Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing during a news conference

đź‘ŤMaximum Derekđź‘Ť to politics – 932 points –
Mitch McConnell escorted away from cameras after freezing  during a news conference

Has the appearance of a transient ischemic attack. But apparently "he's fine"


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I am a doctor.

That's what I thought when I saw it as well, that we saw a TIA live on video.

He's probably "fine" for the time being.

I thought his return was pretty quick. I had a massive headache and wasn’t nearly as articulate as he was moments after. I wonder if the politician Schlick comes out automatically after so many years?!

TIAs are very quick. They aren't always detected because of that

Yeah the actual event didn’t last more than 90 seconds for me. But I didn’t feel right for a day or two after.

My dad had one a few years before he had a stroke, and it was only in retrospect that we figured out he had had one.