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So a Board member wrote a paper about focusing on safety above profit in AI development. Sam Altman did not take kindly to this concept and started pushing to fire her (to which end he may or may not have lied to other Board members to split them up). Sam gets fired for trying to fire someone for putting safety over profit. Everything exploded and now profit is firmly at the head of the table.

I like nothing about this version of events either.

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Just a reminder that the dot com bubble was a problem for investors, not the underlying technology that continued to change the entire world.

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The riot occurred at a clothing manufacturing and seafood processing factory an interesting combination

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For reference, the seven tenants listed next to the destroyed display:

I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

It makes a lot of sense to me why Christians would be against this.

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Frog: "Hey, did any of you guys notice the water get a couple degrees hotter?"

Other Frogs: Already boiled alive

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If I wasn't an atheist I would fully believe he is the actual anti-christ.

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Sanders notably attributed the war in Gaza to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and “the right-wing Netanyahu government” — not to Israel in general.

This extremely obvious distinction seems to get completely lost in every discussion on the topic. I like Israel and they have the right to exist. I don't like far right conservative governments run by corrupt war criminals (but enough about Bush...).

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It's an important lesson for this generation of graduates: robots aren't ready to take your jobs....but we're pushing it through anyway.

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A million dollars from OnlyFans and now she gets an employment law claim against the new employer.

This may truly be the only way to get ahead as a teacher in the US...

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I don't like the Reddit ownership which is exactly why I switched to here....but this article is a month old, they priced their IPO at $34 and it's currently selling at $55

Obviously this doesn't mean it can't change in the future, but it very much has not tanked.

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You also informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed "would be consistent with the mission."

You are God damned right that shutting everything down is one of the roles of a non-profit Board focused on AI safety.

Then she should run as a third party candidate when she loses the primary.

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".@CaseyDeSantis went on Fox News today and called on people to be BUSSED INTO IOWA from other states to participate in the Iowa caucus. THIS IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND CHEATING," posted far-right activist and Trump ally Laura Loomer. "@RonDeSantis is basically a Democrat. This is what Democrats do. They bus people in. #Trump2024"

Even when it's literally a Republican doing it in their own example it's still somehow Democrats...

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I'm getting really sick of these "icons for women in politics" dying from age-related conditions in office.

Every year I watch RGB RBG retroactively destroy her own legacy by having refused to retire when she should have.

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It's framing. For the next coup. Because there will be a next one. The Nazis didn't win their first coup either.

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Are Republicans already unironically upset that the majority of examples of misinformation are from conservative sources?

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…and yet you’re all just going to work tomorrow.

Now that's where you're wrong, buddy. Tomorrow's Sunday.

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or some high person in charge decided to go all-or-nothing

I don't see what Elon's drug use and increasingly irratic decision-making have to to with this.

The media’s fake. I came up with the term a long time ago and they won’t talk about it.

It's an interesting low to claim he invented the Nazi's "Lügenpresse"

If I did some of the things that he did, they’d would reinstitute the death penalty.

And there's the casual mention (while not explicitly saying it) of killing his political opponents.

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“My amendment has nothing to do with whether or not colored people or Black people or anybody can serve,” said Crane, who is in his first term. “It has nothing to do with any of that stuff.”

I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's just a normal idiot racist who has a hard time thinking on the spot and got mixed up between "black people," "people of color," and trying really hard not to say the n-word as he would in his usual crowds.

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Not anymore. It's all changing for the worse. I hear they're coming after the baguettes next. The mimes are speechless.

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Fucking. Arrest. Him.

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This is going to be such a culture shift. Kids today are going to grow up in a world where anyone can make any image or video of any person at any time. I have no idea how this will impact sexual health and development or if really it will even be a bad thing. It could lead to more openness and freedom, kind of like growing up with the Internet did. It could also have some really harmful unexpected consequences...kinda like how growing up with the Internet did...

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But I know it's better

Better for whom?

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Maybe if the metrics say the economy is booming but nobody can afford anything, and we keep losing well paying jobs for slightly more lower paying jobs, maybe we need to reconsider how we're defining 'the economy.'

But maybe the capitalists who own news sources already know that.

I have an old phone number that used to be owned by a conservative I know. I have been getting these over the top "IT'S ALL OVER AND YOU HAVEN'T HELPED, 5X MATCH NOW!!!!" texts pretty much every day of every election cycle for years now.

Telling followers that the world is ending unless you give them your money donate to the campaign seems to be just the way they fundraise these days.

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While the women will remain fully clothed and avoid the traditional violent clash of near-naked men in loincloths

Welp, there go my travel plans...

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“I just hope we get fair treatment,” Trump said at an Iowa rally Friday. “Because if we don’t, our country’s in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I’m saying?”

That's the part right there. We say he says the quiet part out loud, but he doesn't. He says what used to be the quiet part out loud. Now the "quiet part" is calling for an outright government coup. We thought it was hyperbole prior to 1/6 and it wasn't. He's saying worse now.

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I'm building a ‘Warrior’ line, where I will go back in history from pre-greek days, as far back as I can,” the actor explained. “I’m gonna have famous quotes from warriors of all ilks, including the terrible ones. Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners. So everybody from the great ones to the infamous and terrible ones.”

Ah, creating fake controversy to drum up publicity for your bs, got it.

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Some people are just really lacking in impulse control. I imagine they are also more likely to end up in front of a judge for the same reasons.

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Not quite recently, but after skating through high school and most of college I learned that if you read through your notes before a test you remember more things. I also learned that this is referred to as "studying".

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according to a source at the scene, Randle jammed the pen into Fregi’s head and again near his jaw.

Well shit. I was imagining, like, the shoulder, or something.

"Ugh, I wish I could just learn about the Southern pre-industrial economy without have to hear all this stuff about slavery..."

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I get the sense that the ones selling the articles are more interested in clicks and impressions than....anything and everything else.

The Jews I know wore masks...

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This was one of those "they'll take as long as they take" types of appeals and they got the decision out fast. Which is good.

Lazy projection. The Trump campaign was already literally part of Russian PsyOps a decade ago.

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Funny thing about sex workers and drugs: neither are implicitly bad to use. It's only when you create an entire identity around villifying them that they are.

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It's "sounds like he's hoping" they will the same way he was "hoping" they would assault the Capitol. He told them to do it in thinly veiled language.

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He did, and his poll numbers didn't drop.

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