Two newborn twins need a one-dose treatment that would save their lives: Zolgensma, a $2.1M drug. Insurance (also the mother's employer) cut coverage of the drug the day after they were born. to – 716 points –

america is so fucking based man

in any proper country that company at least gets forced to pay by the government then ordered to shut down forever due to wanton cruelty. all the employees get generous severance except whoever made that call. depending upon your view of carceral punishment there are a few ways to go with that guy.


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Well thank god we don't have any Death Panels from Obamacare though!

They weren't really wrong about "Government Death Panels" thing they just neglected to mention that they already existed, and were staffed by MBA-executives there to make profit instead of boring government drones there to bide their time to collect a pension.

And they think they're protected by that profit motive. Because they vastly overestimate how much their health and lives are actually worth. If you break it down by the numbers, they actually lose money the longer they keep you alive. At the moment you become a loss center instead of a profit center, they deny coverage.