Pope Francis is gearing up for the first millennial saint, a web developer known as 'God's influencer'

Icalasari@fedia.io to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 315 points –
Pope Francis is gearing up for the first millennial saint, a web developer known as 'God's influencer'

Carlo Acutis, a teenage website developer, was attributed a second miracle by Pope Francis, advancing his path to becoming the first millennial saint.


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I don't care how unpopular this opinion is, but all religions are fucking stupid, and this is just another bullet point in the list of stupid shit zealots do to maintain control over the masses. Oh, you're losing your young people to atheism and science? Better give them a role model and make a fucking saint out of a junior web dev with a geocities site. Holy shit.

Actual holy shit.

Religion is wild. When i tell people that i don't drink alcohol they think it's either for religious reason or because i'm a former alcoholic. When i tell them that i simply don't like it, i'm weird. Somehow it's less weird to not drink because of some pedo magic man from the past said i'm not allowed to.

Just tell them you're not drinking alcohol for health reasons. Nobody will really disagree with you on this.

Yes God is a pedophile. Yep you understood that correctly. Oh and yep God said you're not allowed to drink alcohol /s

Oh and yep God said you’re not allowed to drink alcohol /s

He was pretty clear in Quran on that topic.