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I love the implication here, that they don't have the proper source (or skills left in the company) such that they can remove the DRM which doesn't play nice themselves so they rely on a cracked copy of the game instead. Been quite a bit of news lately about how game companies have failed to keep the original source code for their games. Diablo 2, the Transformers games etc and those from active companies, there's bound to be 1000s of games where the source is lost due to publishers closing down studios.

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In my opinion LotR should've already entered the public domain but thanks to Disney well have to wait until 2044 for that.

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So flat it's not even NSFW

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Probably the only type of destruction of art as protest I condone. The piece:

  1. Is not very old or culturally/historically important
  2. Directly depicts someone at the root of this conflict
  3. Was deliberately targeted and the reasons layed out

Trying to destroy unrelated art work is just wasteful of our shared human heritage. Attacking symbols of oppression however is perfectly valid in my opinion and is to me perfectly reasonable escalation when peaceful protests obviously do not bring the changes needed.

I put this on the same level as African Americans attacking statues of confederate generals and other proponents of slavery to hammer home their point.

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From GoFundMe terms, prohibited uses;

  1. the legal defense of alleged financial and violent crimes;

So I reported it. I'm very interested if they're going to let this slide because that kind of makes their terms of service open for legal challenge if they decide to block someone else for a similar thing, i.e. paying of fines for financial fraud.

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While saying, "stupid assholes there are no proper races of humans just color variations".

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Absolutely, and Microsoft knows this. You could even upgrade a pirated version of Windows to a legit copy when they did the upgrade drive for 7 I believe it was. Did it myself. And they completely turn a blind eye to OEM key reselling, which is why you can get legit windows keys for less than $10 these days.

They've also never done anything substantial against pirates, all they do is pester about buying a key and warn about the risks. The "worst" they do is stop you from using windows update which some see as a feature. When they could just completely lock you out and/or report you to the police.

The money is in server for Microsoft, but they're losing that battle slowly but surely since they can't make windows actually work properly in a container setting. I have customers that love Microsoft but despite their best efforts at making containerized windows workloads work it just sucks major ass. And virtually everybody is coming around to realize just how insane of a paradigm shift containers are.

And losing that battle is why 12 will likely move to subscription. And I'm willing to bet money that, in 10 years time, will be considered the starting point for Microsofts dramatic loss of market share in the home PC market. From 90% or so now down to like 50 ish %. But maybe some smart guys at Microsoft will nip that in the bud.

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I get providing childcare after school ends but why does it need to be classroom based? In Sweden after school ends you can enroll your kids in "fritids" (literally translated "freetimey") which is basically lightly trained adults supervising and organizing games and playtime and crafts etc. It's even available at night in places where there are industries with a night shift. Kids need play and fun and social activities not endless packing in of information.

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It does, but the thinking here is that the dasher basically loses money taking no tip orders. Which in my Nordic mind is a fucked up business model. A living wage should be the minimum requirement.

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Yeah that's is an attack on Netlify and not on him. It's them that should have protections against this. I argue that the customer can't even effectively defend against this themselves if they're using Netlify, which is turn means a court would likely get them off the hook for anything that can easily be classified as a DDOS attack.

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Yeah 50% loss isn't servere at all for gut biome loss. If you've ever been on antibiotics you've likely experienced that or worse.

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Are other online retailers so hopelessly sucky that you can't live without Amazon over in the states? It just blows my mind because Amazon honestly sucks compared to the more local stores where I'm at in the Nordics.

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That's the wrong take here.

DLSS2 doesn't have frame generation. Nvidia refuses to add support for DLSS3 to their older cards so the open source community ported FSR3 which has frame generation (and is open source).

By all metrics DLSS3 is superior to FSR3, but that doesn't help Nvidia 3xxx/2xxx owners at all. Nvidia is a very skilled company, just greedy little absolute shits. This whole debacle mirrors G-sync vs. Freesync (which is the basis for the VESA standard VRR).

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Germany doing it will likely set precedent in all of northern Europe. My prediction is Denmark will follow in 2 year time, Norway in 3-4 years and Sweden likely last at 5 years, even though I think we consume more of it per capita... Swedish stance on drug use has been extremely conservative for many, many decades by now and is super rooted in the common Psyche, which is why so many die of overdoses and kill themselves if it comes out they use. The stigma is heavy.

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Most homeless are in the big cities, most churches are out in the boonies. The homeless are very unlikely to accept being bussed to a flyover state to sleep in a church in bumfuck nowhere. For a myriad of reasons.

Keep in mind also that a lot of them have a very hard time accepting any help due to past trauma as well.

It's not a situation with a quick fix. Really the first step isn't even ensuring housing for the homeless, it's making sure we don't get more homeless. We likely can't save a subset of today's homeless because they don't want/or won't accept any help that comes with any strings (like no drugs or just they can't trash the place). But we can ensure no-one else ends up on the streets by beefing up mental healthcare and social services.

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Far more likely to actually get you out of service

Jesus, they really are one of the most egregiously lock-in focused and monopolistic companies around. It saddens me deeply that consumers (gamers) just don't give a flying fuck about this and continues to pay a premium for Nvidia cards. 90% market dominance in gaming and probably at least that in GPGPU workloads.

All the while AMD tries to sell their cards on supporting / creating open standards like Freesync, FSR and Vulkan but because they don't have CUDA (since it's proprietary) they virtually can't be bought by prosumers that want to do some GPGPU stuff as a hobby and gamers buy Nvidia for brand recognition, Ray tracing which they are stronger in (but I argue isn't really all that outside a few notable exceptions like Alan Wake 2) and DLSS being ahead of FSR. But look at non-RT $/FPS and AMD wins easy at all price points and they don't shaft the people who bought their cards by not giving them the new version of DLSS like Nvidia do. It's just sad.

Vote with your wallet they scream, while everyone votes for the alternative that openly wants to squeeze every penny out of them because they are slightly better...

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Obscenely true

The Pope calling it like it is. Christian conservative leaders in the US are way to focused on politics instead of their faith and the spiritual well being of their parish.

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Weeks? Try decades...

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That's a bit disingenuous. It's Intels own Limited Edition A770 SKU that is discontinued not the A770 as a model. They still ship the chip to AIB makers like ASRock etc. Their second generation, BattleMage, is still on track as well so on the contrary I believe we'll see much better support for Intel GPUs in the coming years since more game developers will have had adequate time with the hardware. Intels cards are also priced competitively if we're looking at the entry level cards which is bound to make them end up in many cheaper pre-builts that parents buy for their younger kids. So I expect to be quite commonly used for certain games in the coming years.

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Yeah I'm not really so sure running Real-Debrid without a VPN is much of a genius move:

"Files links that Users download are stored in a database for legal concerns and our internal use. All saved links are erased within 1 month for security reasons and service needs. However all requests made on our site are stored for 1 year, the legal retention period."

"We may be required to disclose Users personal data in order to protect our legal rights or where disclosure of Users personal data's are required of us by the judicial authorities only when legal procedures are followed."

"Our servers can detect the IP Address of Users connection through the Internet. These IP addresses (public) and their approximative geolocations are recorded by our servers for internal use only (registration on the site, optimal use of downloads, protection against thieves, etc.)."

All from Real-Debrid Privacy information

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The only power consumers have is voting with your wallet. Which in this case if this is important for you you need to cancel else they'll let it be and then later down the road they'll push even further. Also this is what always happens when a company gets big and think/know they can get away with it.

Not like the man is known for his empathy himself. So it's a bit of a FAFO situation I feel.

You beat me to it... Talk about tone deaf

Are you one of those fabled pure Linux virgins the prophecies speak of? Untainted by Microsofts corruption? Or are you a decadent MacOS slut looking to debase yourself even further?

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Well Trump has been skinning his base (voters) for money for close to a decade now without really giving them anymore in the wallet while president.

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That's the most hipster headline I've ever read. And on brand for Apple/Mac's to have a dongle issue...

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Insane that he got the absolute max sentence for the "crime" he committed. It's such a gross signal. Had he taken hundreds of random Joe's tax returns and leaked to the press absolutely nothing would have happened and if he even got caught, like by turning himself in, he would've gotten a mild sentence. But now it was wealthy and powerful folk and thus he gets hammered as hard as the law allows.

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I hate flowery language like "now adorably all digital". What the fuck is adorable about it being all digital?

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I was an original backer, I've played various iterations over the years and it really takes a lot of rose tint to find the game as it is enjoyable. The core loop isn't even in place yet. The systems that do exist and work are interesting, the graphics and aesthetics are top notch, in parts, and at times it feels like we're going to get something revolutionary. But then you play for a while and the unfinished jank gets to you, it's not very fun. It's cool, it's impressive, the scope is insane and you can get lost in the vastness of space in ways that other games just can't even approach. But it's not fun. You can make it fun with friends or by setting up your own goals disjoined from the gameplay loop. Like try and jump a vehicle into the cargo bay mid flight or see how tightly you can race around asteroids. But if you just play the existing little loops it sucks. This is of course my subjective opinion. You might love the bounty system and the combat. You might love the salvage runs and transport missions but to me it's like Euro Truck Simulator which is about the most boring shit I can imagine. And both the space and ground combat just isn't even remotely as good as other games that just focus on that, which is understandable but I'm always left with this feeling of "will I really enjoy the finished product?" And I'm not sure. The game they said they were going to make in the Kickstarter, that game I would've enjoyed. I loved Chris Roberts games as a kid, but this monstrosity it has become? I just don't know.

That said I really do believe they're trying to make the best game ever. They just don't fundamentally understand why we need deadlines and a fixed scope to get things out the door.

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What? Had Ukraine been in NATO this would've been a full blown war with boots on the ground from the entirety of NATO, not just weapon deliveries. And Russia would've been completely unable to advance. NATO would have complete air superiority inside the first month, any visible Russian base within or near Ukraine would be decimated and their only course of action would be fortifying positions in cities among the civilian population. Trying to fight a regular war would just end up in a decisive defeat within months. It would be very similar to Desert Storm. Advancing to and clearing fortified cities would of course prove a challenge even with NATO fully involved, and I fully expect that Russia would go all in on guerilla tactics in that case.

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Sounds like the average lemming! One of us!

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It's more you need to prove you have $1 billion for us to put up this $500 million because we don't trust you to not spend a $500 million collateral on hamberders, hush money and legal fees.

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Steam has got to be the most loved monopoly ever. It's inherently toxic to the gaming community in ways that aren't instantly apparent but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's not a great thing that every game you buy isn't yours, it's effectively an unlimited time rental that can be withdrawn for a multitude of reasons. GOG and the like actually sell you the game proper such that it's yours to keep forever no matter what happens to GOG. But still they sit at single digit market share for anything that's not their own game and even Cyberpunk 2077 only sold 10% of copies on GOG...

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A million times this. Mag-lev only works for either super dense routes where the added cost as you describe can be displaced by the immense value add of shorter and generally more comfortable travel. Or in nations that can force through decisions from the top down, such that cost becomes almost a non-factor like China. Rail in general across the western world is a weird mix of nationalized and privately owned companies and operators, such that introducing mag-lev with the intent to replace conventional rail would require compensation to the private companies who have invested billions in the current infrastructure else they simply won't be part of the new one, with all the issues that entail.

From an environmental standpoint it's also really hard to see an ROI in scrapping something that works in favor of mining, constructing and spending intense amounts of energy in all forms to build something better but only moderately so. The biggest improvement is moving from trucks to (electric) train for freight, going from electric train to mag-lev is only slightly better so the ROI just won't be there.

It's just threat of government shutdown on repeat these years it seems. First it was years between events, now we're on what? Months? Weeks almost. It's like they can't come to any form of consensus unless the fabric of the US hangs on them doing so. Like a porn addict that can only cum if he's watching some deranged shit.

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Congratulations on the job, hope you find it tolerable and that it pays well!

That AI Star Wars poster is something else 😂

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Discs aren't very suitable for long term storage. Really the only thing truly suited for long term storage of digital media is archival tape. Which isn't cheap or accessible. The only accessible solution is to keep it alive in a raid and keep rebuilding as disks fail over the years.

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