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Joined 1 years ago

That must be some political analogy, with the forged letters.

Fuck my country. My loyalty is to my family.

She is 43? The hell. I had no idea she was about my age.

To be fair, men also get asked if they're really sure by some doctors when going in for a vasectomy. Even when closing in on 50 and with three kids at home. But as long as they perform the procedure I don't care.

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Oh, the procedure was fine. 40 minutes after I was called out of the waiting room I walked out and had zero issues. And also zero swimmers since. All good there.

But when I had the first appointment, he asked me if I was really sure and if my wife knew and was also fine with it. But I know that it depends on the doctor.

What the Jesus Fucking Christ

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Yeah, there are only stealing assholes involved here.

The local pizza place, a restaurant, has pizza Wednesdays. Every 11" pizza for 7 Euro and you have to pick it up, so you don't have to tip anyone. That's the only time I order pizza.

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2452680 reporting in

This is so American. From the availability of firearms, to their immediate use upon a perceived threat, to the economic situation that would have him evicted, to the insane sentence of 100 years for a 66 year old who needs an oxygen tank. Just sad all around.

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Fran Drescher, the woman on the right, is the spokesperson for the current strike in Hollywood, where writers and actors are trying to force the studios to agree to not use AI in upcoming productions. To clarify, she's the current head of SAG/AFTRA, which is the screen actors guild (union).

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What a roller coaster of I don't give a shit.

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The GOP is running on a platform of hate and misery. Sadly too many people are fully behind that.

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In 20 years, the only ones to remember all the hard work and long hours are your children.

"Theft" has a legal definition that at least in my jurisdiction is not met by downloading copyrighted materials. So, no, copying is not stealing.

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Other countries don't follow the punitive approach to criminal law, but rather a reformative. With the facts we are presented with it actually seems more like a failure of society instead of just one man. The sentence is absolutely ridiculous.

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It's not exactly newsworthy, but that a Saudi robot, from a country known for its bad treatment of women, touches a woman inappropriately, even if just by accident, reads like satire.

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I went to such a zoo recently. The only animal they had was a dog. It was a Shih Tzu.

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The real HURD is the friends we made along the way.

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Exactly this. They are not leftist, they are just a bunch of idiot trolls who use extreme left views as a means of pissing people off. Their views, according to their posts, are cartoonishly extremist. And that's why people don't like them.


Zolgensma is a one-time-only gene therapy treatment for children aged less than two years with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) that costs $2.1 million for the single treatment. The reason Zolgensma is so expensive is because that is the price Novartis has decided it is worth because it “dramatically transforms the lives of families affected by this devastating disease” and the claimed cost of bringing new drugs to market. But this price is not without controversy. For a start, the early development of Zolgensma was financed by the National Institutes of Health and several charities devoted to finding treatments for SMA, including many U.S. charities such as Sophia’s Cure, Cure SMA, Getty Owl Foundation, Fighting SMA, Jadon’s Hope Foundation, the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, and Miracle for Madison. Many of these charities use donations by patient families and friends to subsidize research and clinical trials into new medicines for SMA. The CEO of Novartis, Vas Narasimhan, argues that gene therapies represent a medical breakthrough in the way that they offer hope of a cure for deadly genetic diseases with a single dose. In some cases, the alternative is a multi-dose treatment with incremental improvements. For example, an alternative to Zolgensma is Spinraza that is taken four times a year for life. The list price is $750,000 for the first year and then $350,000 per year after that, so about $4 million a decade. But how do they calculate the actual cost? Many companies use a value-based pricing model which calculates the cost based on how many years of life gained as well as taking into account the effectiveness of the drug. But this means putting a price on how much a life is worth, as well as ensuring the company makes a reasonable margin on their investment. Little is disclosed about the true cost of bringing a new drug to market, and Novartis didn’t develop Zolgensma but acquired it through the $8.7 billion purchase of US firm AveXis.

So there is no tangible reason why it's this expensive.

I feel that taking one side over the other without allowing for any nuance in that complicated clusterfuck over there is disingenuous. I feel very sorry for all civilians caught between the many murderous assholes in that region, but I can't fully support one group while completely condemning the other. Acting like it's a black and white issue is so very wrong and not helpful.

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That is fine, as long as people have a choice.

This is so good. So many layers in that one joke.

Please don't waste resources on multiplayer.

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Those fuckers are fucking fit.

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Michael Caine famously said, when being asked if he had seen some bad movie he was in: "No, but I've seen the house that it built."

To be honest, YouTube would be the hardest thing to replace. And if they ever stream ads from the same URLs as content I don't see a blocker being overly successful.

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Control was such a nice surprise. I hadn't heard anything about it and just grabbed it on a whim in some sale and I loved the game from start to end.

Not quite. He entered the password into phpMyAdmin and that's when he went too far. Because from that point on he had access to protected data. You might think that's silly, but that's the law at the moment and the court has to apply it.

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I called in sick yesterday and binged the Fallout show. That felt extremely relaxing.

What a fucking piece of shit.

The perception is wildly skewed here because you never hear from the ones who use the money responsibly to buy a home, settle debt, etc. and just live an easier life. Sure, winning the lottery should not be your only option to ever achieve anything. I just don't think that lottery winners in general have a huge problem.

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Does this mean they raised their right hands in a salute?

My car is the same. I want to install a map update in my Ford, but it's 22GB and according to the manual it'll take 1-2 hours.

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If you attempt to kill yourself and take other people with you, it's commonly called murder/suicide. Killing people with intent is usually murder.

I just want to point out that too much of anything is bad, because that's what "too much" means. Saying "but too much of x is bad" is such a dumb argument, that I always bring this up.

Since backing SC I've met my wife, got married and had three children. Two of which are already going to school. It's crazy how much you can accomplish in 13 years. I wonder if the game will be done before my oldest turns 18.

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LLMs are awful for facts, because they don't understand what facts are. You should never rely on them if you require factual correctness.

They are OK for text summation, formatting and just making shit up. For summation a human with experience still produces nicer output, because they understand the content and don't just look at words. As for making shit up you will get the statistically most likely output, so it's usually trite and boring. I think the progress is amazing, but there are still so many problems to be solved.

Right now I use them for boiler plate stuff, like writing a text with some parameters and then I polish it. For code I find them quite useless, because with an IDE I can write boiler plate just as fast as when I polish the prompts until the LLM delivers useful stuff. And with the IDE I don't get references to methods or entire libraries that just don't exist.

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You don't join a threesome if you want to, it's about consent. And you can easily be pulled into an argument if you're so inclined.

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