1 Post – 448 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Calm down professor. The US is one of the only countries in the world to tax worldwide income, even if they are a nonresident of the US. That is NOT how it works in every country.

Here's a pretty good article about it from the WSJ if you want to educate yourself on the subject:

It's really unattractive to be so obsessed with your ex months after getting into a new relationship with Lemmy. Can we move on please?

Ask a democrat what they want and they say affordable healthcare, housing, education, social mobility, better work hours and wages; you know, better quality of life in general.

Ask a republican what they want and they'll say 'hurkdydurk I'm 'onna kill me some lib'rals durrr' like this guy. I literally think he may have drooled on himself while slurring that sentence out.

The USA is run by unpaid 22 year old interns being supervised by underpaid 24 year olds.

Old people in charge are definitely a problem (McConnell, Feinstein etc) but the people in their offices doing all the heavy lifting are basically children.

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I was hitting it off with my new neighbor and he said something like I'm glad you're cool like one of us [40 something white heterosexual cis men] because we're under attack nudge nudge wink wink. I'm good, later man.

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I'm always disgusted with tv ads and it blows me away that people just let commercials scream at them all day to buy viagra, anal leakage meds, insurance etc. Why would you let that shit in your home? Ugh

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The guy got up on stage ON ELECTION NIGHT before the votes had even been counted and started screaming about fraud. I remember Mike Huckabee on CNN condemning it, as well as the Faux News team covering it, because it was just unthinkable. Then they got their story straight and remembered who's ass their tongue is buried in, and fell in line. Bunch of traitors, the lot of them.

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My advice is to live your life as best as you can without worrying too much about things you can't control. Try and build a life around yourself that'll help you be happy through it all, regardless of what happens. Enjoy your 20's. 30's are good too and 40's don't suck either.

To paraphrase Sun Tzu: do not choose a path to victory. Instead, choose a strategy such that all paths lead to victory.

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I'm a cpa, and from what I can tell I'm the only one on Lemmy, god help me, so I'll chime in.

Partnerships with $10 billion assets are no joke so I would imagine they are businesses like real estate holding companies, hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, things like that. Probably clients of a Big 4 like PWC Deloitte EY or KPMG.

The thing about entities like that is that they tend to be insanely complicated with TONS of moving parts. They'll be dealing with complex financial instruments, partners coming in and out, financing structures that aren't at all straightforward (if you've seen Shark Tank Mr Wonderful is infamous for offering complex financing deals rather than straight equity deals) plus international tax complications, book/tax timing differences, and all kinds of other stuff I can't begin to get into.

Oh, and that's just the tax side of it all. That's not even starting to talk about the actual accounting, recording the transactions, balance sheets, income statements, and so on, which is an enormous layer of complexity before we even think about tax. Zillions of moving parts with plenty of room for errors and omissions.

Partnerships don't pay tax at the business level so the individuals who own them need to report the income and activity on their personal returns and pay tax at that level. It's not at all easy reporting their share of activity from entities like hedge funds and PE so plenty of mistakes are made, some quite substantial. Im guessing they are going to look at the partnerships first and compare to the biggest owners returns to make sure everything jives.

I find this news great. Our industry often faces challenges due to time constraints, budget limitations, client-provided data quality, logistics, and so on. Unethical behavior is rare among practitioners, but there are some shady ones. Typically, we defer issues, leaving them for others to handle, which seldom result in consequences.

Throughout my career, the IRS has never questioned our filed returns for individuals or businesses. We've received notices, mostly related to administrative matters rather than full audits.

A strengthened IRS enhances compliance, but the accounting industry is strained with few professionals and a lack of future talent. We already cut corners for efficiency, so aiming for flawless accuracy could pose a significant problem. It's just another challenge to add to our list...

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You mean it's almost like RICH people who need abortions are going to get them. Crucial distinction. It takes resources to get yourself to another state and a lot of people can't even afford to take time off work let alone pay for gas/bus ticket/plane ticket/hotel etc.

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Well thank god we don't have any Death Panels from Obamacare though!

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men rubbing erections against female staff

Imagine getting aroused while working, doing surgery, surrounded by other people. I would think any one of those three would preclude the possibility.

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Since the comments all appear to be juvenile Reddit style jokes, here's TFA (the frickin article:

Note, I'm not a scientist.

As I suspected it appears they tortured the snails somehow (my guess is electric shock) to create traumatic memories. This has been done with caterpillars I think to see if they retain memories after turning into butterflies and they do, despite basically turning into primordial goop in the cocoon. They do, and it's tested by seeing if they retain aversions to certain areas of their cages that are electrified.

Then something about enzymes created which associate memory with pain and being able to target them.

Pretty cool, and I for one definitely have a few traumas I'd like erased.

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It fundamentally is NOT a pyramid scheme. In a pyramid scheme there is no actual product or service of value and simply extracts wealth from the people in lower tiers. Value, or wealth, is simply the byproduct of an equitable transaction between two or more parties.

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Careful, I said something like that and a guy posted a thousand word rant at me bitching about reddit refugees asking for more reddit lol, I was like chill dude I just want a simple platform to shitpost on without a phd in the lemmiverse or whatever jeez

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It's hard for me to judge them individually cop to cop because literally EVERY.SINGLE.ENCOUNTER I have EVER had with a cop has been a negative experience at best. Every single one. I'm not going to hate on you or call you fascist. Just pointing out it's like saying I've never met THIS wasp before, maybe I shouldn't judge it unless it stings me! Then surprise motherfucker you got stung, whodathunkit.

even if a cop is on a power trip if you ask them they will help you

Fucking bullshit, sorry but not sorry, but you're delusional man. And I'm a 40yo professional white guy in the suburbs! My god, I can't even imagine being black from the hood.

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My ISP regularly tacks on extra charges for $1-$5. I suspect they do this to millions of people assuming nobody will call in to complain about five bucks. But at that scale they rake in tens of millions for no extra service. Massive theft.

I'm recovering from my first bout with Covid after dodging it for 3.5 years. Pretty mild, a couple shitty days of fever and congestion etc nbd. Wore a mask to the grocery store today in a red state and got stares. I seriously considered not wearing it at all because none of these mouth breathers would do the same for me during peak Covid pre vaccine, but ultimately decided to do the right thing. If only that were as contagious as the virus.

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I never really understood why battery technology was so difficult until a friend put it in perspective for me. The only difference between a battery and a bomb is the rate they release their energy. Now I understand.

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There's an accountant shortage too, which nobody talks about except us in the industry. It SHOULD be talked about though, because it's another huge ticking time bomb. Financial statements audits performed by third party external accountants are designed to keep businesses honest and report factual numbers to investors. If they report false information then you get situations like Enron.

The problem is that we are overworked and underpaid like everyone else, the work has gotten vastly more complicated, regulatory compliance requirements are more burdensome than helpful, and tons of other issues. The results are that accounting enrollment has plummeted in schools, experienced professionals are being driven away from the industry in huge numbers, and more and more work is being sent overseas to be done extremely poorly. Corporations pay for their own audits and firm partners don't want to lose a good client so crappy work gets pushed through no matter what.

I'm convinced the next major financial crisis will be from a bunch of huge household name companies getting caught with their pants down after fudging too many numbers. Just a matter of time.

Related question: why does it feel like hollywood is intent on completely destroying all of our beloved franchises? It's not like the place isn't overflowing with incredibly talented artists, writers, actors, producers, etc. I just don't understand why it's so hard for them to make something that isn't garbage.

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I would mention the super simple clean minimalist user interface and ease of use. But the last time I said that here someone posted a thousand word rant about how much they hate former redditors coming in here begging for more reddit. So I'm kind of scared to say anything now.

I spoke with a far left friend of mine about this. His position essentially boiled down to the risk of a massive nuclear disaster outweighed the benefits. I said what about the known disastrous consequences of coal and oil? Didn't really have a response to that. It doesn't make sense to me. I'll roll those dice and take the .00001% chance risk or whatever.

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My neighbor has a pit mix and it snarled at me gnashing its teeth once as she walked by. I was just standing there by my car minding my own business barely even acknowledging them. I jump and yell Jesus wtf lady omg. She just made pathetic excuses, he keeps me safe, never does that, it's fiiiiine etc. Ive told her numerous times she needs to train it at the bare minimum, preferably destroy it. I've observed it doing the same to other people as they walk past. I bought pepper spray and look out for them very carefully whenever I go to my car now. I bet it's just a matter of time before someone gets mauled and I hope it's not me. Fucking hate those things.

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I read this in Fox Mulder's voice and it works nicely

"i'm so sick of this annoying guy" say people who won't stop thinking or talking about this annoying guy.

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I just want to say I'm fairly vocal about bugs/issues/confusing things. But I totally understand lemmy wasn't prepared for tens of thousands of new users overnight, it was just so sudden and unexpected. So even if me and other users sound grumpy just know that at least this one is aware it's going to be a bumpy ride for a while as the internet adjusts to this massive upheaval.

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I didn't either until this thread. Fran Drescher is the current president of the screen actors guild and I assume this has something to do with the writers strike. I guess AI content like images and stories, plus their own likeness and brands, is an issue in the strike.

I'm not paying any attention to the writers strike because I haven't really consumed any new hollywood movies or tv shows in quite a while. Hollywood just isn't relevant anymore and they know it, there's just too much content online and other things to keep busy for me to care about their garbage.

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Anyone here old enough to remember the dot com bubble in the 90's? Like really remember the hype and insanely bloated overpriced IPOs and all that? This feels exactly the same way.

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He's done a really good job of owning these attacks. I saw him drink from a dark brandon mug during a press conference recently lmao!

Makes me think Obama should've doubled down on the tan suit and bought a whole wardrobe of them. And be seen at all times with a giant bottle of grey poupon.

Jews tend to be educated intelligent people who know to wash their hands, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and stay the fuck at home. I'd imagine they also mostly have white collar jobs that allowed them to work from home and avoid exposure. So once again, just like the black plague, people misunderstand a correlation for causation. Jews didn't poison the well, this asshole is just too fucking stupid to wear a mask and get vaccinated.

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I feel like logistically it would make Brexit look like the Velvet Revolution breakup of Czechoslovakia. Clusterfuck doesn't even begin to describe it. We are sort of stuck with each other like a crabby old married couple that hates each other but they just don't really have any options so they stick together barely speaking except saying fuck you to each other when they pass in the hallway.

Human activity and wealth flows like water: through the path of least resistance. You can't affect change unless and until it is easier not to use oil than it is to use it.

Yeah I admit I'm very torn about this. On the one hand this idiot kid managed to blast through 50 fucking BILLION dollars of other peoples' money and shows zero remorse. On the other hand, I'm wondering what the ethical responsibility of the state is for accommodating prisoners' dietary needs from medical conditions, religious observation, and ethical/personal preferences eg vegetarian/veganism etc. I don't like punishing people beyond what the court orders, and it is really disturbing when people cheer and joke about things like prison rape.

Seems to me it shouldn't be too difficult to make a vegan "meatloaf" type food that checks all the boxes. Sort of like ordering the Kosher meal on an airplane. It's not gonna be great but it'll get you there.

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It also helps to remember the vast majority of users are children under the age of about 24. That really puts things in perspective.

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Girls 'miring

My extended family watches Fox News so much the logo is literally burned into the TV even when it is turned off. It's deeply disturbing.

Millions of users are about to stop using the platform overnight when they nuke the third party apps. The culture is going to change dramatically no matter what.

I hate bars, like really really hate them. I don't understand how to behave there. Everyone else seems to innately know how to be appropriately inappropriate, just the right level of rowdy. I like lounges, and the occasional club. But I never got the hang of bar social etiquette. So I CERTAINLY don't want to add the extra layer of complexity by putting my colleagues and bosses right the fuck there next to me. It's just awful for me and I know I'm not the only one. Especially since I cut out 99% of my drinking. Fuck that, I just want to go home.

I'm in the job market right now and I don't even look at ads that don't include salary range. Sometimes if I'm annoyed enough I'll go full Karen and email the recruiter or whoever posted the add to tell them exactly that. (And completely ignore them if they come back with a number, too late bub.)