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Joined 1 years ago

It became a meme by now but Sixth Sense when it came out and Identity.

Skulls for the skull throne...

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Both leaving reddit and leaving google s.e. were two things that I thought would be harder than they were.

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Me too and I'm not even American, dissolution of NATO, serving Ukaine on a platter to Russia, possibility of more war in Europe with Putin getting bolder.

No pressure Americans but your elections are kind of important for the future of the world.

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Israel took their lands and kicked them out of their houses, kills them by the hundreds, the world does nothing because Israel is a friend of the US who do you think they are going to turn to if not to rebels?

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But then when the guy's son picks up an AK and takes revenge he is a terrorist

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Oh no, my feelings are so hurt ... Hearing a politician teach me about work is like hearing a priest teach me about sex with an adult.

He's the one who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun But he don't know what it means

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You guys have "a Religion"?

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Just lie then, what's the point of acting like this

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I don't think any intellectually honest person that supports Palestine thinks Hamas are the "good guys", they are an evil created and grown directly and indirectly by Israel's actions.

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Russia continues to kill in European soil with 0 consequences.

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That's my point, I don't think anyone that is sane and in good faith supports any terrorist organization but you can't blame the population of Gaza to see in Hamas their defenders.

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We have known for 2 years that it was going to be like this, the surprising part is that it was actually launched.

My friend is there, he said it was mostly stupid football hooligan kids, they don't even know the nationality of the assailant, they just want to break stuff and steal adidas track suits from the sports shops.

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Can we just freeze every single cent of EU money going to Hungary?

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They are not the perpetrators, and were kids at the time. Kids are easily influenced, and make mistakes, a lot of them.

Im sorry but my mistakes as a kid were breaking windows not beheading people.

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He could be feeding quotes to the news every single day and the western media would eat it like cereal. I believe he would have way more impact if he didn't gave up.

Everyone blaming "people" in the comments and they just fell to the CEO charade to get sympathy points.

I think they would say, "Ok you all voted for synonyms of human race so lets start the killing"

ukrainians were treated worse. did they kill and rape civilians intentionally? meanwhile

If Palestine stop fighting there would be peace. If Israel stop fighting there will be no. Israel. each time Palestinians are the aggressors.

Since you are comparing it to Ukraine, this would be like saying that the war in Ukraine is justified because Ukrainians didn't stop fighting and gave up the Donbass and Crimea to the Russians.

Not just for Russia but also for China etc

Good, everyone should know that Europe doesn't fuck around with Countries that commit war crimes

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turning economic power over to unethical AI systems for many years now

What's the difference from unethical human systems?

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I want that so much, get 10 university degrees, learn to play the guitar, become a master craftsman, all in a day.

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That's dumb and will never happen

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The world is waking up to the fact that treaties are just papers and words mean nothing. Basically what Hitler did 80 years ago but now it's every leader.

They do it because they can and there are no consequences, it's not the wolf's fault for eating the sheep, its the shepherd who left the door open.

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If these deals depend on Saudi Arabia they were destined to fail anyway.

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I confirm this as a Verified Amazon Account

What's the fundamental difference between a deep fake and a good Photoshop and why do we need more laws to regulate that?

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PHP is as secure as any other language, the problem is the implementation of it.

For example I can upload a file to a webserver and the webserver is executing it instead of just reading it as text, It can be php, aspx, ruby, flask, doesn't matter, from the point of view of the attacker the only thing that changes is which webshell he will upload.

Regarding your experience, everything was a security nightmare in the early 2000's PHP was no exception.

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And the Pharma commercials?! It's insane, if I want a pill I go to the doctor/pharmacy say I have a headache they will prescribe some shit and I will pick it up, why would I need a commercial for that?

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Ask Uber what happened in Italy

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And I agree with them, I mean 23andMe should have a brute-force resistant login implementation and 2FA, but you know that when you create an account.

If you are reusing creds you should expect to be compromised pretty easily.

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Agreed, I don't say you as a person can't hold multiple views on things, but marches and strikes should have a very well defined focus.

Of course, any time you’re doing something no one has ever done before, it’s prudent to consider whether you should.

As a pentester I approve this message

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And if your company let the licenses expire a month ago, do you refuse to do your job?

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I haven't sent an SMS since like 2013 or something like that. Couldn't care less about this blue green controversy, my use of SMS is receiving 2fa codes and spam.

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