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Tech & Gaming

Simple solution. Ask the student to talk about their paper. If they know the subject matter, the point of the assignment is meant.

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Maybe a hot take, but this goes for everyone. I see older people that can’t stay off their phones, and have little to no ability to multitask while doing it.

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This. They are predatory to their drivers, their customers, and the restaurants they almost blackmail into using them. Awful awful company.

And our time. I’m sick of googling something and getting nothing out these fluff pieces with little or no real information. It’s made Google near useless for entire subjects. Try searching for troubleshooting on anything Apple for example.

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And yet we know the answer. The Democrat resigns, the Republican moves the goalposts or ignores they ever were against it.

Maybe a hot take, but if you want this big libertarian anarchist federated system you get all the pros and cons along with it. Not having a central authority means you have no real power to stop someone from coming in and taking it. It’s inevitable by design.

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I said this in another thread, but this may be unconstitutional based on Bostock v. Clayton County. That was about employment though. You can’t discriminate based on sex. In the case it’s about discriminating against a gay person because “being attracted to women” is allowed for men but not women. So a hairstyle should not be allowed for women and not men. They are discriminating based on sex.

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Hot take: We need a middle ground between free unfettered access to journalism and total pay wall restrictions. Physical libraries do this well. Digital content is a lot more complicated. Maybe Internet Archive should only be able to publish content that’s over X years old? Thoughts?

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Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough. This is working, let it work. If they start avoiding it the rules can be changed.

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You think a company that is posed to go public is going to attack a competitor with a minuscule amount of traffic with extremely illegal material that could put them in prison for even having?

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Net Neutrality only applies to ISPs. Endpoints can do whatever they want.

The concept is not terrible, the implementation is. Passing this law with no secure way of proving identity is where it’s clearly just a Christo-fascist power move.

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The ending of the Netflix documentary where the flat earthers prove the earth is round is hysterical.

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Somewhere out there there is someone better than you at what you do. There’s a company with more resources to do what you do. There are both that can do it quicker, more efficiently, and for cheaper. I say this not to make you feel worse, but hopefully better as all of this was true way before AI and its never stopped anyone before. Think of AI as a tool to extend yourself, not a replacement.

Take away the gun for a minute. Would this guy be on trial if he instead hit him in the head with a blunt object? I’m not a fan of guns, not approving of firing them in public, so on and so forth, but I think this person may have been justified in defending themselves.

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It’s a situation where the label carries a burden. How often does it come up that you need a prepared response? No judgement, but If you’re thinking this much about it you might be hanging out with the wrong crowd. “No thanks” should be enough, and being pressured further into doing something you don’t want to do is a red flag. I don’t think either label is going to help you.

We have different definitions of super lazy.

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Generations grew up breathing in lead from gasoline and everything turned out fi…..shit.

If Google can’t be bothered to create decent tablet apps for their own apps, why are any other devs going to do it?

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If he stayed off Twitter he'd have a pretty impressive CV. Mainstream electric cars, actually usable Satellite Internet, Major Solar Panels etc. Even weird shit like Hyperloop would just be random neat things.

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I've theorized (and I'm sure I'm not the first one) that there is a narrow window of people who grew up in the late 90s and early 00s that are in the tech sweet spot in that if they used a lot of technology they had to learn how to troubleshoot it because it didn't just work. Today things are so stable it's reasonable to rarely need to learn how things work.

Sales figures keep going up so why would they wait?

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The truth is more interesting than the headline

You don’t have to tolerate intolerance.

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Everyone couldn’t agree to put a simple piece of fabric over their mouths in public to reduce the spread of a deadly virus. You’ll never convince everyone of anything. You’ll absolutely hurt workers. Period.

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The RCS standard, not Google’s implementation. There are still going to be iMessage features that won’t work.

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They don’t know how to troubleshoot tech. Gen X and early millennials had to get things to work far more often than later generations. Today most things just work.

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Sony buys up studios for their talent not their IP. Bungie/Destiny is the only exception. They have a strong history of empowering their developers to release better games than they did before.

Microsoft is the opposite. They buy up studios / IPs and run them into the ground.

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I don’t think many people comprehend the impact. Most people don’t think they can be manipulated, and they are all wrong.

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He wants to deregulate "banking" to make it like the hellscape that is crypto. Watch.

Yes they will, and anyone confident in saying no doesn’t understand that laws will be changed if they need to. If VPN usage is significant enough of a factor in piracy or any other illegal activity laws will be changed to find providers responsible. They could mandate data be logged. There’s so many other more nefarious things that these VPNs could be sheltering more important that governments would like to be able to have information on that I just can’t see them shrugging their shoulders and ignoring it. That time will come.

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What ads are you talking about? Music on Premium/Family has no audio ads period. The home screen offers music to listen to, but most are either genres you listen to, or overall popular items. I wouldn’t lump these in with ads for paper towels or fast food etc.

Podcasts are free and ad-supported. You might be able to get ad-free if you go out to each producer and subscribe. I think Wonderly did that maybe?

Nope, it started much earlier. When they linked up with evangelical Christians.

This may be unconstitutional based on Bostock v. Clayton County. AFAIK this is a public High School, and they cannot have different hair rules for male students as they do female. This would be a school accepting a condition (hair that fell below his eyebrows and ear lobs) if the student were female, but not male. Also this same thing happened in 2020 at the same school. The SCOTUS case was from 2020, will be interesting if this is brought up.

Mozilla is the result of people giving up on Netscape. It will live!

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I get called a Sony fanboy for calling out Microsoft for being terrible for gaming. I haven’t owned a Nintendo device since N64, but I have nothing bad to say about them. They make great games.

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This is a Systemic Bias; in this case Systemic racism.

The outcome a product or service disproportionately targets Black people. It wasn’t designed to do it, so it’s not overt racism, it just worked out that way.

Camera systems inherently have a harder time with dark skin. That’s a fact. However it’s been found time and time again that these systems are predominantly created by and tested on light skin individuals. So the bias is built into the flawed creation. You can see this in Hollywood where lighting has only recently been set up to highlight dark skin with majority black casts and show runners in shows like Atlanta and Insecure.

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Don’t act like Lemmy can’t be immediately astroturfed as well.

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Oh yes. Extreme Left Wing ideas like: Trans people deserve human rights, We should feed our children, We should forgive college loans to borrowers that are being burdened so heavily with debt they can't start a family or buy homes (and the impact of it on the US Economy), Everyone has the right to vote. Wow....

That’s my point though, I think he may have reacted appropriately. If he carried the gun legally and he was within his right to defend himself I can’t fault him for the outcome. More over, if I’m picking incidents to show irresponsible use of firearms, this wouldn’t be high on my list.

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