Amy Jo Johnson shades 'Power Rangers' costar Austin St. John for selling t-shirts with Hitler quotes to Not The – 262 points –
Amy Jo Johnson shades 'Power Rangers' costar Austin St. John

I'm building a ‘Warrior’ line, where I will go back in history from pre-greek days, as far back as I can,” the actor explained. “I’m gonna have famous quotes from warriors of all ilks, including the terrible ones. Hitler was, you know, a demon on steroids, but he had some pretty good one-liners. So everybody from the great ones to the infamous and terrible ones.”

Ah, creating fake controversy to drum up publicity for your bs, got it.

Hitler wasn’t a warrior. He was a coward.

I mean, far be it from me to defend the guy, but he did fight in the first world war. So technically, I suppose you could say he was a warrior. Don't know if he saw any actual combat though.

He was wounded by a grenade fragment in 1915 and when the war ended on 11/11/1918, he was in a field hospital, treated for temporary blindness caused by a poison gas attack.

That said, he spent his war as a "Meldegänger", a messenger. He was not among those in the trenches at the immediate front and had it relatively easy.

It could be fake controversy, or it could be a fake excuse to sell Hitler junk. Maybe it's both. Either way, sounds like they're not a very good person.

While it's not a large market, high quality products featuring hitler quotes have a very dedicated and passionate base that you can guarantee a return on.

Exactly, and if you can portray it as just a coincidence then you can keep selling it without everyone coming against you.

My friends and I were discussing earlier how being a Power Ranger seems to be a curse, between gay bashing behind the scenes, oddly high rates of death by cancer, former rangers going crazy and stabbing people to death...

Now Hitler quotes

The fuck is up with Power Rangers? Is it a cursed role or something?

I recently found out Saban is a Zionist billionaire and not just a person making kids shows.

Also power ranger actors are a step above child actors... Essentially no names who "retire" into making yearly appearances at the power rangers convention. Yeah I'm not surprised when one goes crazy.

Seconded for Haim Saban being a piece of shit. I'd like to add that Austin St John, Walter Jones and Thuy Trang were fired for asking for more money. They were essentially making minimum wage while being the stars of one of the biggest children's shows of the 90s.

From what I understand, Yost was wanting to walk as well, but was worried that Saban or another coworker would out him in retaliation.

A movie about the actors who played the Power Rangers would be much more interesting than another Power Rangers movie.

"Ever seen Hearts of Darkness? Way better than Apocalypse Now."

No, thanks for the recommendation though.

I haven't either, lol. It's just a semi-related quote from the show Community.


When readers hate the word "slams", but you still need a word that fits the same role.

"Shades" means protecting something from the sun. Isn't there a better word that doesn't mean "protects"? Lol

The expressions "throw shade", "throwing shade", or simply "shade", are slang terms for a certain type of insult, often nonverbal. Journalist Anna Holmes called shade "the art of the sidelong insult". Merriam-Webster defines it as "subtle, sneering expression of contempt for or disgust with someone—sometimes verbal, and sometimes not"

Its been used for hundreds of years mate, get with the times.

Thanks for that!

I'm not from the US, and the usage from the 1800s was "to throw a shade on", and all the other usages on Wikipedia's article are from the 1980's and later. I don't think it's fair to say it's been used for hundreds of years.

The 2015 popularization sounds about right for when I first started hearing "throwing shade", but this is legitimately my first time seeing "shades" used like this in its own.

Well slamming means closing a door so it also means protects.

It is, unfortunately, a property of the English language that every word means everything.

Slamming means closing something hard. It has an exclusively negative connotation unless you're talking about sex, I guess.

I saw power rangers many years later and was amazed at how horrible it was. Why did we ever think this was fun?

Sick guitar solos and giant robots?

Tbf the face actors were probably the weakest part of the show (excluding Zordon, ironically)

Imagine having to portray every emotion using nothing but the varying frenzy of your arm wavings.

That would probably be because they hired martial artists to act instead of teaching actors to do martial arts. For better or worse I respect that decision. Even if Haim Saban is a homophobic Zionist piece of shit.

cause we were dumb kids and had the power of imagination.

Now we're adults with failing health, beaten down by life and full of regret, and we cast a longing eye back to our better days and can only see the flaws,as we have long since lost the wonder.

Because back then, it was different from everything else. The over the top movements, 5 little robot dinosaurs turning into a giant robot, the monsters being eclectic.

Title is a bit misleading. He recognizes that hitler was evil. He just wants to take quotes from the good and the bad and put them on t-shirts.

edit it seems some people think I’m defending him. I’m not, I’m just stating that the title is misleading as it makes it sound like he is only selling t-shirts with hitler quotes.

If you're walking around with a shirt with a Hitler quote on it, I'm gonna assume you're a nazi.

and we all know what we do with nazis.

Elect them?

i am from a timeline we shaved their heads.

Punch them.

Shaving heads requires shears….and don’t really want to carry shears around,

If I get to use them on a Nazi I think I can find room in my EDC.

Best I can do is some dull safety scissors, this is going to take a while. Hold them still, I am very bad at haircuts.

I’m not a Hitler supporter and I don’t think the actor is either. I think he just didn’t think about what he was doing. He even denounced Hitler in the article.

The title is 100% accurate, she is responding to the thing he is doing. It doesn't matter what he thinks about Hitler if he is putting Hitler quotes on shirts.

If you had read further than just the title you would've also seen this:

As of publication, no merchandise with Hitler quotes is featured on St. John's website.

It's literally not 100% accurate. He is not selling the of yet.

This is just a fact check, not a defense of Idiot Ranger.

I didn’t say it was inaccurate, I said it was misleading. I’m not a Hitler supporter and I don’t think the actor is either. I think he just didn’t think about what he was doing. He even denounced Hitler in the article.

Your edit is a bad take. It doesn't matter if he's also selling shirts with MLK and Ghandi quotes. Nazi shit is Nazi shit. Doing Nazi shit, no matter what his own stupid rationalization, makes literally everything else he does irrelevant.