Amy Jo Johnson shades 'Power Rangers' costar Austin St. John for selling t-shirts with Hitler quotes to Not The – 262 points –
Amy Jo Johnson shades 'Power Rangers' costar Austin St. John

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I'm building a ‘Warrior’ line, where I will go back in history from pre-greek days, as far back as I can,” the actor explained. “I’m gonna have famous quotes from warriors of all ilks, including the terrible ones. Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners. So everybody from the great ones to the infamous and terrible ones.”

Ah, creating fake controversy to drum up publicity for your bs, got it.

Hitler wasn’t a warrior. He was a coward.

I mean, far be it from me to defend the guy, but he did fight in the first world war. So technically, I suppose you could say he was a warrior. Don't know if he saw any actual combat though.

He was wounded by a grenade fragment in 1915 and when the war ended on 11/11/1918, he was in a field hospital, treated for temporary blindness caused by a poison gas attack.

That said, he spent his war as a "Meldegänger", a messenger. He was not among those in the trenches at the immediate front and had it relatively easy.

It could be fake controversy, or it could be a fake excuse to sell Hitler junk. Maybe it's both. Either way, sounds like they're not a very good person.

While it's not a large market, high quality products featuring hitler quotes have a very dedicated and passionate base that you can guarantee a return on.

Exactly, and if you can portray it as just a coincidence then you can keep selling it without everyone coming against you.