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Be the content you want to see on Lemmy.

I wonder how the GOP has any toes left after shooting themselves in the foot so often.

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Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch said they would have allowed the law to take effect.

Of course they did.

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Every day I miss my twitter account less and less. I now wish there was a way I could block twitter content inside news articles and such.

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The question is answered in the first three words. "I'm a Republican" = YTA.

The democrats are not to blame. They have been consistent throughout. They didn't want McCarthy back in January and they didn't want him three weeks ago. The GOP filed the motion to vacate, forcing the democrats to answer honestly: Nope, We Still Don't Want Him. At any time it would have taken about five republicans, fewer than half the number of republicans (and only republicans) that held the chamber hostage for three weeks, to cross the aisle and elect Hakeem Jeffries. If anyone thinks the D bear responsibility, they must admit the GOP bears tenfold.

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WordPad is what MS Word should be. It's most of what everyone needs in a word processor and it's lightweight. MS Word is becoming a bloated nightmare of toolbars and creeping featuritis.

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There was a fight for them and they're still British. There was a referendum and the islanders overwhelmingly want to stay British.

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Fucking tired of people who suddenly see a problem when a) it happens to them or b) when they're no longer relying on the problem for their income.

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Reddit won? Good for them. I'm still not going back.

Everything I don't like about twitter combined with everything I don't like about Facebook? hard pass.

Not sharing the driving behavior.... for now. Any faucet that can be turned off can be turned on again.

1 more...

This is an easy test. If Reuters is lying, that means the Model 2 is still in development. Prove that Reuters is lying, Elon. you are uniquely positioned to be able to do that.

I wonder what the actual legal disposition of the laptop is. Was it truly abandoned or was it a "don't return it to the customer; say we're still working on it" thing? How did Rudy get possession of the laptop, and once he logged into it did the laptop did he access anything like email or cloud services (and if so, how is that not illegal access to someone else's data)? Rudy and his lawyer have much to answer for. Dis gon' be guuud.

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Surely a publication like The Wall Street Journal wouldn't have an agenda to support... go back to the office and be grateful for your ever-shrinking share, plebians

I still remember Netanyahu bitching about Obama in front of the US Congress. He'll call anyone on their bullshit but doesn't like it when he's called on his.

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delay, appeal, delay, appeal, delay, appeal....every time with the motherfuckers.

When they take out uBlock Origin, they take me out as well.

Wait until they hear what Nikki Haley's real name is.

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If the judge has to answer for his wife's social media (and he doesn't, but let's say that he does), where does this leave Justice Thomas and his seditious spouse?

Hostages are variables that Hamas controls and Israel must respect. They can be used as chips to barter with, shields to hide behind, and tools to shame the Israelis in the court of public opinion.

Now I know to avoid Unacademy.

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It doesn't matter. If the SC upholds the law (which is unlikely) the gun lobby will simply find someone more acceptable, and under slightly different circumstances, and bring up another challenge. They'll keep going after gun laws the way the anti-choice side relentlessly attacked Roe.

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Glad it was her. The Democratic party should repeat this like Giuliani's "Noun, Verb, 9/11". Every chance they get into any microphone they see. Donald Trump did this and every republican was his willing ally.

Just as significant (and I suppose still pending) is whether YouTube has re-monetized the video. Systems fail and shit happens, and I'm glad to see that this was quickly un-struck, but it's not all the way corrected until he's making his $.0003 per view or whatever the payout is.

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That's an upgrade from the poop emoji that they were sending out right after Elongated Muskrat took over.

for allegedly masterminding a nationwide scam that systematically double-booked guests to rake in profits.

Goel would set up separate listings for the same property at different prices, according to the indictment, then cancel the lower-priced rental with excuses about bad plumbing...If Goel is convicted, the government could force him to forfeit all of the properties, according to the indictment.

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If they wanted it done, they could just adopt the same ethics rules that every other court in America has to abide. If they're working on anything, it's how to keep getting free vacations and gifts from donors without having to disclose them or, god forbid, someone on the court having to experience consequences for their corruption.

Knowing Thomas he'd probably argue for the rules then argue he's exempt because he got the job before they were implemented.

My kid consented. I think. Can she make binding contracts that she doesn't tell me about because she's looking for Blues Clues, or am I responsible for every OK she checks when I'm not present?

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Some days I think the news organizations seek out the shittiest opinions and air them in hopes of getting clicks.

I'd also point out this is a problem of their own making; we're burnt out with the perpetual election cycle and incessant lack of adult behavior from Congress. I'm extremely dedicated to voting but I'm also fucking tired of it.

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They'll do their best to keep this out of the courtroom. This is a spying tool for parallel construction and espionage (corporate, political, etc) and they do not want to get called onto the stand under oath to testify about it.

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Have you ever seen a line which is immediately apparent as pure, distilled truth? homeschooling being a common tactic among conservatives to indoctrinate their children into Christian nationalism fits the bill.

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He won't resign because the bar to remove him is too great. Now if they prosecuted him for tax evasion, that could get him off the bench before he dies.

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To whom? Israel is committing war crimes, not Brazil

I am too, but it turns out they're trying to build a parallel economy and support only oppressive vendors and producers. They'll start clawing their own eyes out when they've watched their thirty-seventh movie featuring only non-Woke performers like Gina Carano and Kevin Sorbo and they get tired of crying into their MyPillows.

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The GOP is increasingly populated and run by children. This is schoolyard bully nonsense and has no place in the House of Representatives. the standard bearers of the Republican Party are immature brats.

Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TVYouTube. Trial.

I'm generally a lurker so here. I posted.

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I hope the GOP decides to fund Donny's legal bills. More money for the lawyers means less money buying advertisements.

I hope the budget gets past Johnson's porn filter.

The Deep State at work. It has always served conservative interests and established power.

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It's a fun twist to see GOP campaign logic dumped on their head. Ten years ago the specter of abortion got the religious fundies to the polls with monotonous regularity. Now that Roe was struck down, abortion rights on the ballot leads to clear Democratic victories.