12 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Gargle + blaster = Gargleblaster

Presidents do not control the economy. Obama wished people understood that.

The economy is in covid recovery, and Biden isn't a corrupt fascist running the government like it's his personal toy.

I'll give him that.

For all we know, Mr. Yale is just happy that people are paying their student loans again.

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OMFG, my fucking nose is gone!

What in that article explains his apology better?

He switched from left to right because of a youtube video and then broke into a government official's house with a deadly weapon.

He then used the deadly weapon when he knew he would be caught.

Fuck him.

His sad snff snff Rittenhouse dance in court is just to avoid life in prison.

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Translation: I would rather take this opportunity to self-promote.

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This would've resulted in my leaving if I hadn't left in June.

Saved me 3.5 months.

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We need bullet trains, not more passenger jets.

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No. American History X was pretty on the mark for the state of the US in 1999.

Trump 'telling it like it is' and how he was going to make Mexico pay for the border wall were what brought all the racist scum out of the woodwork.

Political correctness gets a lot of flak, but what it did was raise the bar. If you have to be careful to call one group of students 'first years' and not 'freshmen', then you know damn well calling different ethnic groups slurs is not acceptable. The PC movement drove the racists further into the closet, and then Trump was a big dinner bell to bring that shit back out again.

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Why does free speech only seem to cut one way?

We have to have free speech because corporations are humans who need to be free to pollute the political process with money, but oh no you can't gather and talk about things I hate.

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is certainly the latest and most prominent example, but Elden Ring, both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. The Witcher 3. The Last of Us Part 1 and 2. No cash shops, substantive DLC, if there is any.

And what do all those games have in common?

They're solo games.

It's PvP and MMOs where you can purchase an advantage, show off your bling, or purchase expansions to get a head start on the competition. That is where the microtransaction infestation occurs.

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Know too that any time they bleat about the border, immigrants wouldn't come if there weren't rich white dudes offering them shit pay for grueling work.

Anyone serious about the border would go after the employers. The Republicans only care about the border as a racist dog whistle.

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Taking covid seriously was not going to save the economy. It would've saved lives, but the economic impact of covid was a global one.

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Now this is where dragging out cases is going to work against him.

Trump needs to STFU until next year.

Fat fuckin' chance of that happening.

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Are we already forgetting what happened 3 years ago?

STATES and the CDC called lockdowns while the president told people it would just pass, it could be cured with sunlight, to drink bleach, and take horse dewormer.

Trump did NOT take covid seriously.

How many of the million people that died were due to him playing make believe is hard to measure, but he killed people by telling them bullshit.

n fact they could have talked transparently about their opex and asked for a simple donation drive every now and then like Wikipedia.

Let's remember this about Kbin and the Fediverse.

I would donate to help counterbalance the wave of migration that brought me here.

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No, the entire right wing is making a plan to create an oligarchy if they get the White House again.

Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

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I don't give a shit about his trolling.

He tried to overthrow the fucking government.

That's what matters.

Last time I checked, Newt didn't do that despite being a twat.

I'm not surprised at this point. I'm not shocked. I'm not disgusted.

Like climate change, it's time.

We need to have 2+ functional political parties in this country. One cannot be a terrorist organization fueled by hate.

If you are old enough to vote and do not vote against these people, you are a supporter of Republican rightwing fascism.

Is the song Brain Damage?

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This is an attempt to force the sub open and retain your free moderating services.

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Well, there's also the fact that after WWII, while the Allies were dividing the world up like a giant birthday cake, they created most of these problems: North Korea, Iraq-Kuwait, and plunking a new Jewish country down in the middle of Arabia.

If the Allies had decided that Ohio is a new Jewish country, what would've been the fallout from that?

As much as we seem a step removed from this issue, we made the problem.

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For those who are unaware, this is an updated version of this.

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If someone can sit outside Mar-A-Lago and identify who is coming and going, then we need people at polling stations doing the same when Trumplings show up to 'guard' the polls.

No masks. No weapons. Put your ass on the line if you want to follow fascist orders.

Caesar started a civil war that ended with him being emperor.

His crossing of the river precipitated Caesar's civil war,[4] which ultimately led to Caesar's becoming dictator for life (dictator perpetuo). Caesar had been appointed to a governorship over a region that ranged from southern Gaul to Illyricum. As his term of governorship ended, the Senate ordered him to disband his army and return to Rome. As it was illegal to bring armies into Italy (the northern border of which was marked by the river Rubicon) his crossing the river under arms amounted to insurrection, treason, and a declaration of war on the state. According to some authors, he uttered the phrase alea iacta est ("the die is cast") before crossing.\_the\_Rubicon

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'There is broad consensus among experts that the early 2020s shifts in social media populations were what has come to be called asshole-driven.'

Scraping Assholes-A History of Social Media from 2006-2056

R. McDonald (2069), published by McDonald's Textbook Division, Schaumburg, IL, USA

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Magazines having a chance to mature is going to lead to people being further entrenched on one instance.

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House Republicans launched an impeachment inquiry in September, following months of probes. They allege that Biden and his family have personally profited from policy decisions made by Biden when he was vice president during former President Barack Obama's administration.

Cuz the VP makes policy decisions. Look at all of Kamala's policy decisions. Remember Pence's policy decisions? LOL

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Ken Buck, Andy Biggs, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Bob Good, Nancy Mace and Matt Rosendale

No Boebert, MTG, and co. other than Gaetz.

Hexbear does have some nice people among their very politically charged...

Nope. Anybody on hexbear knows damn well it's chock full of racist bigots. They are OK with all that racism and bigotry.

That makes them bad. A lot of racist bigots are polite and friendly. It doesn't mean they aren't scum.

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Why are we still listening to that chucklefuck's comments?

The alternative explanation here is that he's doing this because he's planning to claim that he's mentally unfit for prison.

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That's probably true.

But you have to spend at least a little time with someone to judge their behavior.

The problem is that people are pre-judged based on their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack thereof, nation of origin, first language, and a boatload of other things purely based on these factors without any personal contact or observation of their behavior.

Hence the word prejudice.

Likewise, people take the misbehavior of one or a small group and and apply it to everyone with the same characteristic.

Hence prejudice and stereotyping.

I could say job-related things or my hobbies, but Ima go with Google-fu. Maybe just search engine fu.

I know way too many 'first page people' when it comes to results. No fuckin' way. Learn how to dig. Do not take no for an answer from a search engine without trying a range of strategies to find what you're looking for.

OK, I'm lying. This is part of my job. I teach academic research, and I hear these people with two sources tell me there aren't enough sources for them to do a research paper on a given topic or that all these peer-reviewed journal articles say the same thing.

But it does extend into non-academic life. I was out of town, my older brother needed a U-Haul, drove 40 minutes to a place he knew, but there was a U-Haul less than 10 minutes away that he couldn't find.

I'm surrounded by this.

No pronouns!

Pronoun make Gargleblaster angry!

Right, and kbin is more than You could move to or among many others to spread the numbers out.

They'll wait until after the election to veto it.

Ate a platter of 3 different fried insects. I think it was wood worms, bees, and crickets. The bees were the best.

None of them were horrible. Would do it again.

The original Twilight Zone.

Guild Wars 1

Having a character of one main class and a secondary class that could be switched at any time between any of the 9 classes.

8-slot skillbar with one heroic skill that could only come from your main class.

400+ total skills in the game.

Plenty of room for you to make your own homebrew builds, and some classic builds that were outside the box:

The assassin that used a staff (assacaster), the ranger that used necro skills to touch people to death (touch ranger), and the 55 monk, which had almost no hp but so much healing it was hard to kill.

It will always be my MMORPG because of the character design.

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Screw the lawyers, Donald. Commit another crime.