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Joined 11 months ago

Cool, next they should remove the "log in" feature.

You'll continue to enjoy 12 months for the price of 20.

Step 1: Don't murder your wife

12 more...

I wonder who they hired to do the facial modelling. The environments look really good but the faces look like games from 15 years ago. I really expected more from the game that Microsoft has been making so much fanfare over.

38 more...

I'm surprised they haven't replaced Netanyahoo with Netangoogle yet.

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Ice T > Ice Cube

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Just call it "state management" and nobody will even care.

With its flat body panels flapping in the wind.

1 more...

That's completely out of the question in the Nanny States of America. The republicans want their "small government" to tell you what you're allowed to put in or do to your own body, so free will would never be acceptable.

35 more...

If Obama did what Trump did, then he would deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison.

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I can't wait to find out that Trump and all his co-conspirators were all involved in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I just have this feeling that they have been involved in planning the whole thing all along, and the plan was for Trump to win a second term so he could allow it to happen or even deploy our military to help Russia. He was literally impeached for extorting Zelenakyy and refusing to send him military aid.

Throw him in a cell on a Friday night and make him wait till Monday like they do to everyone else.

It's absurd that we require a majority vote for house speaker. It should be as simple as whoever gets the most votes. Or you have to vote for A or B for your vote to even be counted. None of this "present" nonsense.

212 vs 199, ok Hakeem Jeffries wins.

8 more...

So back in 2009 when the Saints won the Superbowl, people were going nuts in New Orleans. There was some heavy tailgating going on. I think this was before the championship game. There's this group of people who would pool their money together and go all out. They'd bring in a big flatbed trailer for an 18 wheeler, and use it as a stage under a large overpass near the Super Dome, and have a massive party with a live band. They hired my friend's band to play. Jimmy Buffett walks up and offers to join them on stage for a song. It was really cool of him.

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Trump also thinks he's 215 pounds.

  • 16 bit
  • requires a reboot even for changing your IP address
13 more...

Watch what happens when people eventually discover what completely flat panels of sheet metal do in heavy wind.

There is literally a reason why no other auto manufacturer uses flat body panels on cars.

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Donate thousands of them to a single school

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Red, Green, Blue

The car industry insists that making it easier and cheaper to repair modern cars will be a boon to sexual predators.

"I just fixed my own car, now I'm off to go rape someone."

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McCarthy isn't a sociopath. He's just Reek. bites sausage

Their presentation was basically The Nightman Cometh.

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It's all part of whataboutism. It's okay that Trump did it if they can prove (or make everybody believe) that Biden does it too.

You cannot use an NDA to force someone to help you cover your a crime. That’s illegal.

So there's a 0% chance that Trump would ever do something like that.

6 more...

They don't care if the entire country burns down to the ground, as long as they get to rule over the pile of ashes.

Not hot dog

RealPlayer. I love how every video sounds like they're taking a shower.

Butter + fly + knife = balisong

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As long as he hates it, I'll love it.

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I'll believe it when I see it. (I won't)

Basically Microsoft tends to release operating systems in a 2 stage cycle. Every other version of Windows does something new and innovative, and then the next version is more polished, stable, and normal.

95 - new, innovative, and crappy
98 - solid
Then it got weird. They wanted to stop building the consumer version of Windows on top of DOS, and move it on to the NT kernel as 2000. The consumer version wasn't ready by the deadline, so they released 2000 for business only, and released a new DOS based Windows Me.
2000 - Really nice but boring. Extremely innovative new features for business use (Active Directory). The amount of work they put into Active Directory is probably why they didn't have the new consumer friendly UI ready in time. It's a rock solid OS but they significantly missed their goals.
Me - Absolute garbage, a cash grab. They basically put something out to satisfy the bean counters since they couldn't market NT to consumers yet.
XP - They finally pulled it off, and it's a pretty good OS that has the stability of NT, and all the multimedia features that consumers want.
Vista - They rewrote a huge portion of NT to be 64 bit, require signed drivers, and be more stable. The release version was pretty crappy but after 1-2 service packs it was actually pretty decent. But by then its reputation was already tarnished, and overall it was innovative and crappy.
7 - This was a very solid release. They took Vista and refined the UAC system to be less intrusive. Also a really nice new feature where you can use the taskbar like a dock where an app's icon stays in one place, even if it's not running.
8 - Experimental implementation of adding a touch UI to Windows. They made a decent effort but it really felt like a tech demo and nobody recommended it for anything outside of tablet devices. It was dreadful for people using traditional mouse and keyboard.
10 - Another solid OS. They basically took 7, added 8's touch UI features, and figured out how to blend them without it being annoying. The touch interface doesn't get in the way if you're using keyboard and mouse, and vice versa.
11 - I'm really not sure what the purpose of this OS is. I guess they're experimenting with trying to make the Windows UI more Mac-like. The taskbar centers the icons by default so it looks like the MacOS dock, and they're really pushing the new app store where all the apps have to be written with the newer UI libraries that work a lot more like mobile development platforms. So it really seems like Microsoft is planning for a future where Windows can run on many different types of devices and run the same apps. And Windows 11 is kind of a stepping stone to get there.
So Windows 12 should be interesting.

Also, while all of this is going on, with every new release generally comes a server version as well. They're constantly expanding the Active Directory schema and adding a lot of cool new features to Active Directory, such as new Group Policies that can be applied to groups of computers and users throughout an organization, which can automate a ton of things. If you want everybody in an accounting department to have a Q: drive with their QuickBooks files in it, you throw them all into an AD group or OU, and set up a new group policy on that group to map that Q: drive. And now all of those users will have that drive. I think it was starting with Windows server 2008r2 (Windows 7 server basically) and Windows 7, they added new Group Policies that did the drive mapping differently, and they would automatically map without the user even having to log off. Also, if the Group Policy is removed from a user, or a new user is moved into that group, it will automatically handle the changes. There's so much more to Windows than most people realize.

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We'll just have to pee out of our butts like girls do.

I'm a big fan of the super obvious lie. It makes people think you're really bad at lying, and they overestimate their ability to detect your lies, so they let their guard down.

And yet their insistence of enshittification is pushing everyone away from all of their services.

Cold McDonald's hamberders

Like that would stop them.

It's literally why the emoluments clause exists.

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It reminds me of that Christopher Hitchens quote. "If you gave Jerry Falwell an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox."

All that poetry must have turned them gay!

Republicans who control the chamber

That's a generous statement