Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Is No Longer In Development - Report to – 267 points –
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake Is No Longer In Development - Report

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Give it to Larian and let them do their thing.

I'd really like Larian to do their own thing and not be an IP slave to WOTC and Sony/Disney though. I loved BG3 but want them to continue making OC. There's so much rehashed stuff these days, having original content is just so...uncommon in the AAA and AA spaces.

Divinity? Isn't that their IP

That’s what they’re saying, they don’t want Larian to become the studio that only reboots old popular RPGs

It is! They said they are focusing on smaller projects right now- stuff they are excited to work on. Hopefully, that's more OC. Good shit either way, though. Larian's past few games have been solid.

Another game the size and scope of BG3 would probably kill the company, and I can tell people would expect them to make a KOTOR remake of the same size.