2 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don’t mean to be rude OP, but your entire contribution to lemmy has been 5 comments and this single post about Reddit. In order to gain traction as a viable alternative to Reddit we need OC and active participation in the comment section. Be the change you want to see and lead by example - start posting interesting non-Reddit related stuff yourself. The more people that do, the better lemmy will be.

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Needlessly censoring words like sex. It wasn’t necessary on Reddit and it certainly isn’t necessary now.

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You’re commenting in a community called “Reddit”…

So would cracking down on the unnecessary private flights billionaires take.

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“Everything happens for a reason”

  • technically correct, completely unhelpful.

“God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”

  • Fuck. Off.

A bunch of subs have been asking their users the same thing - some don’t have the scores hidden and “return to normal” was losing in all of them when I voted!

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I think this is the same guy who was arrested by his own police force not long ago for “trespassing”. The guy walked down the driveway of a house he thought was abandoned, the homeowner saw him, grabbed his gun and held him at knife point until the police arrived and arrested him. I’ll see if I can’t find a link.

Edit: I was thinking of another (acting) black mayor of a southern state who’s being stymied by his racist colleagues.

It’s true that for an average Brit, eating beef 3x a week is worse for the environment in a year than their annual holiday to Greece.

But billionaires aren’t just taking “a few private flights” they’re taking flights more often than I eat meat in the first place.

I’ve cut down on meat and my water and electricity usage, I haven’t been on a plane in 10 years. I use the car about once a month. I recycle, reuse, repurpose, I very very rarely buy new things. I’m chronically ill and living in fuel poverty. I’m anaemic ffs. How much more are the poor expected to do when then rich do nothing?

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Tourism will play a huge part in helping the community recover economically too. They’re going to need tourists to stay/come back asap. I thought the Greek president was canny to offer tourists affected by the wildfires in Rhodes a free holiday next year.

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I can only assume that people don’t understand why it was brought in on YouTube and TikTok in the first place because so many people do it when it isn’t remotely necessary. If you make your living posting on social media, then fair enough, I understand you need to fall inline with the rules of the platform. But why the hell would you self censor posts you don’t make money from? Utterly ridiculous.

My mum has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer aged 61. I know people lose their parents much earlier, but I am furious that she worked so hard her entire life just to die before she reached retirement.

I’m dirt poor but I’ve donated to Wikipedia at least three times now. I use that website so often, it’s changed my life.

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Just in case anyone is still taking hydroxychloroquine preemptively (and uselessly) to prevent covid, please stop. I’ve been taking it as intended for lupus for years but it’s permanently damaged my eyesight. Blindness is a rare but real side effect if you take it for a long time.

Everyone should hate Andrew tate because he’s a toxic influence on the world - particularly on boys and young men. Get out of here with your BS.

I commented elsewhere that I wondered if they believe he’s innocent. If they truly believe this is a miscarriage of justice could these letters be written with his appeal in mind? There’s no physical evidence as I understand, maybe they’re going for the “this guy is so sober he wouldn’t even know how to get drugs” angle? I’m just talking out of my arse now but I’m so confused by the level of support for him I can’t help but clutch at straws to try to explain it.

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I can’t explain it, but all the bidets I’ve seen (mainly continental Europe) have been like this.

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I’m missing something… what about this photo makes your coworkers terrible?

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There was a kid, maybe 14 or 15 who complained about his mum and sister in r/parentsarefuckingstupid or a similar sub. He didn’t mention being autistic in the post but it was pretty clear - it was his behaviour and response which was inappropriate, not his mum’s. Having grown up with an autistic brother his reaction was very familiar to me. I tried to give him some tips to help him avoid conflict and smooth the situation over - “apologise even if you don’t mean it right now, it’s the easiest way of getting your game back tonight. In future don’t raise your voice to your sister even if she’s shouting. Remove yourself to your bedroom to calm down. Ask to speak to your mum alone to explain your side of the argument. Etc” pretty benign advice that wasn’t judgemental or insulting in anyway. I put a decent amount of time into writing my response in a way that was constructive and helpful from his perspective. I felt pretty good about myself afterwards, like I’d done my good deed for the day.

The kid went absolutely psycho. He was writing comments and immediately deleting them, then saying I was sending him extremely inappropriate sexual messages. He was summoning all the bots he could think of, like the n-word bot to accuse me of racism (I’ve never ever used the n-word). It was so out of left field I was stunned. A couple of people stuck up for me in the comments but it left me really shaken. Who the fuck accuses someone of being a racist pedophile out of nowhere? That boy needs help and it has nothing to do with his autism.

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Online dating is very much the norm. I have no idea how I’d meet a new partner without it (if I was in the market for one).

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There’s no Reddit without users. And archive sites don’t allow Reddit to profit from ads. The information will still be out there somewhere if someone wants to read your old posts badly enough, but Reddit won’t profit from your contributions - which is exactly what they should expect after showing their utter disregard for the people who made them money.

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They have 30 days I believe.

I feel like an old person shouting at voice-to-text…

Man you have some smart 5 year olds in America…

Mini stroke. Transient Ischemic Attack. It’s often a warning of a big stroke.

It looks like a TIA, but it could be a lot of things at his age. NAD, but I’ve had a one myself.

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I tried really hard to follow the format from the “how to post” sticky and I still messed it up!

No, but I have to say I’m surprised by the non-family members writing letters of character after he had been convicted of forcible rape. It’s one thing if it’s family I guess, or if the accused had been in the throes of addiction or similar at the time and had changed. But these are people who were working with him at the time he committed these crimes and they’re all testifying about him being such a good example of sobre living and a positive influence. Do they not feel betrayed by him? Do they not believe he did it? It’s strange.

For what it’s worth, the times I’ve been closest to suicide I no longer expressed it as “I want to die” it was “I can’t live anymore”. I know it sounds pedantic but for me it’s a good indicator of when I’m having a bad depressive episode vs when I’m a suicide risk. Wanting to die means you still care enough to want something, if that make sense? When I can’t bring myself to care about life, death, my loved ones, anything at all, that’s when I need help asap. Everyone is different of course, I just thought it might be worth sharing in case someone reading this recognises that apathy in a loved one.

I mod a couple of communities I missed from Reddit. I’ve been stealing content from there to get the communities going (using the dystopia app so no ads and I don’t interact with Reddit at all). It’s honestly a bit jarring to read the nastiness/aggression in the comments after 5 weeks on lemmy. It’s so much nicer here, I hope we don’t lose that vibe completely as lemmy grows.

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From what I understand deleted comments can and are being restored by mods. You’re better off editing your comments and either leaving them with gibberish or whatever, or editing them and then deleting them. If Reddit restore them it will only be able to restore the latest edit, so they’d just be restoring gibberish.

Your original posts will probably still be around somewhere on an archive site, but Reddit can’t make money from those sites so it doesn’t help them.

OP added context. Their work colleagues relax on their breaks in a different way than OP does and this is the end of the world apparently. Everyone must sit in silence, no music, no swearing, no smoke breaks. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that OP isn’t exactly well liked by their colleagues…

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No. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely scary but it’s closer to confusing and weird than terrifying. I can’t really remember anything from when it was happening, just a kind of detached “this isn’t right” and then the confusion when I came around (so to speak). Other people’s reactions were more upsetting than the event. My mum was beside herself.

I’ve been there. It’s such a relief to finally have an official diagnosis, you feel strangely happy when you eventually get it. Just a little word of caution - if it’s an incurable condition there’s a bit of a dip after the initial “happiness”. It’s still better to have a diagnosis than not, but it can feel a bit anticlimactic. I’m wishing you well!

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It’s legal. Before brexit it wasn’t uncommon to see French vehicles on British roads - most of Europe drive on the right after all.

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Should have made it out of dick pics.

I wondered if it was a “presented without comment” kinda thing? Shade on everyone without explicit condemnation? Maybe the writer was told to write a sympathetic piece and just couldn’t bring themselves to? The more I type the more wishful I realise this thinking is… 😕

You have to have an instagram account in order to have a threads account - it’s how you log in. I think whatever your Instagram handle is becomes your threads handle, or it’s saved for you.

I wanted to see what it was like so I created a new Instagram account (not linked to any of my real personal info) and then a new threads account. I had a look for a couple of days and decided it was dogshit so I deleted both. I suspect an awful lot of people did exactly that.

I agree. I should have said “make new posts” rather than OC. When I first joined I used my last days of Apollo access to copy over a few of my favourite BORU posts as the community was otherwise empty. I also started c/dontyouknowwhoiam@lemmy.word and reposted some of the old classics to get the community started. I don’t think lemmy should just be Reddit on another site, but it’s a good place to start while we build the site up.

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What’s RTFD? Read the fucking description?

This is some “terrible Facebook memes”material.