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Joined 12 months ago

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally/Superspreader Event. As a healthcare provider during the pandemic, I lost any desire to hear All Star ever again.


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Wow, what a victory. This was definitely a much better outcome than trying to create bipartisan border legislation. Or, like, I don't know, a budget?

Aw, Honey. You're going to be a felon. You're not going to be allowed to vote for anybody for anything. Hope it was worth it.

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He and is going to take every dime they can hustle and sign off on any "Supreme Court decision" that Koch's lawyers hand to him.

And he's not even going to pretend to feel bad about it because there's not a god-danged anyone is going to do to stop it. He's a whore, bought and paid for.

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As a physician, I am completely lost as to why any OB-GYN (or other healthcare professional, for that matter) still feels comfortable practicing in the state of Texas.

They literally criminalized healthcare and turned doctors into potential perps. I'd be terrified that a patient unplanned miscarriage would turn into a murder investigation with me as the primary suspect.

X is giving actual Nazis a platform, so that comment can fuck right off.

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How much is that recusal worth to you?

Is it, say, "new RV" worth it? Or perhaps, maybe it's "buy my mother a house" worth it?

Clarence is for sale, so let the bidding begin!

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I think Republicans have set that precedent that congressional supoenas are essentially optional, so Hunter can safely sit this one out if he feels like it.

These are literally grown adults that believe in magic. There's not going to be any reasonable explanation that will make any sense to anyone outside of their cult.

She is a sinner so she must endure her divine punishment. That's the whole argument.

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Let's never ever find out.

I love it when he just stands up there and blithely admits to all the crimes and then nothing happens.

Also Texas: "Why are we having so much trouble recruiting OB-gyns? Why do we have to close so many rural obstetrics departments?"

Ooh, I bet that was painful to type out. It kinda stung just looking at it.

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Aww. That's super duper sad and I am sad for him.


He literally put "Never Surrender" on tshirts with a photo taken after he surrendered in Georgia.

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I switched to Tidal when he first started going on with the COVID misinformation. Haven't looked back.

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Now, imagining this happening to someone that isn't a top trial lawyer.

Why would they bale Republicans out of their own self-inflicted stupidity for nothing in return?

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I started using Brave about a year ago... I didn't know any of this.

The Prop 8 stuff is enough of a reason for me. Firefox it is, I guess.

This is going to be the best discovery since Einstein figured out how to put bubbles in beer.

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I know it's the epitome of privledge to say this and I know it can be impossible for a lot of people for any number of reasons...


If you are a woman of childbearing age and are, or even plan to be pregnant, run as fast as you can away from these states.

There was a time, not long ago, when birthing children was potentially dangerous or even fatal without modern medical care. By outlawing that care, you're taking a hard dive right back into those medieval conditions. Woman can, will, and are dying because of these laws. It's horribly, horribly, horribly wrong, and I hope it gets reversed soon.

But until then? Run.

Also Florida: "Why do we have such a teacher shortage?"

This reads like an Onion article.

I mean, they want to fix "brain drain" in America's second-least educated state by restricting educational programs?

Fucking yikes, man.

I bet he said all that from the back of his yacht.

Of course he's a rapist. That's the GOP now. That's what they stand for. That's what they cheer for. That's what they vote for.

Now what is this about that other guy on the right?

Guy that has previously mocked and denigrated members of the US Armed Forces mocks and denigrates a member of the US Armed Forces.

Nothing new to see here.

I don't think I have any actual friends that believe this nonsense, and I purged my Facebook in 2016. The challenge I'm having now is not blowing up my business relationships because, no matter who the president is, I still need to work.

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Just further evidence that the best thing you can do in Texas is leave.

He always kinda looked undead.

Then let the get it guns in the black market. No reason we have to be selling military-style weapons to crazy people at retail.

Not a modern "billionaire", but you can make an argument that Andrew Carnegie spent a lot of his fortune on things that weren't awful.

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What do you mean, "How long?"

If I were a Hispanic-looking guy living or traveling through Texas, American citizen or not, I'd have my birth certificate and passport ready to go.

It's a book that banned itself.

That's it. That's the deal.

It's not up to Democrats to break your broken shit.

They chose to legitimize that Orange Grotesque so now they can deal with his smooth-brained little devotees.

Because being a criminal is a selling point for Republicans.

Just wait until they find out that the guy with the four indictments and the mugshot doesn't look as good to the swing voters.

Most of that belief stems from the notion that those who believe otherwise haven't been able to produce one single shred of evidence otherwise.

Well, "our team" doesn't post memes praising Hitler, so I feel like we may be winning.

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I am a doctor.

That's what I thought when I saw it as well, that we saw a TIA live on video.

He's probably "fine" for the time being.

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I have some Jersey roots and I'm feeling the same... It's amazing how remarkably terrible the GOP have become that Christie starts looking good.

He still doesn't have a chance in hell...he's not nearly as racist, bigoted, or Q'd up enough for the crazies that vote R.

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