Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology? to Ask – 566 points –

My wife and I started talking about this after she had to help an old lady at the DMV figure out how to use her iPhone to scan a QR code. We're in our early 40s.


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They don’t know how to troubleshoot tech. Gen X and early millennials had to get things to work far more often than later generations. Today most things just work.

Even beyond troubleshooting.

Basic things I'd expect people to know:

  • What and HDMI cable is

  • what an Ethernet cable is

  • That Samsung isn't the only Android manufacturer

  • That different tablets are different shapes/sizes and hence use different cases (seems like common sense to me but apparently not)


For sure. Gen X here. I was in IT during the wild west days (90s) and it was glorious!