1 Post – 515 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When I drop the mic, it leaves a crater.

Without any real sense of progression, I just couldn't find a reason to play unless I had a friend who was already online and playing. Unlocking new weapons and whatnot is fun until its not, and when I don't have the minutia that comes with an MMO or the randomness that comes with a rogue-like, I don't have anything to look forward to from the next run. There was no surprise to the game, and the initial luster faded pretty quickly when I realised what the treadmill was going to be. If there had been a more single player focused bit to it, I may have lasted longer, but being so heavily reliant on a party meant it was a group of friends, or some randos that are going to waste my time.

Yeah. I grabbed all of them now and I'm at the grace before the final boss. Just snagged the last of the armors and weapons I'd missed and killed the furnace golems last night. I think I'm just about 100% on it now. Gonna wipe up the boss tonight and put it aside while I get back to real life for a bit.

Edit: I said "wipe up the boss." That was a mistake, and I understand that now. I apologize for my hubris.

That image is so emotionally appropriate.

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I just don't see how this is so blatantly done. It should be a slam dunk in court. Churches don't pay taxes. Public schools are funded with taxes. Churches don't get to make the rules for public schools.

Let's flip it on it's head. I don't tithe to churches, but now all churches must serve pepperoni Eucharist and orange soda at service. Done. That's the rule, now, since it seems like anyone can just say some shit and it has to happen. Don't push me, or I'll make you fill the baptismal with lime jell-o.

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A 3 hour tour?

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I just beat one of the bosses that I've heard the most complaints about, and I did it on the 5th try using a non-dlc weapon. I went in fully prepared to throw a controller, but it really wasn't that bad. So far I'm really enjoying the DLC, and it's because it has been difficult yet rewarding.

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I've put left over baked pasta in tortillas before and ate it like a hungover savage. I'm OK with this picture. The only thing missing is a brick of cornbread.

Lol. No. It was the boss at the top of Shadow Keep.

I've blocked both of them, as well as the politicalmemes community and my Lemmy experience has gotten so much better.

I wish they were a bit more open with the percentages. I have +11 or +12 now, and I don't know if that means I'll see any increase, or not.

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Yeah, I'm already past the curve so the nerf didn't do much to boost my power. I had already run some numbers when I was working out a build, and the difference in pre- and post- nerf was around 3%. The real secret to the DLC is to run around and explore. Getting fragments to boost yourself makes all of the fights much more tolerable. I was at 10 when I beat the aforementioned boss, and now I'm at 15, and it's getting pretty even with the base game. I think people just weren't expecting the fragments to be as important as they are.

Or the anxiety of what the meeting will be about that spans the entire morning beforehand.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking would happen. I'll find out when I get home from work and have a chance to test it. Luckily I was farming armor and testing amulets last night, so I have a baseline damage number on an enemy already for what I was before.

Big "no one understands my art" vibes coming off that dev. You made a mediocre game for an outrageous amount and released it in one of the heaviest gaming release years in recent memory. Sorry, this year a new IP with a 74% on metacritic doesn't cut it. They say EA dropped 40mil on the advertising for it, but this is litterally the first I've heard about it, and frankly I'm the target audience for this game. I bet this shit was shoved down the throats of Fortnight and Valorant players via tiktok.

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It's so weird. I saw this same Newsmax host eating a camel dick in an alleyway in South Philly with Donald Trump and a group of republican senators all dressed in drag clubbing Bald Eagles to death with spiked dildos, and then consuming the corpses while ejaculating on each other. I mean, I don't have any first-hand evidence of it, but surely we should investigate this.

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The goddamn system is only a year and a half old, and is finally seeing a wider adoption. If they added a new SKU into the market, it would only confuse and piss off the people who already bought one. These stories about Steam Deck "refreshes" and "upgrades" are fucking stupid, and I hope the shithouses that put them out don't get any review units when the real one finally does hit the market.

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AUTOREPLY: A triple negative is a double positive. Sending more police.

I don't care how unpopular this opinion is, but all religions are fucking stupid, and this is just another bullet point in the list of stupid shit zealots do to maintain control over the masses. Oh, you're losing your young people to atheism and science? Better give them a role model and make a fucking saint out of a junior web dev with a geocities site. Holy shit.

Actual holy shit.

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It shocks me that this has to be stated. It's like yelling "no hit backs" when you punch your sibling. Yeah. Strike back. Neutralize the attacker. Fuck Russia, fuck Putin, Slava Ukraini.

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I have a real problem with this, and I've been on both sides of it. It really doesn't do anything to help your cause by having people stuck in traffic. There are many reasons that someone could be in their car at that moment, not just commuting to or from a job. They could be on their way to a court appointment, they could have dinner in the car, they could be going to pick their child up from school, they could be on their way to a doctor's appointment, or any of a million other reasons that make this not just an inconvenience, but a complete shithead thing for someone to put someone else through. Protestors aren't making their case against the war by pissing off every person stuck in traffic, they are just being dickheads. If you want to protest a war, go hang out outside of a government building, or in front of an elected official's house. Make them feel uncomfortable, not some poor schmuck who has somewhere else to be at the moment.

Edit: Ok, I guess I need to give a peaceful example. You want to block traffic? Block the exits to the parking garage where the elected officials park downtown. Do that for a week and see how much of an impact you make. Blocking commuters is a waste of energy.

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I did this before cellphone and any sort of digital maps. It was hell. I memorized my city, that wasn't the hard part. The hard part was the people who didn't have their houses properly labeled with their address. Bonus points if they left their porch light off, as well.

"Why is my pizza cold?"

"Because I had to use complex mathematics to derive your house number among all of the unnumbered houses on your street."

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The fired him, then after an outpouring from others in OpenAI, they said they'd rehire him, but he said the only way he'd come back is if the board all fucked off. Then he took a job at Microsoft and took a lot of his homies with him. Honestly, it started off like a bad weekend for Sam, but this has some real Parker Lewis Can't Lose energy going on.

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This is the new rightwing fan base. It's cucks all the way down.

I still can't believe I was banned from r/politics for calling her a cunt. What a cunt.

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Yeah, we called them "Portables." They were there long before I came, and will be there long after I am dead. Long live our plywood fortresses.

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From what I understand, the evidence itself wasn't so damning, it was his complete and total lack of a defense. There were no witnesses or testimony for the defense, and they seemed to rely solely on discrediting the prosecution, which they couldn't do. It was declared a mistrial the first time, and then retried when he was found guilty on 2 of the 3 charges. It should also be mentioned that it seems as though his lawyers were from the Church of Scientology and were more concerned with sussing out what the LAPD had on David and Shelly Miscavige than on actually defending Masterson, so much so in fact that they subpoena'd records unrelated to the case which the judge ultimately threw out. Masterson was found guilty, and I believe that is the correct verdict, but I also think he was set up by his overlords to be a sacrificial lamb so they could try to get information from the LAPD that would otherwise be confidential. He never stood a chance, but I'm kind of OK with that. Sic Semper Rapists.

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What a sad state your country must be in to take weapons from fucking North Korea. That's like getting a busted slingshot from the kid who eats his own boogers.

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There is one dude with a Windows 8 laptop that turns it on once per month just to take this survey.

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This is 100% targeted at bleeding indie game developers dry in hopes of taking some of that sweet viral cash from devs like the one who made Vampire Survivors. They see that indie devs are charging $3-5 for their games, and so they aren't hitting the $200k threshold unless they go viral, so Unity is charging by install, not just by total revenue. I hope that the ESA or other interested groups take legal action against this retroactive greed.

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Lewd conduct? Nah, that's just locker room talk.

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I'll give you the details up to the current news, but this shit has been changing pretty rapidly, so I can't promise this will be accurate by dawn. Shit's wild. Anyway...

So, Sam Altman (The CEO of Open AI) gets fired by the board out of nowhere. Dude literally got shit-canned over a zoom call. That's like impeaching the President via carrier pigeon. They also try to fire his buddy and Open AI co-founder, Greg Brockman, but Brockman pulled the Uno Reverso and said, "You can't fire me! I quit!" After that, the board gives a weak-ass press release that leaves more questions than it answers.

Next, the employees of Open AI start to ask questions, like, "What did Sam do?" And the board can't answer. They only say, "We didn't trust him. Don't ask us for examples." And that's that.

Sam gets a call from Microsoft, and they are like, "Hey, wanna do what you were doing, but with more big dick energy?" And Sam was like, "Hold on, I'm getting another call." The other call was from the board of Open AI in full panic mode because 75% of their employees threatened to walk if they didn't reinstate Sam. Sam says he needs to take the call on the other line, and switches back to the Microsoft call. "Big dick energy, you say? I'll do it!" And Sam takes the job at Microsoft, and brings a whole bunch of people with him.

Now the board is fucked. Sam says, "Sure, I'll come back, but if I do, all you fuckers gotta go. I've got big dick energy now, and I intend to use it." And so, the board steps down, and Sam comes back.

I think that's about it. It's fucking wild.

Edit: Also, immediately after the termination, there was speculation that it had sometime to do with Altman's sister's claims of incest and rape against her. The claims are unfounded, and all of the people crying for his head are oddly silent now that we all know it wasn't because there was some big sex abuse scandal coming down the pipe.

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This is up there with the cat filter video for funniest shit I've ever seen. This is some 30 Rock level comedy writing. Holy shit.

This should be an automatic delisting by Valve. They need to set a firm example on this shit, otherwise it'll never go away. Ban early, ban often.

Don't cram touchscreens and smart features into every fucking aspect of your car. Keep your costs low, keep prices low, and believe it or not, you'll tap into the "bottom" 60% of the market that has been forced to buy used for the last 10 years. I don't want a base trim 10 year old Honda Accord with 150k miles, but it's all I can find for under $20k.

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I feel like the TOS you are subject to is the one you signed when you first used the service. Unless you have been constantly using their service, I can't see how a new TOS would affect you. I could be WAAY off here because IANAL, but a company can't just retroactively change the TOS for customers without some kind of action taken by the customers under the new TOS.

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What in the shit is going on. Goddamn. This has been a wild fucking weekend.

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I miss when dumpster fires used to burn out after a day or so. Devs need to learn when to shut the fuck up and walk away. Fleece some more rubes in another 5 years or so.

Give it to Larian and let them do their thing.

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A friend of mine had one of those. It was super sleek to look at, but the flip top doubling as a wrist rest turned it into a CD grinder after a few years.

30 months?

For a kiss?

You're goddamned right.

Keep it to yourself, fucking creep.

Edit: Everyone move to the sidewalks, the anti-woke parade is marching through with their cute little batons and hats and the giant balloon mascots of their precious egos.

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