Trump goes all in on Nazi rhetoric, and the media gives him another free pass

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 557 points –
Trump goes all in on Nazi rhetoric, and the media gives him another free pass

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The media is avoiding all the media cited in this post? Or the NY Times article today discussing many of the points in those articles? Or the OP article? I'm so tired of news outlets reporting on news outlets. The news isn't news, I want actual news about events.

Like I had to include that many different outlets in order to provide a full picture. FYI, APNews reported about this in late August. The fact that the NYT is telling you about it this week means that something very wrong occurred for two months while they didn't.

The rightwing having a 1000-page guide to their overthrow of the country is what I would call the most important event of this year on US soil.

Do you want to only be told about the climate change rejection and not the other plans? That's what's fucked up.

#3 - The military leadership is not going to back Trump's plays. OTOH, I see no reason he can't fire them and put in loyalists.

This is why Tuberville is blocking promotions. It's the same strategy that was used by the GOP to swing the federal courts to be unqualified hacks that are loyal to the GOP. Tuberville is just a useful idiot though - he didn't come up with the idea - he's just doing what he was told to do.

So if the GOP succeeds and can wait out until the second Trump presidency, then the senate will allow promotions for exclusively trump loyalists to the upper eschelons of the US military and they will then begin to purge everyone who doesn't publicly suck trump's dick.

Nothing quite like watching a coup unfold right in front of you, and being powerless to do anything meaningful to stop it.

We need to band together and set up a framework for an independent country, while we still have time

If "the military leadership" were as obsessed with upholding Freedom as people pretend they are, they would have stepped in on Jan 6 when it was clear that the POTUS was behind the insurrection and the Vice POTUS and Speaker of the House were both under siege and unable to act.

Instead, they sat on their hands and waited to see how things will shake out.

But hey, I am sure the next time... the exact same POTUS stages an insurrection and tries to have the government executed that the "military leadership" will react in a drastically different way. Yeah...

Shouldn't the military not be involved with domestic affairs?

I would suggest checking out the period between 1861 and 1865 as a good example of precedent for the US military operating on US soil. Same with every time we trotted out the army to murder some Native Americans. Also, the National Guard gets called out when there are "riots" to this day.

But also: If the stance is that the US Military is suddenly not allowed to operate on US Soil, then this is all moot and they will sit and allow the insurrection regardless of how "military leadership" feels.

This is why Tuberville is blocking military appointments and talking about not want a woke military.