd is against/cautious of crypto.

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It’s pretty insidious to claim the judge is biased because of a $100 donation.

When he is likely found guilty he will just delegitimise the verdict and his base will eat it up.

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Do you mean to tell me that a conservative was actually projecting their own self hatred onto others as a means of coping with their own identity crisis?

Well I for one am shocked.

Class traitors are necessary to bring about a state of communism.

This type of behaviour should be encouraged.

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Funny. All capitalism did to me was turn me socialist.

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Get rid of guns and you can stop this.

It’s the most basic solution that even conservatives can understand.

They seem to apply the following logic to everything else:

Stop immigrants? Build wall

Stop terrorists? Kill them

Stop homeless? Bus them

Stop poor? Tax cut

Stop mass shootings? Ban guns

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Jesus people live sad lives if a bit of irrelevant gossip is what passes for entertainment nowadays.

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How did these boomers vote?

What policies did they support for their entire lives that have impacted this?

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Garrison’s gone so far right he’s starting to raise left talking points.

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Sleepovers were a huge part of my childhood.

Waking up in the morning at your best friends house and playing Nintendo with the volume on the tv way down before their parents are awake who then make us pancakes are core memories.

Should be a said though that my friends parents were reasonable close friends with my own parents and my friends slept over at my place regularly as well.

You raise your kids however you want but don’t underestimate the small experience of independence a sleepover can give a child.

Tim Apple shows up at your house with a baseball bat.

It’s ok though, he just wants to talk.

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I hope he is looking down on Wuntch from heaven.

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This has to be stopped. Just look at what Napster did to the music industry. That’s right, there used to be a music industry and now it’s just…gone. No more music, no more money to be made in music. Don’t let these evil streaming services do the same to poor defenceless Hollywood, bastion of women’s rights!

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This would all be resolved if America just changed first past the post voting.

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‘The founder of Marxism, he argued, wasn’t Karl Marx. It was Satan.‘

Well that’s news to me.

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Sometimes I wonder what’s the point of being the good guy against power crazy lunatics like Putin.

If there was any justice in this world society wouldn’t stand for things like this. Too many people that are complicit and complacent. Makes me feel dejected.

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“Hey honey, would you like to go to Cannibal Island? Oh no, don’t worry, it’s just a name.”

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And the name of that human mountain guy?

Albert Einstein.

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It was his video on IQ tests that set off alarm bells for me.

IQ tests are not some method of determining intelligence they are very much linked to relative education/socioeconomic standing. His complete lack of criticism and neutral/positive support of IQ tests make me think he likes the result of his score…

Two words.

Fully automatic gay space communism.

That’s pretty gay.

I’m sure there’s some kind of subtle message the author of the comic is trying to tell me but I just can’t put my finger on it.

Ahhh child abuse. What a great parenting technique.

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Honestly neither woman really plagiarised to the extent that a major punishment is warranted.

But this Ackman guy what a loser.

How do you be a billionaire but still post on Twitter (ol musky aside)?

You can literally do anything on the planet and that’s what you do?

I have very little time to care about the opinions of someone who says they are strong on security but can’t stop an attack they had warning for.

He is incompetent.

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The wheels of justice move slowly it’s true but the consolation prize is a gradual drip feed of these morons getting hit with the consequences of their crimes.

I say keep these stories going for another ten years.

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Isn’t that just Active Nihilism?

The meaning becomes the search for meaning?

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I can’t stand gays that are self loathing.

It’s 2024, no one cares if you’re gay. Get over it and accept yourself. You’ll be happier.

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Lemmy really has increased in traffic over the time I’ve been here.

For all intents and purposes it’s the exact same experience as the other place for me.

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I’m over how many famous and powerful people are the children of rich parents.

My immediate assumption for any famous person is they are a nepo baby.